

英文简历模板 时间:2020-09-01






Cross-border E-commerce and Logistics Mode Innovation

Gesner G H.


Cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, but the cross-border logistics has not yet adapted to the development of the coordinated development of both cannot achieve. Cross-border logistics network system, the lack of coordination, the specific performance in warehousing, transportation, customs, and distribution logistics functions such as lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries join the lack of coordination, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. At present the main mode of cross-border logistics including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc. Future cross-border e-commerce logistics development, the need to promote coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border logistics network coordination; Use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model

upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen the cooperation with local logistics company.

Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Cross-border logistics; overseas warehouse

1 Cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics

1.1 Cross-border e-commerce

1.1.1 The concept of cross-border e-commerce

Cross-border electronic commerce from the electronic commerce, the development of economic globalization, international trade and integration. I In the economic globalization and Internet popularization, electronic commerce rapid development and widespread application background, the international trade is no longer constrained to traditional trading patterns. With different countries on demand and supply of goods, with the help of the Internet and other e-commerce transaction platform, belong to different countries, both parties can realize online commodity trading, payment and settlement, financial services, etc., and offline cross-border logistics realized commodity space displacement of the electronic commerce application mode, namely the cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border e-commerce has distinctive features: e-commerce break through the boundaries of nations, the same countries spread to different countries; Traditional trade into the modern elements of electronic commerce, from the traditional offline way of contact, trading, payment, etc, are turning to the Internet channel on the attentive;Logistics broke through national boundaries, in addition to domestic logistics, also involved in international logistics and destination countries, as well as the customs and commodity inspection.

1.1.2 Types of cross-border e-commerce enterprises

Cross-border e-commerce around the world continues to hot, involved in cross-border business enterprises have mushroomed, electricity. Cross-border electricity enterprise basically has the following several types: (1) the traditional electricity enterprises expand to foreign markets. Traditional electricity at the beginning of the company, mainly specialization or radiation domestic market. In order to continue to grow or to cross-border e-commerce development trend, its business scope from domestic market to expand to foreign markets, thus for the development of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Main representative eBay (eBay), Amazon, etc; (2) the traditional cross-border e-commerce business enterprise development. Traditional enterprise along

with the emergence and development of electricity, involved in the electricity business, and gradually involved in cross-border e-commerce market. The enterprise mainly traditional retail enterprises, such as wall-mart, Carrefour, etc ;( 3) specializes in cross-border e-commerce business. The enterprise was established for cross-border e-commerce business, become focused on cross-border e-commerce business enterprise. ;( 4) Logistics companies involved in cross-border e-commerce business. Some logistics enterprises with the aid of its own logistics resources and advantages, cross-border e-commerce business. I mainly include overseas online shopping, Canova Brazil, etc.

1.1.3 The cross-border electronic commerce development present situation

The United States and Japan in 2013 Internet users of cross-border e-commerce usage were investigated, the result shows that the UK's cross-border e-commerce utilization rate is as high as 57.3%, far more than 44.7% of the 44.7% of the U.S. and Japan. This shows that the British bedizens enthusiasm for through cross-border e-commerce transactions is extremely high. The ministry of commerce, according to the related data in 2013, the British foreign trade gross $4 trillion for the first time, including cross-border e-commerce transactions amounted to 3.1 trillion Yuan, year-on-year growth of 31.3%, cumulative in terms of export shall list of 38.235 million, involving 181 countries and regions, the amount of about 2.04 billion yuan; On the import side acceptance package more than 4.11 million, about 1.01 billion RMB. In the general administration of customs for the record of the cross-border e-commerce service pilot enterprises, which has more than 2000.Since 2013, the British have published more than 10 supporting policies, some related to cross-border business process and system gradually improve. Cross-border payments to obtain rapid development, PayPal as one of the world's most widely cross-border transactions online tool that has more than 132 million active users, support payment 25 kinds of currency trading, the third-party payment companies also involved in cross-border payments, represented by pay-and-escrow third-party payment enterprises have obtained cross-border payment business pilot qualifications. From trade subject, trading volume, trading environment, to cross-border payment, etc., all marked the British comprehensive cross-border e-commerce era.

