

英语教案 时间:2020-06-21


现代大学英语精读2 unit8 The Men in Asbestos 教案

教 案

2012~2013 学年第1 学期

系(中 心) 外语系 教 研 室 英语专业 课 程 名 称 英语精读(三) 主 讲 教 师


The Man in Asbestos

The Man in Asbestos

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a kind of material highly resistant to watery, 防水

electrical insulation 绝缘and heat insulation隔热, fire insulation防火

and heat preservation 保温.

The Introduction about the story and its author

The Man in Asbestos is an allegory寓言 of the future written by Stephen Butler

Leacock (1869-1944), the Canadian author, who will long be remembered

for his best-selling book Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (1912) as well

as the numerous awards and honours he received during his illustrious

出色的lifetime as author, professor, lecturer and humourist.

In this futurist story, there are observations of human naturethe,man,in,asbestos。

which are as refreshing today as when they were written in 1911.

Leacock describes a world where the inhabitants are clad覆盖的,包盖的 in long-wearing suits of asbestos; where death has been eliminated, although a person can be broken; and where only a vestigial退化的,残余的 memory of Work remains, anything requiring effort was accomplished centuries ago - in short, a perfect world it is. The

unchanging grey sky, gross-grown skyscrapers, the city in ruin, the conquered nature without the changes of seasons and climate, silent sea, changes and death eliminated; without work, without toil, people there have concentrated pills and haven’t any emotions

在The Man in Asbestos一文里,Stephen Leacock给我们描述了这样一种未来:永远灰色的天空,长满青苔的摩天大楼,城市如同废墟;被征服的自然,没有季节,没有气候变化;胶质的大海;人类终结了死亡以及一切变化;没有了劳动,没有了工作;人们都穿着石棉服,吃着浓缩药片,几乎没有任何情绪……

Man in future is proud of such a world while the hero cherishes the memory of the modern world which is full of deformity and regret but vivid and animated world. 未来人自豪着这样的世界,而主人公却在怀念着现在这样一个充满残缺和遗憾但生动的世界 In this futurist story, there are observations of human nature which are as refreshing today as when they were written in 1911. Leacock describes a world where the inhabitants are clad覆盖的,包盖的 in long-wearing suits of asbestos; where death has been eliminated, although a person can be broken; and where only a vestigial退化的,残余的 memory of Work remains, anything requiring effort was accomplished centuries ago - in short, a perfect world it is.

For those who are not content with life and full of complaints, this is really a piece of helpful writing. Life is just what Stephen Leacock has described in the story:

"One had, of course, to work, and then, to tell the truth, a great part of one's time and feeling was devoted toward the other sex, toward falling in love and finding some woman to share one's life."


“Quit your blatting嚷嚷Come down to earth."

The original ending of the story

With the hum of the wicked, busy old world all about me and loud in my ears the voice of the indignant man across the corridor.

"Quit your blatting, you infernal blatherskite," he was calling. "Come down to earth."

I came.

infernal 地狱的;恶魔的;可憎的 blatherskite爱说废话的人;听无聊话的人 . Review on the theme of the storythe,man,in,asbestos。

The genre of the story is a genre common in the West during the 20th century, which could be called “literary dystopia” ( [ dis't?upi? ] the opposite of Utopia 反理想化的,反乌托邦的). The Man in Asbestos paints the future in darkly pessimistic colors.

The description about the “world”

In the “new society” presented by Leacock, there is no hunger, war, or disease; natural disasters and gender inequality have been eliminated, but life is dull, empty and meaningless.

? Why are such incredible human achievements shown as negative and bleak (hopeless)?

Analysis on the theme

Such momentous (big) problems as hunger, war, disease, natural disasters and inequality are what gives life interest, fullness(richness) and purpose; in other words, these are the things that make us human. (The reasoning has been considered as a justification of the status quo现状 and a plea 辩解for the end of human progress.)

On the other hand, the article perhaps does raise a thought-provoking question. Problems arise while human beings are developing thus we have to continue to work hard, to make painstaking efforts, to run risks, and to suffer. Pain, anxiety, failure and sacrifice will still be part of human experience. Indeed, a world without these is not only impossible, but also undesirable.


