

演讲稿 时间:2020-09-20




I made a terrble mistake.


Great minds think alike.


I am so proud of you.


Go home , leave me alone.


Sweet dreams.


Two. 短元音收小腹,短促有力。

Let is together again soon.


Five minute ago , I am very busy.


Three. 连读。

I am work on-it . 我正在努力。

I will think –it –over. 我会仔细考虑的。

Four . 省略。

I do-not-know , What-to do?


Five . 咬舌头

Three thousand three hundred and thirty three.


It is the same thing.


(I'd)=I would我会, I had我有, I should我应该


I have been looking forword to meeting you.


I hope you are enioy-ing your stay here.


I have been hoping to see you for a long time.


I think you misunderstood me on this point.



You really look sharp.


You really did a good job!


I admirc your English very much.



We ate chinese food for lunch yesterday.


My girlfirend called me the wrong name last night.



I wish I had followed your advice.


She has made remarkable progress in English.



I have been walting for this opportunity for ten yeas.


It is never too late to learn.


I have heard so much about you.


Standard pronunclation


Get out of here.



最清晰:as clearly as possible

最大声:as loudly as possible

最快速:as quickly as possible



Take a deep breath, and then make a sentence to read several times. 一口气短文练习:

Dear mon, Don't worry about me.I am doing fine,in my school. I have made remarkable progress in English .mon, I miss you very mush . take here, bye bye!





My name is li yang.and I am the founder of crazy english..


I am very happy to be here toteach you english.


And I'd like to introduce a friend to you .he is american. 我向大家介绍一位朋友。他是美国人。

Hey. Hello,anthony .say something or give them some

information about youself.

嘿,你好。安东尼。说些什么。或者向他们介绍一下你自己吧。 Ok.hi ,everyboby..my name is anthony and I am form hawaii ,uUSA. 好的,大家好!我叫安东尼,我来自美国的夏威夷。 Very beautiful place ,a paradise.


That 's right.


And what did you study in college?


I studied music.


Wow.why did you come to china?


For opportunity.


China is a land full of opportunities .

Many many foreigners,especially americans (come to china) 中国是个充满机遇的国家。许多外国人,


李阳励志背诵篇(My oath)

My oath

Today I truly believe

This unique journey will completely change my life!

Today I truly believe

That all my efforts will produce generous returns.

Today I truly believe

English will be a powerful weapon in my life!

Today I truly believe

My dream of speaking beautiful English will come alive!


I must devote all my energy and time to learning English

with courage, passion, enthusiasm, and vigor!

I must enjoy losing face!

I must pour all my efforts into learning English!

I must be absolutely responsible for myself!

I must be 100 percent dedicated to my goal!

I must be totally crazy about speaking English!

I must not waste one minute, or even one second!

I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!

I must conquer English and charge toward success!

I will speak good English!

I will because I think I will!

Right here! Right Now! Action!






















李阳疯狂英语 世界上最简短最精彩的演讲


经典演讲一: Angry Words 愤怒的话

Words said in anger are like scars left by nails in a fence. Even though you can pull all the nails out, the

fence is never really the same. You can pierce a knife into a man and draw it out. No matter how many times you say, “I’m sorry”, the wound is still there. Verbal wounds are as damaging as physical wounds.



经典演讲二: Real Beauty真正的美丽

【1】Beauty is only skin-deep. Physical beauty can only be held fleetingly. Real beauty is much deeper and far greater. It is a life force, an energy, which radiates from within and transcends the physical. Real beauty may not be visible at first glance, but it lasts forever.

【2】Inner beauty is limitless. Physical beauty is limited. What you can see is never as deep and profound as what you can’t see.




经典演讲三: How to Get What You Want 如何得到你想要的

【1】If you want something, give it away.

【2】When a farmer wants more seeds, he takes his seeds and gives them to the earth. When you want a smile, give yours. When you want affection, you give affection. And if you want people to give you money, what must you do? Share some of yours.

【3】You have to do something first, then others will do it too. u should perform a kind act first then others reciprocate.

【4】Remember, deeds before words!


【1】 如果你想得到某样东西,就要先付出。

【2】 农民想得到更多的种子,就要把自己的种子撒到泥土里。你希望别人喜欢你,就要先去喜欢别人。那么如果你希望别人给你钱,你该怎么做呢?那就是自己的一些钱拿出来分享。

【3】 你必须先去做一件事情,别人才会跟着做。你要先对别人作出善意的举动,别人才会回报你。

【4】 记住,先付出,再索求!

