

英语试题 时间:2011-08-22











  用作名词 (n.)

  at one's own risk

  at risk

  at risk to

  at the risk of

  run the risk of

  take risks

  用作动词 (v.)

  risk it


  1. I'm a blood donor; I can't risk any contagion.


  2. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.


  3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.


  4. You're taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.


  5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.


  6. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.


  7. The crisis could well place the relationship at risk.


  8. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange.


  9. There's not enough people willing to take the risk.


  10. Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the risk of war.


  11. Science has determined that the risk is very small.


  12. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.


  13. The consensus is that risk factors have an accumu-lative effect.


  14. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.


  15. They ran the risk of being shot at any moment.



  risk有冒 ... 的危险;承受...的风险等意思,那么你知道risk的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!






  at one's own risk

  at risk

  at risk to

  at the risk of

  run the risk of

  take risks


  1. I'm a blood donor; I can't risk any contagion.


  2. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.


  3. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.


  4. You're taking a big risk showing this to Kravis.


  5. Concerned people want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.


  6. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.


  7. The crisis could well place the relationship at risk.


  8. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange.


  9. There's not enough people willing to take the risk.


  10. Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the risk of war.


  11. Science has determined that the risk is very small.


  12. The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.


  13. The consensus is that risk factors have an accumu-lative effect.


  14. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed.


  15. They ran the risk of being shot at any moment.





  exchange的用法1:exchange的基本意思是“交换”,可以表示以贸易手段以一物换取另一物; 也可指一般的一物与另一物相交换; 有时还指在两个或更多人之间换东西。引申可表示“交流”经验、思想等。


  exchange的用法3:exchange宾语后常接介词for,表示“以…换取”; 接介词with表示“与某人交换(某物)”。



  用作名词 (n.)

  in exchange for

  用作动词 (v.)

  exchange blows

  exchange for (v.+prep.)

  exchange with (v.+prep.)

  exchange words with (v.+n.+prep.)


  1. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange.


  2. During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets the guilder remained strong.


  3. They exchange traveller's cheques at a different rate from notes.


  4. I'm going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.


  5. He ruled out any exchange of prisoners with the militants.


  6. On the Stock Exchange, aggressive buying propped the market up.


  7. We've got a fairly unfavourable exchange rate at the moment.


  8. Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.


  9. Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange.


  10. There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded.


  11. Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stock Exchange from today.


  12. It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange.


  13. This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.


  14. Peter and I also did a cabaret at the Corn Exchange.


  15. Shares soared on the stock exchange.




It 句型的用法

1. It 用做形式主语

1. It seems /appears that he knows everything.

--He seems to do„/ to be done everything.

to be doing

to have done„/ to have been told„

2. It occurred (to sb.) that„

It (so) happened that„

3. It is a pity ( a shame, a fact, an honour, a wonder) that„

that „

 People say that „

 He is said to be a president.

6. It doesn’t matter „


It is natural/„necessary, strange, urgent„ that we should do sth.

„ that we should do sth.

It doesn

7. It is no wonder that „

cf. There is no doubt that

No doubt, he will „

8. It is no good (or no use) / fun trying to explain—I’m not interested. Cf. It is not good to do sth.

It isn’t much good expecting him to help.

It is worth visiting the national Palace Museum.

cf. Is it worthwhile doing/ to do sth?

The park is worthy of being visited/ to be visited.

9. It is helpful for sb to do sth

It is nice of sb to do sth.

10. it 用于强调句中

结构为: it is(was)+所要强调的部分(谓语除外)+ that( or who) + 其余部分

It is „ that/who„

It was I who met Mike in the park last night.

It was last night that I met Mike in the park.

It was in the park that I met Mike last night.

It was Mike that I met in the park last night.

I didn’t finish my homework until he helped me.

Not until he helped me did I finish my homework.

11 It will be long before I recover.

rd13. It is the 3

I spent„

17. It is better for sb to do sth.

cf. You’d better do sth

II. it 做形式宾语


I make it a rule to get up at six every morning.

I find it difficult to make a speech without enough preparation.

I think it impossible that we should keep clam under this circumstances.

III. it 的惯用语


It is very kind of you.

It is all over with us.

How is it with him?

That’s it.

That’s the best (worst) of it!.


1. 有人建议过要发明一种国际语言。 (suggested)

It was suggested that an international language should be created/ invented.

2. 正是幸亏这位医生,病人的手术才没有耽搁下来。 ( It„that )

It was thanks to the doctor that the operation on the patient wasn’t delayed.

3. 你将来上什么大学完全取决于你,希望你不会后悔你的选择。(up to)

It is up to you to decide which university you will enter. I hope regret your choice.