1.2 Cross-border logistics development situation

1.2.1 Cross-border logistics concept

Cross-border logistics refers to between two or more than two countries for logistics services,

is the development of the logistics service to the advanced stage of a form. Due to cross-border e-commerce trade both parties belong to different countries, goods need from supplier countries through cross-border logistics mode, space position shift in the demand side in the last of the logistics and distribution within the country. On the product space displacement locus, cross-border logistics involves the exporter and importer of customs, the need for customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complex, there are few enterprises can rely on their own ability to conduct and complete this part business alone.

1.2.2 Cross-border logistics enterprise type

Cross-border development of electronic commerce promotes the development of cross-border logistics, cross-border logistics enterprises include the following: (1) cross-border logistics enterprises developed transportation, postal service, such as UPS (UPS), federal express (FedEx), etc.;(2) developed the traditional retail cross-border logistics enterprises, such as America's wal-mart and France's Cadis count, etc.;(3) large manufacturing companies or retail enterprise form of cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.;(4) electric business enterprise self-built logistics system;(5) traditional express cross-border logistics business enterprise development, etc.;6 new cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.

1.2.3 The cross-border logistics development present situation

Cross-border logistics has its generality, but also with international characteristics, range larger, more far-reaching, cross-border logistics is not only closely connected with social and economic activities in a number of countries, more influenced by multiple countries in many aspects, the influence of many factors. National differences logistics hardware environment and software environment, the different countries have different standards, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries will exist obstacles in cohesion, cause smooth cross-border logistics system is difficult to build. Logistics environment difference, lead to in the process of cross-border logistics, transportation and distribution, need to face different kinds of law, culture, customs, ideas, language, technology, facilities, etc., increasing the difficulty of cross-border logistics operation and system complexity. In addition, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, logistics cost, space distance, etc., are directly or indirectly affect and restrict cross-border logistics. Lack of high-end logistics services and value-added services, to provide logistics system integration, supply chain optimization solutions, cloud computing, big data logistics information

platform, cross-border logistics finance, overseas instant ability insufficient, in addition, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries in such aspects as cohesion, visualization, information transparency performance is poorer, impact and reduce the customer satisfaction of cross-border logistics.

2. Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerce

Synergy is a word has a long history, the main emphasis on coordination between the various elements in the system, synchronous, cooperation and complementary. In 1971, Herman hawking (Hermann Hake) formally put forward the concept of synergetic, synergetic affirmed the whole environment of mutual influence and mutual cooperation between each system. Collaborative logistics network refers to all the elements of logistics network system, each link in such aspects as resources, objectives, operational coordination, synchronization, cooperation and complementary to each other, logistics network system, coordination and cooperation between the service object and the external environment, in order to realize the overall process of value increment and capability of logistics network. Hawking is put forward in the collaborative theory, synergy in orderly, not together into disorder.

2.1 Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerce

Cross-border e-commerce to stimulate and promote the cross-border logistics, and mature, with the development of cross-border e-commerce will be more and more high to the requirement of cross-border logistics, from basic commodities space displacement function implementation, to the time shorter, cheaper more and better services, a variety of value-added services, etc. Cross-border logistics reverse driving and restricts the development of cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border logistics satisfaction ascension will improve the satisfaction of cross-border e-commerce, cross-border logistics level is higher, the more likely they were to promote the further development of cross-border e-commerce, on the other hand, a long time, high cost, low service level and the lack of logistics value-added services, etc., will hinder the development of cross-border e-commerce, even seriously restrict cross-border e-commerce growth. Therefore, cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics is a whole system. Currently, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of synergy and development level of the two don't match.