经典演讲四: Three Key Points of Success 成功三要素

Everyone wants to be successful. Today I would like to share three simple key points of success. Number one is: Know what you are doing. Number two is: Love what you are doing.Number three is: Believe what you are doing. If you follow these three key points, success is easy to achieve!



经典演讲五: Faith 信念

Today I’d like to talk about faith.

With faith, you’ll go further and never be lost.

Faith is free and available to all people at all times.

Have faith in yourself.

Have faith in your fellow men.

Have faith in your country.








经典演讲六: Be Nice!要善良

【1】 It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.

【2】 What simple act of kindness could you show another person today? Decide now, take action, and be sure to appreciate how this makes you feel. Make kindness a lifelong habit.


【1】 拥有重要地位固然好,但更重要的是为人要善良。

【2】 今天,你能向其他人展示什么样的简单善行吗?现在就决定,采取行动,并且一定要体会这一行动带给你的感觉。让善良成为你终身的习惯。

经典演讲七: Focus on the Good 专注于好的方面

【1】 Dealing with people is like digging for gold. When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don’t go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold.

【2】 What is your focus? Become a digger of gold. If you are looking for what is wrong with people or with things, you will find many.

【3】 Focus on the good, not on the bad. Dig for the good in all people until you reach the gold in a person. Don’t worry about the dirt.


【1】 与人打交道就像掘金。当你掘一盎司黄金时,你得搬开好几吨的泥土才能得勸一盎司黄金。但


【2】 你的注意力集中在那里呢?你是一心想成为掘金者。如果你要挑人或事的毛病,那么你会发现很多。

【3】 要专注于好的方面,而不是坏的方面。要挖掘所有人身上的闪光点,直到找到一个人最有价值的优点。别去操心周围的泥土。

经典演讲八: Have a Good Attitude 良好的态度

Poor attitudes lead to poor communication.

Poor communication leads to poor service.

Poor service leads to no customers.

No customers leads to no company.

No company leads to no job.

No job leads to no money.

No money leads to no food.

In the end, a poor attitude really will make you poor!










经典演讲九: Be a Winner 当成功者

Winners see opportunities.

Losers see.

Winners see possibilities.

Losers see problems.

Winners see the gain.

Losers see the pain.

You can be a winner or a loser.

The choice is up to you!

Choose to be a winner!











经典演讲十: Persistence! 坚持不懈!my,dream演讲稿李阳。

【1】 Two frogs fell into a bucket of cream.

【2】 The first frog saw there was no way to get footing in the slippery white fluid, accepted his fate and drowned.

【3】 The second frog didn’t like this approach. He thrashed around and did whatever he could to stay afloat.

【4】 Soon his churning turned the cream into butter and he was able to jump out. How persistent are you?


【1】 两只青蛙掉进了奶油桶里。

【2】 第一只青蛙发现在滑溜溜的白色液体中根本无法站住脚,于是它接受了命运,然后溺死了。

【3】 第二只青蛙不愿意落得这样的下场。它不断地蹬脚,用尽全部的力量浮起来。

【4】 很快,这只青蛙的不停蹬踩让奶油变成了固体状的黄油,这使它最终能够跳出桶外。

【5】 那你能坚持多久呢?

经典演讲十一:Reading vs. Eating 阅读与吃饭

【1】 Read at least 30 minutes a day.

【2】 Reading something of substance, something of value, something that is nourishing and gives you inspiration is more important than eating.

【3】 We spend so much time feeding our bodies, but often forget to feed our minds.

【4】 Miss a meal, but don’t miss your reading.


【1】 每天至少阅读30分钟。

【2】 读些有意义的书、有价值的书、有营养的书以及能给你启发的书,这要比吃饭更重要。

【3】 我们花大量的时间给身体补充能量,但却经常忘记的头脑充电。

【4】 宁可错过一顿饭,也不要错过阅读的机会

经典演讲十二:Learn to Forgive! 学会宽恕!

【1】 Learn to forgive and forget. Forgive quickly. Remember there is a limit to how much baggage. You may carry on a plane, and the same rule should apply to life.

【2】 Get rid of the suitcase filled with anger and resentment. You’ll feel better, feel lighter, and you’ll have armful more room in your suitcase.