4. 碰巧我的教育观点和你的相似。(happen)

5. 在实现梦想之夜他们无法入睡,这是可以理解的。

It is understandable that they couldn’t dream came true.


Key sentences:

1. An eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him.

2. Suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day.

3. The expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal—the beaver.

4. Beavers are strange-looking creatures.

5.Out jumped a squealing cat, not a pig.


1. be willing/ready to do sth. __________________

2. be excited about __________________

3. expect too much of /from sb. __________________

4. __________________ 向某人抱怨某事

5. __________________ 长相奇怪的生物

6. have/play an important part in __________________

7. hundreds of millions of __________________

8. __________________ 重视,定价

9. __________________ 向西/家走

10. in one’s search for sth.11. exchange A for B __________________

12. It’s in the bag. __________________

13. import sth. from 14. 15. let the cat out of the bag 16. __________________

3.She____________ be reading at home when the accident took place.

4. The manager who he____________ had already left the company.

5. A lot of people still ____________ that a woman’s place is at home in that country.

6. The Indians____________ beaver fur with the tradesmen ________flour and gunpowder.


1. 据说是他无意泄露了这个保守很好的秘密。

2. 他退休后在乡村定居了。(settle)

3.因为不确定词的用法,他查了字典。(be sure of)

4. 是否它会对我们有害还有待于观察。(remain)


6. 在这两个候选人中,我更喜欢后者。(the latter)

7. 作为公司新的一员,我不得不提醒你,每次你离开前都要登记。(be to do, remind)



Today we explain more popular proverbs. A proverb is a short, well known saying that expresses a common truth or belief. Proverbs are popular around the world.

Many listeners have sent us their___________ proverbs. They give advice about how Several proverbs about birds also give advice. You may this one: The early best chance of success.

Another famous proverb is a bird in the This means you should not Here is another piece of count your chickens before they are hatched. ___________, you should much about some future event before it really happens.

Another proverb basket. This means you should not put all Americans learned this the hard way by investing all their money which then ___________. Another proverb says a fool and his money are soon parted. This means someone who acts unwisely with money will lose it. Here is more advice: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Also,


_______________________________________________________Finally, here is one of our favorite proverbs: People who live in glass houses should not ___________. This means you should not criticize other people unless you are perfect yourself.


动词-ing 的 用 法



主动式与被动式 动词-ing ⑵句法功能


I. 动词-ing形式的时态和语态


一般式(doing)表示主动的一般性的动作或者正在进行的动作;被动式(being done)表示正在进行的被动的动作;完成式(having done)表示发生在谓语动作之前的主动的动作;完成被动式(having been done)表示发生在谓语动作之前的被动的动作。 注:每一种形式的否定式都是直接在前面加not构成。

1. While walking in the street,we met some friends of ours 我在街上散步的时候遇到了我的一些老朋友。 2. The boy being scolded by the teacher is my friend. 那个正挨训的男孩是我的朋友。

3. Having done his homework,he turned off the light and went to bed. 完成作业之后,他关上灯睡觉去了。

4. Having been told many times, he finally understood it. 被告诉了许多次,他终于明白了。

5. Not having fully recovered from the operation, the patient was advised to stay in hospital for another two weeks.


II. 动词-ing形式的句法功能

1. 动词-ing形式作主语(表示抽象动作) Lying is wrong. 撒谎是错误的。

动词-ing形式作主语有时可转换成it作形式主语 It is no good learning without practice.学而不用无益。

It is no use/good/sense/harm doing sth. 做某事没用处/没好处/没意义/没害处

2. 动词-ing形式作宾语


advise (建议), admit (承认), appreciate (感激), avoid (避免), can’t help (禁不住), consider (考虑), delay (推迟), enjoy (欣赏), escape (逃脱), finish (完成), imagine (想象), keep (on) (继续), mind (介意), practice (练习), suggest (建议), miss (错过), feel like (意欲), devote...to (把„„献给), get used to (习惯于), look forward to (期望), object to (反对), set about (开始), put off (推迟)等。

(1) David suggested selling your house and car to pay the debt. David建议卖掉你的房子和车来抵债。 (2) I couldn't risk missing that train. 我可不敢冒险错过那列火车。


have difficulty/trouble/problem/a hard time/a good time/fun (in) doing sth.

spend/waste/lose time (in) doing sth.