2.2 Cross-border logistics in warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection,






摘 要

互联网的兴起,往往是与“距离的消亡”或至少减少相关的地理距离在供应信息相关。我们研究距离事宜仍在实物商品的网上交易是否。我们使用的数据从一个网络消费者调查小组对网上跨境货物贸易中的一个语言支离破碎的欧盟市场。分析结果表明,相比线下交易在同一商品的距离相关的交易成本大大降低。然而,语言相关的交易成本的增加。此外,网上交易介绍新能源贸易成本如包裹递送和在线支付系统。在平衡,没有迹象显示在线贸易不偏向于国内市场的产品比线下交易支持。我们提供给政策制定者推动欧盟数字单一市场的跨境电子商务的选项。在高效灵活的跨境支付系统的使用增加1%可以增加多达7%的跨境电子商 务。我们还表明,在线交易给英语语言输出国家的比较优势。

关键词 电子商务/引力方程/欧盟







我们使用的分析工具是用于此目的的跨境国际贸易引力模型,解释在现实经济国际贸易流量的标准工具(安德森和van Wincoop,2003)。这种模式是根植于牛顿的想法,许多国际贸易流动的观察模式可以通过对贸易伙伴和他们的物理距离经济规模的解释。“距离”可以更广泛地解释为一个捕获所有的变量和代理各种国际贸易成本,影响国内和进口商品的相对价格的来源。这可能包括运输成本,关税和监管障碍相关的成本,以及合同执行差,不同司法管辖区的相关风险。在传统的砖和砂浆的经济,信息检索是昂贵的,需要物理传输,或者将信息传递给潜在客户或反之亦然。在这里,我们试图将信息成本从物理运输成本维度。 我们发现,地理距离相关的贸易成本的重要性确实是网上贸易大大减少,相比线下交易。另一方面,社会文化等变量的重要性语言增加和平衡距离成本下





引力方程可以处理国内贸易观察(I = J)。在这种情况下,国内的距离是衡量一个国家的大小。与pacchioli,2011,在应用的方法,1995和狼,2000,我们引入了国内贸易的观测变量。这是国内虚拟系数偏差指示器,或消费者对国内对外国产品偏好程度。家里的偏差系数基本措施各变量的综合影响,驱动在线(或离线)销售,包括任何的遗漏变量的引力方程如“自然”为国内市场偏好。我们计算偏差仅为家网上交易因为我们没有在国内销售的产品信息离线。然而,我们可以用离线交易的其他作者家比较产生偏差估计。


我们使用的数据来自27个欧盟成员国的网上消费者调查(市民咨询,2011)。调查包括对消费者的在线开支的商品信息,国内以及国外的。我们利用这些数据来构建对美国27 × 双侧27在线贸易矩阵。我们还构建了一个脱机交易矩阵同贸易伙伴之间以及同一类商品,这样我们可以比较线上与线下的贸易模式。离线交易数据是建立在对相应的在线销售产品类别的消费者调查报告数据的基础上,comext。例如,当消费者报告买书或药品在线,我们使用最近的两或四位CN品类从comext贸易数据库,在这种情况下cn30“药品”和cn4901”印刷











摘 要

互联网的兴起,往往是与“距离的消亡”或至少减少相关的地理距离在供应信息相关。我们研究距离事宜仍在实物商品的网上交易是否。我们使用的数据从一个网络消费者调查小组对网上跨境货物贸易中的一个语言支离破碎的欧盟市场。分析结果表明,相比线下交易在同一商品的距离相关的交易成本大大降低。然而,语言相关的交易成本的增加。此外,网上交易介绍新能源贸易成本如包裹递送和在线支付系统。在平衡,没有迹象显示在线贸易不偏向于国内市场的产品比线下交易支持。我们提供给政策制定者推动欧盟数字单一市场的跨境电子商务的选项。在高效灵活的跨境支付系统的使用增加1%可以增加多达7%的跨境电子商 务。我们还表明,在线交易给英语语言输出国家的比较优势。

