

现代诗 时间:2020-05-27

























《试点方案》对物流企业一般纳税人设置了交通运输服务按照11%的税率、物流辅助服务按照6%的税率征收增值税,而物流业小规模纳税人按照3%的税率。从2012年“营改增”试点情况来看,小规模纳税人税负明显下降,从事交通运输服务的物流企业一般纳税人税负“不降反升”,这与之前对“营改增”所希望的减税效果背道而驰,导致有些地区出现了争当小规模纳税人的现象。 三、试点物流企业税负增加的原因








当前,我国物流企业成本结构是:人力成本约占30%,油费约占30%,路桥费约占40%,另外还有房屋租金、保险费、修理费及资产购置等大额成本,其中人力成本、路桥费、保险费等并不属于增值税可抵扣的范围,而可以抵扣的燃油、修理费等费用占总成本的比重不足40%,对于非新办的物流企业也因无购置资产需求而得不到进项抵扣,从而造成暂时性的税负增加。 4.原营业税差额征收优惠幅度大于“营改增”

营改增后,国家给予试点行业的原营业税优惠政策虽然可以延续,但对已经解决重复征税的,将予以取消。相比较而言,原营业税差额征收优惠幅度更大,增值税税率较高,很难合理规避,这也是“营改增”企业税负增加的原因。 四、对试点物流企业的建议


















物流业是在 “营改增”试点中影响最大的行业,虽然很好地解决了物流企







期末文献综述 营改增



课号: 010A01AA5 课程名称:经济应用文写作 改卷教师:陈钧浩 学号: 146330876 姓 名:张雨薇 得 分:


摘要:“营改增”是完善现行流转税制的基础性举措,有利于国家进行经济的宏观的调控,及时的进行经济结构的调整。建筑业营业税改征增值税在即,但实际试点中建筑业却迟迟未纳入其中,足见建筑业“营改增”难度之大。本文通过文献综述,阐述了“营改增”的概念及影响,综述了建筑业“营改增”面临的主要困境,最后提出了相应的建议。 Abstract: To replace the business tax with a value-added tax is a fundamental measure to perfect the current circulation of tax system, is advantageous to the national economic macro control, as well as a timely manner to adjust the economic structure.To replace the business tax with a value-added tax in construction business will begin soon, but the actual pilot construction has not included, it serves to show the difficulty of this change in construction industry. Through literature review, this paper expounds the concept of to replace the business tax with a value-added tax and its influence, reviews the main difficulties, finally puts forward the corresponding suggestions.

关键词: 建筑业 营业税改征增值税 困境 影响

Keywords: construction industry; to replace the business tax with a value-added tax; predicament; influence




“营改增”是营业税改征增值税的简称。其中营业税是一种价内税,计税较简单,以营业额(含税价格,即税后造价)作为计税基数,应纳税额 =营业额(税后造价)×税率[1]。应纳税额为“定值”,与营业额直接相关。而增值税是一种价外税,计税方式

分一般计税方法和简易计税方法[2]。根据《营改增方案》规定,建筑业原则上适用增值税一般计税方法,以销售额(除税价格,即税前造价)作为计税基数,应纳税额 = 销项税额 -进项税额,其中销项税额 =销售额(税前造价) ×税率。应纳税额为“变值”,不仅与销项税额相关,而且与进项税额相关。营改增自2012年1月试点以来,试点地区由点扩面再到全国,试点行业也陆续增加到“3+7”(交通运输业、邮政业、电信业和7个现代服务业)。而建筑业仍尚未纳入营改增试点,足见建筑业的特殊性及改征的难度。这也从侧面反应了营改增将对建筑业产生重大影响[3]。针对营改增的问题,必须坚持从全社会利益的角度来看,把营改增设计的影响因素内化统筹到社会主义社会的建设当中去,仔细的加以审视,才能够做出全面的、系统的判断。

根据国家统计局国民经济行业分类标准,建筑业包括房屋建筑业、土木工程建筑业、建筑安装业、建筑装饰和其他建筑业。建筑业虽属于第二产业范围,但是由于其主要以劳务输出为主,所以成为了第二产业中唯一被划分为征收营业税的产业[4]。目前,我国对建筑业课征3% 的营业税,存在着严重的税制不统一、 抵扣链条不畅通和重复征税问题。如建筑工程所用原材料、设备及其他物资和动力价款在缴纳增值税后仍需课征营业税,且流转环节越多,重复课税问题越严重。 由此可见,征收营业税已经严重阻碍了建筑业的发展。营改增文献。















建筑业中人工费平均比重约为20%~30%,低于材料费占建筑工程费50%~ 60% 的平均比重水平,高机械费约 5% ~ 10% 的比重水平,略高或相当于间接费用所占比重水平。






建筑业是特殊的物质生产行业,具有露天作业 、流动性大、工程周期长的特点。相比于一般的工业产品,建筑业产品体积更为庞大,且作业时间长,需要耗用大量的人力、物力、财力。施工周期越长,占用的资金越多,但在生产过程中不能提供任何效益,只有在建成验收交货后才能产生效益。因此,较多情况下,建筑业行业企业存在着生产经营困难,拖欠税收的情况,这也为建筑业营改增的推行带来了难度。