例如:He had a good time in travelling abroad this summer vacation. 他今年暑假在国外旅行玩得很高兴。

3)动词advise/allow/permit/forbid后可跟动词-ing形式作宾语,也可跟to do作宾语补足语。 (1) We don't allow smoking here.我们不允许在这里吸烟。

(2) We don't allow anyone to smoke here.我们不允许有人在这里吸烟。

4)在句型 sth. need/require/want/deserve doing中,动词-ing 主动形式表达被动含义,相当于to be done。

be worth也有此种用法。

(1) The flowers need/want/require watering/to be watered.这些花需要浇水。 (2) His novels are worth reading 他的小说值得一读。

3. 动词-ing形式作表语


(1) His bobby is collecting stamps.他的爱好就收集邮票。(一贯的行为)

(2) His work today is to clean the house.他今天的工作是要打扫房间。(某次具体的动作)

2)表示心里状态的interesting, exciting, delighting, disappointing, encouraging, worrying, puzzling, satisfying, surprising, pleasing作表语时,表示客观“令人„„的”;而上述词所对应的-ed形式,如interested, excited等则表示主观“人感到„„的” Travelling is interesting but tiring.旅游有趣但也令人疲惫。

4. 动词-ing形式作定语 1)表示正在进行的动作,经常性动作或现在(或当时)的状态;被修饰词是动词-ing形式的逻辑主语。

(1)Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人

(2)The building being constructed will be used as a library. 正在建造的建筑将会当作图书馆。 注:单独的动词-ing形式作定语置于被修饰词之前,如果是短语,则置于被修饰词之后。(同过去分词作定语一致)

5. 动词-ing形式作状语

动词­ing形式作状语表示在进行谓语动作的同时所进行的另一动作。动词­ing形式作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、方式或伴随情况。 (1)More highways have been built in China, making it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

中国又建了很多公路,这使得人们出行变得更加容易了。 动词­ing作状语表自然而然的结果

(2)The lady walked around the shops, keeping an eye out for bargains. 那位女士逛商店,留意着廉价商品。 动词­ing作状语表伴随

(3)The old man, having worked abroad for twenty years, came back to his motherland. 在国外工作了二十年后,这位老人回到了祖国。动词­ing作状语表时间

常用作状语的固定动词-ing形式有:Generally/Frankly speaking一般/坦白说来,considering„考虑到„„;judging from/by依据„„来判断;supposing/suppose that假定„„

Frankly speaking, I think you are wrong. 坦白地讲,我认为你是错的

作状语时用动词-ing形式还是过去分词,取决于该动词与句子主语之间的关系。如果是逻辑上的主谓关系用动词-ing形式;如果是逻辑上的动宾关系则用过去分词。 Seen from the top of the hill, the park looks more beautiful.

Seeing from the top of the hill, you will find the park more beautiful.

6. 动词-ing形式作宾语补足语 动词­ing形式作宾语补足语时,句中的宾语往往就是其逻辑主语,该动词与宾语之间存在主谓关系。动词­ing形式作宾语补足语强调正在进行中的主动动作。可以带有这种复合宾语的动词往往是感官动词、使役动词等。如:make, let, have, keep, leave, look at, see, watch, hear, observe, feel, find。

(1)Listen! Do you hear someone calling for help?听!你听到有人正在呼救吗? (2)Jenny found a wallet lying on the ground.詹妮发现地上有一个钱包。


1. _____ basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies. A. Known B. Having known C. Knowing D. Being known 2. The sun began to rise in the sky, ________ the mountain in golden light. A. bathed B. bathing C. to have bathed D. have bathed

3.Lionel Messi, _____the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.

A. set B. setting C. to set D. having set

4. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and _______to ruins, the city took on a new look.

A. reducing B. reduced C. being reduced D. having reduced

5. Laura was away in Paris for over a week . When she got home, there was a pile of mail ______ for her.

A. waited B. to wait C. waiting D. was waiting




1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of

to enable sb to do(sth);使...能做 to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做

2. be absorbed in…全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志


be abundant/rich in sth...丰富,富于...; an abundance of大量的,丰富的,其后可以接可数或不可数名词,但是总体是当一个可数单数形式使用;The tree yields an aBundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多.in abundance丰富,充裕:But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不再大量存在.

make the acquaintance of sb= make sb‘s acquaintance主要表示结识,做一个短暂的动词

I made his acquaintance two years ago.


I have acquainted myself with their customs.

I have been acquainted with their customs.

5. be active in work工作积极

Activity意思是活跃;所以activity in trade商业活跃;其复数activities才表示种种活动campus activities校园活动

By/through agency of经...介绍,通过...之手;place/put sth on the agenda把某事提到日程上来

Agitation for/against:

agitation against the big department stores 煽动反对大百货公司

women leading the agitation for equal rights 为争取男女平等而带头辩论的妇女们.

6、 add既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,在表示添加,加的时候add…to…把...加到...上是


在表示增添increase的时候是一个不及物动词add to; The bad weather added to our difficulties. 3. 4.