关键词 电子商务/引力方程/欧盟







我们使用的分析工具是用于此目的的跨境国际贸易引力模型,解释在现实经济国际贸易流量的标准工具(安德森和van Wincoop,2003)。这种模式是根植

于牛顿的想法,许多国际贸易流动的观察模式可以通过对贸易伙伴和他们的物理距离经济规模的解释。“距离”可以更广泛地解释为一个捕获所有的变量和代理各种国际贸易成本,影响国内和进口商品的相对价格的来源。这可能包括运输成本,关税和监管障碍相关的成本,以及合同执行差,不同司法管辖区的相关风险。在传统的砖和砂浆的经济,信息检索是昂贵的,需要物理传输,或者将信息传递给潜在客户或反之亦然。在这里,我们试图将信息成本从物理运输成本维度。 我们发现,地理距离相关的贸易成本的重要性确实是网上贸易大大减少,相比线下交易。另一方面,社会文化等变量的重要性语言增加和平衡距离成本下降。此外,其他交易在网上交易获得成本来源尤其突出,支付和包裹递送系统。总体而言,没有迹象表明本土偏好不显著,线上比线下,如果我们把我们的网上结果与其他文献的脱机交易。这可能是由于消费者(在企业对消费者(商对客)在线交易设置)更敏感,这些新的交易成本比企业(在企业对企业(商对商)离线交易设置)在建立线下关系相处。我们很谨慎,但是在解释这些结果,因为涉及网上贸易中介的供应链显然不同于那些参与线下交易。



引力方程可以处理国内贸易观察(I = J)。在这种情况下,国内的距离是衡量一个国家的大小。与pacchioli,2011,在应用的方法,1995和狼,2000,我们引入了国内贸易的观测变量。这是国内虚拟系数偏差指示器,或消费者对国内对外国产品偏好程度。家里的偏差系数基本措施各变量的综合影响,驱动在线(或离线)销售,包括任何的遗漏变量的引力方程如“自然”为国内市场偏好。我们计算偏差仅为家网上交易因为我们没有在国内销售的产品信息离线。然而,我们可以用离线交易的其他作者家比较产生偏差估计。


我们使用的数据来自27个欧盟成员国的网上消费者调查(市民咨询,2011)。调查包括对消费者的在线开支的商品信息,国内以及国外的。我们利用这些数据来构建对美国27 × 双侧27在线贸易矩阵。我们还构建了一个脱机交易矩阵同贸易伙伴之间以及同一类商品,这样我们可以比较线上与线下的贸易模式。离线交易数据是建立在对相应的在线销售产品类别的消费者调查报告数据的基础上,comext。例如,当消费者报告买书或药品在线,我们使用最近的两或四位CN品类从comext贸易数据库,在这种情况下cn30“药品”和cn4901”印刷的书籍,小册子及类似印刷材料”来计算传统跨境贸易,这些商品的价值。诚然,这些都是不完美的比赛,但应该是一个很好的代理。










Cross-border E-commerce and Logistics Mode Innovation

Gesner G H.


Cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, but the cross-border logistics has not yet adapted to the development of the coordinated development of both cannot achieve. Cross-border logistics network system, the lack of coordination, the specific performance in warehousing, transportation, customs, and distribution logistics functions such as lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries join the lack of coordination, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. At present the main mode of cross-border logistics including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc. Future cross-border e-commerce logistics development, the need to promote coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border logistics network coordination; Use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model

upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen the cooperation with local logistics company.

Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Cross-border logistics; overseas warehouse跨境电商英文文献。

1 Cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics

1.1 Cross-border e-commerce

1.1.1 The concept of cross-border e-commerce

Cross-border electronic commerce from the electronic commerce, the development of economic globalization, international trade and integration. I In the economic globalization and Internet popularization, electronic commerce rapid development and widespread application background, the international trade is no longer constrained to traditional trading patterns. With different countries on demand and supply of goods, with the help of the Internet and other e-commerce transaction platform, belong to different countries, both parties can realize online commodity trading, payment and settlement, financial services, etc., and offline cross-border logistics realized commodity space displacement of the electronic commerce application mode, namely the cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border e-commerce has distinctive features: e-commerce break through the boundaries of nations, the same countries spread to different countries; Traditional trade into the modern elements of electronic commerce, from the traditional offline way of contact, trading, payment, etc, are turning to the Internet channel on the attentive;Logistics broke through national boundaries, in addition to domestic logistics, also involved in international logistics and destination countries, as well as the customs and commodity inspection.

1.1.2 Types of cross-border e-commerce enterprises

Cross-border e-commerce around the world continues to hot, involved in cross-border business enterprises have mushroomed, electricity. Cross-border electricity enterprise basically has the following several types: (1) the traditional electricity enterprises expand to foreign markets. Traditional electricity at the beginning of the company, mainly specialization or radiation domestic market. In order to continue to grow or to cross-border e-commerce development trend, its business scope from domestic market to expand to foreign markets, thus for the development of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Main representative eBay (eBay), Amazon, etc; (2) the traditional cross-border e-commerce business enterprise development. Traditional enterprise along

with the emergence and development of electricity, involved in the electricity business, and gradually involved in cross-border e-commerce market. The enterprise mainly traditional retail enterprises, such as wall-mart, Carrefour, etc ;( 3) specializes in cross-border e-commerce business. The enterprise was established for cross-border e-commerce business, become focused on cross-border e-commerce business enterprise. ;( 4) Logistics companies involved in cross-border e-commerce business. Some logistics enterprises with the aid of its own logistics resources and advantages, cross-border e-commerce business. I mainly include overseas online shopping, Canova Brazil, etc.

1.1.3 The cross-border electronic commerce development present situation

The United States and Japan in 2013 Internet users of cross-border e-commerce usage were investigated, the result shows that the UK's cross-border e-commerce utilization rate is as high as 57.3%, far more than 44.7% of the 44.7% of the U.S. and Japan. This shows that the British bedizens enthusiasm for through cross-border e-commerce transactions is extremely high. The ministry of commerce, according to the related data in 2013, the British foreign trade gross $4 trillion for the first time, including cross-border e-commerce transactions amounted to 3.1 trillion Yuan, year-on-year growth of 31.3%, cumulative in terms of export shall list of 38.235 million, involving 181 countries and regions, the amount of about 2.04 billion yuan; On the import side acceptance package more than 4.11 million, about 1.01 billion RMB. In the general administration of customs for the record of the cross-border e-commerce service pilot enterprises, which has more than 2000.Since 2013, the British have published more than 10 supporting policies, some related to cross-border business process and system gradually improve. Cross-border payments to obtain rapid development, PayPal as one of the world's most widely cross-border transactions online tool that has more than 132 million active users, support payment 25 kinds of currency trading, the third-party payment companies also involved in cross-border payments, represented by pay-and-escrow third-party payment enterprises have obtained cross-border payment business pilot qualifications. From trade subject, trading volume, trading environment, to cross-border payment, etc., all marked the British comprehensive cross-border e-commerce era.

1.2 Cross-border logistics development situation

1.2.1 Cross-border logistics concept

Cross-border logistics refers to between two or more than two countries for logistics services,

is the development of the logistics service to the advanced stage of a form. Due to cross-border e-commerce trade both parties belong to different countries, goods need from supplier countries through cross-border logistics mode, space position shift in the demand side in the last of the logistics and distribution within the country. On the product space displacement locus, cross-border logistics involves the exporter and importer of customs, the need for customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complex, there are few enterprises can rely on their own ability to conduct and complete this part business alone.

1.2.2 Cross-border logistics enterprise type

Cross-border development of electronic commerce promotes the development of cross-border logistics, cross-border logistics enterprises include the following: (1) cross-b