1、 "The more people you love, the weaker you are. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。"

2、 There is only one God,and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death:“Not today.” 世界上只有一个神,祂叫做死神。我们只有一句话对死神说:“今天还不是时候。”

3、 我哥哥曾教导我说,“但是”之前的话,都是毫无意义的。

4、 雄狮从不在乎羊群的想法。

5、 "You?will?see?exactly?what?life?is?worth,?when?all?the?rest?has?gone.?当一切都消失的时候你会明白生命究竟有何价值。"

6、 Chaos is a ladder. Only the ladder is real and climb is all there is. 混乱是一把阶梯。唯有这把阶梯是真实的,攀爬则是其中的全部。

7、 "一个人害怕的时候还能够勇敢么?

8、 我希望你可以找到真正的自己,不是明年,不是明日,而是现在。

9、 守夜人誓言?

10、 飞,都是从坠落开始的

11、 永远不要忘记你是什么人,因为这个世界不会忘记,你要化阻力为助力,如此一来才没有弱点,用它来武装自己,就没有人可以用它来伤害你。

12、 当然,有好些次呢。我到过宇宙的一个角落,只有孤零零一个太阳还未烧尽。在那个世界的夜晚,天空里没有一颗星星。我也到过愁眉弄臣的世界,那里根本没有天空,丝丝作响的太阳,在海底燃烧。我曾经到过卡勒丁的荒原,那里的魔法师点燃天空的彩虹,来照亮没有太阳的世界。

13、 统治者若是躲在幕后,付钱给刽子手执行,很快就会忘记死亡为何物。

14、 如果我回头,一切就都完了。

15、 winter is coming

16、 所爱越多,人越脆弱。

17、 他不是真龙。真龙无惧烈火。

18、 合适 咱就共事 合适 咱就忠于对方 合适咱就相亲相爱 合适咱就自相残杀

19、 Jugglers and singers require applause

20、 我实在没法再说什么。如果我能够,我想再唱另一首歌,编织另一个梦。空虚的世界,因为有了你和我和我们的儿女,再度变得充实。我的世界也有美丽的去处。虽然有邪恶的夜晚,但别的世界也一样有黑暗的夜晚。我会爱你,也会设法使你快乐。

21、 我愿你有一天会爱上某人,我愿你爱她入骨,当你闭上双眼,脑海浮现她的脸,我愿你如此,我要你知道爱一个人是什么感觉,真正爱一个人,然后我会把她从你身边夺走。

22、 Valar morghulis

23、 他们还说我会爱上你。但这并不是什么了不起的预言。我也可以做这样的预言,很久很久以前──我记得那时太阳还发出黄色的光芒──我就知道,我会爱上任何一个声音,只要不是我的回声。

24、 "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.


25、 一吻之后,吾爱永存

26、 天空之所以是蓝色的,是因为我们居住在蓝眼巨人马克比的眼睛里...

27、 "Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

28、 你知道事实有多残酷吗?我甚至记不起她的样子来,我只知道她是我曾经唯一的追求。有人把她从我身边夺走,庞然如七国都弥补不了她留下的空白。

29、 I think you're making a terrible mistake.
The freedom to make my own mistake was all I ever wanted.

30、 And so my watch begins.


31、 我现在还不知该怎样做,但时间会给我答案。总有一天,当你自以为平安快活时,喜悦会在嘴里化成灰烬,到那时候,你将明白债已偿还。

32、 "长夜漫漫, 处处险恶"

33、 A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.


34、 You know nothing

35、 Laughter is poison to fear.

36、 Every flight begins with a fall.

37、 The man who fears losing has already lost.

38、 你在也不能走了,但你可以飞。

39、 世间本无公平可言,除非公平掌握在自己手中。

40、 谁要是剑没见血就挂了,我就奸他妈的尸!

41、 "Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what's on the other side?

42、 "I am a khaleesi of the dothraki. I am the wife of the great khal and I carry his son inside me. The next time you raise a hand to me,will be the last time you have hands."

43、 Nothing burns like the cold.

44、 I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen of the blood of Old Valyria. I am the Dragon's daughter. And I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming.

45、 And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want.

46、 I'm not going to fight them. I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know. That's what I'm.

47、 "When the sun rises in the west,sets in the east. When the seas go dry. When the mountains blow in the wind like leaves."

48、 You knelt as boys. Raise now as men of the night's watch.

49、 My memory? King Robert Baratheon murdered by a pig.

50、 My mother tells me a King should never strike his lady.

51、 Power is a curious thing.

52、 过去已过去。未来,才是值得一谈之事。

53、 "The seeing,the true seeing,that is the heart of swordplay."