In addition=as well; in addition to=as well as, besides此外,除此之外

7. advance growth促进增长;

have an advantage over胜过,优于:A man who can think will always have an

advantage over others. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人.

Take advantage of因利乘便,趁...zhiji机,利用---a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of . 易受骗并且容易利用的人.

8. adventure是一个名词,主要指一些使人心振奋,寻求刺激性的冒险;venture是动词也是

名词,主要指生命危险或经济风险;the business venture

Nothing venture, nothing gain不入虎穴,焉得虎子

9. take(give) one‘s advice接受(给与)忠告或建议,advice是不可数名词


I advise that he (should) leave now.

It is advisable that he (should) leave now.

10. make allowance (s) for=allow for考虑到,顾及,体谅,原谅

You should make allowance for his youth= You should allow for his youth.

11. alternately轮流地; alternatively,另一方面,要不然

It may have been because of the weather, or alternatively it may have been the result of indigestion.

Be alien to---与...不相容,与性质不同---Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him. 残忍的行为与他的本性[与他]格格不入.

12. be angry with sb---生某人的气; be angry at/about sth---因某事生气;be angry生气(状态);

get angry发怒(动作)

anger既是动词也是名词,in anger---He hit the boy in anger.他生气而揍了这小子.


14. judge by appearance从外表上判断 answer for对...负有责任---You must answer for her safty.

Swear的过去式,过去分词是swore,sworn,其在做宣誓,发誓的时候使用swear to... He swore to keep the secret.

Swear在做诅咒,咒骂的时候,使用 swear at...

She swore at the boy.



2. at the approach of…随着...的临近 argue with sb about/on sth与...争论;argue that…主张;argue/reason/talk sb into(out of)

doin sth

We would like to argue that this is not the case. 我们试图论证情况并非如此.

3. be alarmed at心慌--- She was rather alarmed at the proposal. 她听到这个建议,有点


Alarm是向...报警,所以---dial 110 to alarm the fire brigaderisk的用法和例句

4. range in age from 21 to 70年龄从21岁到70岁不等

a (wide) range of:各种各样的;to ranger over论及,涉及--- His studies range over several languages. 他的研究涉及数种语言.

People of all ranks社会各阶层人士; rank among属于...之列--- Fire losses in the United Sates rank among the highest in the world. 美国火灾损失之大居于世界最前列. Rank...as把...看做--- Where do you rank Wordsworth as a poet? 你将华兹华斯列为哪一等诗人?

5. make an attack on…攻击--- and Joshua and all Israel with him went on to make an

attack on Debir; 约书亚和以色列众人回到底璧,攻打这城,

have an attack of(…病)发作--- He's getting on in years and his health isn't all that good; it would be strange if 'he didn't have an attack of cerebral haemorrhage." 依他那样的身体,又上了年纪,若不患脑充血,那就当真是怪事一桩??

Be attached to附属于,依恋于--- No blame is attached to his behavior. 他的行为无可指责. She is deeply attached to her young brother. 她深爱她的小弟弟.

Detach…from…--- A boy would slowly detach himself from the gang. 一个孩子就慢慢地从这个帮伙中退出去.

6. attendance和audience在谈及多少的时候用 large或small

attendant作为形容词意思是伴随的,随之而来的,the attendant difficulties随之而来的困难 attend to one‘s business专心于事业,办些事情(就我查的例句来看,并不表示专心于事业,而只是办些事情)--- Mr Fogg had sixteen hours in which to attend to his business there,risk的用法和例句

which was to deposit Aouda safely with her wealthy relative. 福克先生还可以有十六小时来办一些自己的事情,也就是说替艾娥达夫人找那位亲戚.

7. authority的复数authorities才表示当局,官方---the authorities concerned有关当局

an authority on---在...方面的权威---He is an authority on English.

Authority over---对...人的凌驾---Chinese parents have more authority over their children.

8. avenge为...报仇.报...之仇He avenged his father‘s nurder.


We will avenge/revenge ourselves on the enemy.

We will take our revenge on the enemy.

9. avoid/escape + doing; be void/devoid of common sense缺乏常识;void既是名词也是


To bar sb from doing = prevent sb from doing

base主要做具体的基础,basis主要做抽象的基础,其复数是bases 10. 11.

the base of a building建筑物的基础

the economic basis经济基础

basic principle基本原则

12. have a bearing on=have connection with与...有关--- Attention should be centred on the

links that have a bearing on the situation as a whole. 应该注意那些涉及全局的重要关节

13. combat是一个及物动词,battle是名词也是动词,但是是一个不及物动词;所以A combat

B=A battle with B

debate既是名词也是动词;hold a debate on举行一次对...问题的辩论

14. accuse指控,指责---accuse sb of doing sth; blame sb for doing sth; blame sth on/onto