率普遍达不到 1%。[13]建筑企业应税利润率与实际实现的企业利润相去甚远,据此确定建筑业 11%的增值税率显然有失偏颇。部分学者则持相反意见,认为 11%的税率可推广继续使用,不同建筑企业的税负变化可能不尽相同,且部分建筑企业的税负可能增加,但从宏观、长远着眼,建筑业营改增适用 11% 的税率能切实降低税负,仍具有可行性,并认为要及时的建立地方税体系,健全中央与地方财力与事权相匹配的体制,促进营改增进程的科学推进。[12]此外,对于税负加重的企业,可以通过提高价格转嫁税负和企业内部消化等途径加以解决。[14]





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文献、资料题目:Comparing the Value-Added Tax

文献、资料来源:Journal of Public Economics


院 (部): 商学院

专 业: 会计学

班 级: 会计092

姓 名: 张苑苑

学 号: 2009091213

指导教师: 孙园园

翻译日期: 2013.6.16


Comparing the Value-Added Tax to the Retail Sales Tax

For Richard F. Dye , Therese J. McGuire

Journal of Public Economics

April 2011

Overview of VAT

More than 130 countries use VAT as a key source of government revenue. VAT is a general, broad-based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services. VAT is generally levied on value added at every stage of production, with a mechanism allowing the sellers a credit for the tax they have paid on their own purchases of goods and services (input tax) against the taxes collected on their sales of goods and service (output tax). Generally, VAT is: A general tax that applies to all commercial activities involving the production and distribution of goods and the provision of services; A consumption tax ultimately borne by the consumer; An indirect tax levied on the consumer as part of the price of goods or services; A multistage tax visible at each stage of the production and distribution chain; and A fractionally collected tax that uses a system of partial payments whereby a seller charges VAT on all of its sales with a corresponding claim of credit for VAT that it has been charged on all of its purchases.

There are three methods of calculating VAT liability: the credit-invoice method, the subtraction method, and the addition method. This column deals with only the credit-invoice method, which is the most widely used. The credit-invoice method highlights the VAT defining feature: the use of output tax (tax collected on sales) and input tax (tax paid on purchases). A taxpayer generally computes its VAT liability as the difference between the VAT charged on taxable sales and the VAT paid on taxable purchases. This method requires the use of an invoice that separately lists the VAT component of all taxable sales. The sales invoice for the seller becomes the purchase invoice of the buyer. The sales invoice shows the output tax collected and the purchase invoice shows the input tax paid. To summarize, taxpayers use the credit-invoice method to calculate the amount of VAT to be remitted to the taxing authorities in the following manner: Aggregate the VAT shown in the sales invoices (output tax); Aggregate the VAT shown in the purchase invoices (input tax); Subtract the input tax from the output tax and remit any

balance to the government; and In the event the input tax is greater than the output tax. The United States is the only member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development that does not levy a VAT on a national level; however, VAT has become widely recognized as an important option in federal tax reform debates.

Indirect taxes such as value added taxes (VAT) generate a substantial part of tax revenue in many countries. In fact, VAT systems generate a quarter of the world’s tax revenue. Nearly 130 countries now have a VAT system (with over 70 countries having adopted the system during the last 10 years) (Keen and Mintz 2004). More focus on internationally mobile tax bases has drawn attention to directing more of the tax burden to indirect taxes such as consumption taxes or VAT systems, and less to income taxes, especially capital income (Gordon and Nielsen 1997). During the harmonization of EU taxes, indirect taxes, and VAT systems received much attention (Fehr et al. 1995). A general VAT law covering all private goods and services characterizes the current EU system, but there are still many exemptions from this general instruction.Such a VAT system also exists in Norway as a consequence of the Norwegian VAT reform in 2001. The reform introduced a general VAT law on services, but many exemptions are still speci?ed.

There are several arguments in favor of a general and uniform VAT system, compared with imperfect, nonuniform (and nongeneral) systems. Such a system may improve economic

ef?ciency and reduce administration costs, rent-seeking and fraud activities by industries that lobby for lower rates and zero ratings (Keen and Smith 2006). A general and uniform VAT system equals a uniform consumer tax on all goods and services. Such a system also implies that the producers’ net VAT rate on material inputs equals zero, irrespective of the rate structure. This is optimal according to the production ef?ciency theorem (Diamond and Mirrlees 1971a, 1971b).A VAT system with exemptions violates the production ef?ciency theorem because taxation of intermediates will differ between industries. On the other hand, industries that are covered by the VAT system but have lower rates or zero ratings on their sales are favored because they can withdraw expenditures to VAT on intermediates at full rates and only levy reduced or zero rates on their sales.

A general and uniform VAT system may also have positive effects on the distribution of welfare among households. If the initial situation is characterized by a VAT on most goods but only on a few services, the introduction of a uniform rate on all goods and services may improve the distribution of welfare because services’ share of consumption increases with income.