【1】 学会不计前嫌。尽快宽恕他人。记住,搭乘飞机所携带行李的重量是有限制的,运用到生活中,道理也一样。

【2】 扔下那些装满怒气和怨恨的行李箱吧。这样你会感觉更好、更轻松,同时,你生活的行李箱也会腾出更多的空间。


【1】 Holding a grudge is like being in an airplane that can never land. It’s exhausting, and it can wear out your parts.

【2】 Find an airport called Forgiveness so you can get to your final destination – happiness.

【1】 整天抱着妒忌的心过日刚整天抱着妒忌的心过日子就好比坐一架永不着陆的飞机。那不仅让人筋疲力尽还会磨损各个部件。

【2】 去寻找那叫“宽容”的停机场吧,那样你才能到达你的幸福披占。

经典演讲十四:Humanity 人性

【1】 You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

【2】 When you believe in the goodness of human beings, you are adding to the overall good of humanity. Spread faith, trust and positive thinking as much as you possibly can!


【1】 千万不要对人性失去信心。人性好比大海,即使大海里有几滴脏水,也不会把整个洋弄脏。

【2】 当你相信人类好的一面,你也就增加了人性之善。尽可能地传播信念、信任和积极的思想吧!

经典演讲十五:Time is Precious 时间宝贵

Every second brings a fresh beginning.

Every hour holds a new promise.

Every night our dreams can bring hope.

Every day is what you choose to make it.my,dream演讲稿李阳。






经典演讲十六:Time Is Always Flying! 时光飞逝!

【1】I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, all the friends I want to see. I never waste time. I treasure every minute. It seems that no matter how many activities I cram into each day, I still don’t have time to do all that I want to do!

【2】Time is always flying!


【1】 我还是发现每一天用来思考、走路、阅读、见朋友的时间太短。我从不浪费时间。我珍惜每一分钟。不管我在一天里安排多少事情,似乎还是不够时间来做我想做的所有事情!

【2】 时光飞逝!

经典演讲十七:Real Freedom 真正的自由


How to speak good English

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning. It’s my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. Thank you for being here. What I am going to talk about today is how to speak good English.


First of all, I’d like to talk about the importance of speaking good English and share my experience in learning English with you. As you know, English has become an international language. Wherever you go, English is always commonly used. It is convenient to know the language. At the same time, English may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. The language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly English. Being able to absorb this information is really the key to the new century. In the 21century. We can’t go there and speak our own language because nobody is going to learn it in order to understand us. Our Asian rival, India, has surged ahead of other developing countries in information technology because of its superior English skills. Unless we are able to master English, we will not be able to get our population to use IT and take advantage of the new economy. There is an urgent need to have a workforce which is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught.


Second, about learning English, I think laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful. Of course, learning English need take some time, so don’t be impatient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. And then since English is not our native tongue, we must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds. When you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. Tongue muscles’ training is of importance in learning any foreign language.


Third, if you want to speak good English, please don’t care how poorly well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak. You must enjoy losing face; just forget about your face. The more you speak, the better your English will become. The more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make. You must enjoy speaking poor English, because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. Don’t give up. Just try your best. Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. You can make it. 第三,如果你想说一口流利的英语,管它说好说坏,只要有机会“说”就可以。热爱丢脸,干脆忘记面子的存在。你说的越多,你的英语就越好。你犯的错误越多,你取得的进步就会越大。你必须享受说破烂英语的快乐,因为说是通向成功唯一的法宝。别放弃,竭尽全力。嘴动一次,记忆就深刻一次,肌肉就发达一点,你一定可以成功。

I have made a considerable amount of public English speaking in my life. I am often asked why the crazy English method is better than other methods or if the crazy English method will help all English learners. My answer is: the method will help the English learners because it is a perfect match with the Chinese principles of diligence, self-help and determination. Mere exposure to English will not enable you to speak English. If you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim. In fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning English. You can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills. In order to be a swimmer, you’ve got to conquer you fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. But, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.


Finally, I want to greet you and encourage you to seize this unique opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends from all over the world. As you know, We are human beings, not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our mind to do. Today, I will accompany you every minute on this unique journey. I want you to open your heart, I want you to be devoted, I want you to be crazy, I want you to forget about your face, I want to open your mouth wildly, I want you conquer your laziness and all the other human weaknesses, I want you to overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.