Keen (2007) points to the lack of interest in value added taxation from the theoretical

second-best literature in spite of the VAT’s popularity in practical tax policy. As mentioned

above, VAT systems are in general not uniform. Theoretical analyses demand relatively simple models and simple tax structures to be analytically tractable.In practical policies, the structures of the economy and the tax systems are quite complex, and there is a need for detailed numerical models in order to analyze the effects of different VAT systems. This paper contributes to the

literature by analyzing the welfare effects of an imperfect extension of a nonuniform VAT system, and comparing different imperfect, nonuniform VAT systems with a uniform and general

VAT system within an empirically based dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for a small open economy. This model mirrors a real economy, Norway, and differs in many respects from the more simple theoretical models that ful?ll the assumptions of normative tax theory and recommend uniform commodity taxes, combined with no input taxation.

In our analyses, we ask the following questions. Can the introduction of a nonuniform VAT system including only some services make the economy worse off than having a VAT system only covering goods and in that case, why? Such reforms characterize both the Norwegian VAT reform of 2001 and the EU VAT reform from the late 1990-ties. Will an additional extension to a uniform and general VAT system be welfare superior to the nonuniform (and nongeneral) VAT systems and what are important preconditions? As will be explained below, one cannot on purely theoretical grounds establish the welfare rankings of such VAT systems when there are

preexisting distortions as tax wedges and market power in the economy. The baseline VAT system is a nonuniform VAT system mainly covering goods. This baseline VAT system is then compared with (1) the extended nonuniform Norwegian VAT reform of 2001, and (2) a general VAT system characterized by a uniform VAT rate on all goods and services, including public goods and services. The Norwegian VAT reform of 2001 was a step in the direction of a general VAT system by including many services, but there are still many exemptions, zero ratings and lower rates. In particular, the VAT rate on food and nonalcoholic beverages is half the general VAT rate. The policy reforms are made public revenue neutral, and changes in lump sum

transfers as well as in the system speci?c VAT rate are studied. With a revenue-neutral change in the system-speci?c VAT rate, the VAT systems can be ranked with respect to welfare营改增文献。


Ballard et al. (1987) and Gottfried and Wiegard (1991) analyze the welfare effects of different VAT systems including tax exemptions and zero ratings in static CGE models. The separability and homogeneity assumptions in their consumer demand models favor a uniform VAT system, which is supported in their policy simulations. In contrast, our model is an

intertemporal CGE model for a small open economy without strict homogeneity assumptions in consumer demand. Our model is well designed for analyzing VAT reforms because it

distinguishes between many industries, input factors and consumer goods and services. The modeling and parameters in the consumer demand system and the production technology are all the results of comprehensive micro- and macroeconometric analyses of Norwegian data. The model has a detailed description of the Norwegian system of direct and indirect taxes.

Speci?cally, net VAT rates on the input factors and gross VAT rates on the consumer goods and services are included in the model. We disregard the effects on costs of administration,

rent-seeking and distribution of welfare among households. The model emphasizes the small open economy characteristics by using given world market prices and interest rates. Imperfect competition is present in the domestic markets. A uniform and general VAT system is not a priori the most ef?cient in our model.

When comparing the two different nonuniform VAT systems, our analysis shows that an imperfect extension of the VAT system to cover more services is welfare inferior to the baseline nonuniform VAT system only covering goods. Obtaining ef?ciency in production is empirically important for the welfare effects of the different VAT systems. An imperfect extension of the VAT system reduces ef?ciency in production because intermediates will be taxed differently for

different industries. Consumer ef?ciency is also reduced due to lower VAT on inelastic goods and higher VAT on elastic services. Introducing a general and uniform VAT system is not obviously welfare superior in a distorted economy, but we ?nd that such a system improves营改增文献。

welfare compared to the other imperfect regimes. A signi?cant empirical advantage of the general and uniform system, which is revealed by the computations, is also its ability to reduce initial wedges in deliveries to the export and domestic markets.

General VAT Computation

To see VAT in action, consider Exhibit 1 on p. 612, which provides a simple illustration of how VAT is implemented in the production of bread. A farmer grows and sells wheat to a miller, who grinds the wheat into flour. The miller sells the flour 2 to a baker, who makes the dough and bakes the bread. The bread is then sold to the grocer, who sells the bread to the final consumer. In each stage of bread production, value is added by the seller, and VAT is levied on that amount. To ensure that VAT is levied only on the value added by the producer, VAT uses the credit-invoice mechanism. Thus, on selling the bread to the grocer, the baker collects $30 in VAT and claims an input credit of $15, the VAT paid when the baker purchased flour from the miller. The baker ends up remitting a net VAT liability of $15 to the tax authorities. The total revenue created by VAT is the sum of VAT liability collected in each stage of bread production, in this case $50. Although





2011 年4 月



作为政府收入的主要来源的增值税正在被130 多个国家所使用。增值税是一个普遍的,基础广泛的消费税,增加商品和服务的价值评估上。增值税是在生产 的每一个阶段普遍征收的附加值,一个让卖方为他们对自己购买的商品和服务 (进项税额)支付其销售的商品和服务上收集到的税种的税收信贷机制(销项税额)。


