

英语教案 时间:2020-08-13



Horizontal and Vertical Alignment


1 Background


One definition of a visually attractive and unobtrusive highway is the degree to which the horizontal and vertical alignments of the route have been integrated into its surrounding natural and human environments. This takes careful planning and design, as noted in the AASHTO Green Book: Coordination of horizontal alignment and profile should not be left to chance but should begin with preliminary design, during which adjustments can readily be made ... The designer should-study long, continuous stretches of highway in both plan and profile and visualize the whole in three dimensions.

一条引人注目的公路和一条不引人注目的公路的区别在于这条公路的水平和竖直定位融入到周围自然和人文环境的程度。这需要认真的规划和设计,就像AASHTO Green一书中提到的:“水平面的位置和分布的协调不应该由机遇决定,而应该是由很容易做调整的初步设计决定??”设计者应进行长时间的研究,并具有把整个不断延伸的公路的平面和剖面三维化的能力。

This application of a holistic approach to highway design, where the road is integrated into its surroundings, separates the outstanding project from one that merely satisfies basic engineering design criteria. An excellent description of this holistic design process is contained in the publication Aesthetics in Transportation, from which the following is excerpted: A general rule for designers is to achieve a “flowing” line, with a smooth and natural appearance in the land, and a sensuous, rhythmic continuity for the driver. This effect results from following the natural contours of the land, using graceful and gradual horizontal and vertical transitions, and relating the alignment to permanent features such as rivers or mountains.

这种对于公路设计的整体分析,应用在道路融入周围环境,将杰出的项目从仅仅满足基本的工程设计标准的项目中分离出来等方面。对于一个良好整体设计过程的描述被写在已出版的《Aesthetics in Transportation》一书,摘录如下:一般意义上的设计者是用在地上光滑和自然的外表实现“流动”的线,具有感官上的节奏感和连续性的掌控者。其结果是适应土地的自然轮廓,运用优美渐变的水平和竖直线过渡,并对河水和高山这类永久特征性进行调整。

2 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Considerations


The greatest opportunities for influencing the horizontal and vertical alignments of a highway occur during the planning and preliminary engineering phases associated with a new-location facility. The designs of such facilities have the most dramatic effects on the natural and human environments through which they pass.

影响高速路水平和竖直定位的最大的机会出现在规划和初步设计阶段并与新位置设备有关。这些设备的设计对于道路所通过的自然和人文环境具有最大的效果。 The more typical design problem faced by today’s highway engineers is the improvement of an existing highway or street. In many instances, the basic alignments may have been established well over 100 years ago. Regardless, the same basic design principles with respect to horizontal and vertical alignments can, however, be applied to

both new and existing facilities.

当今高速公路设计者最典型的问题是对于已有的高速公路和一般道路的修缮。很多时候,原有的道路可能已存在超过100年。不管怎样,重视水平和竖直定位的最初的基本设计原则能,并能很好的应用到新的和现有的设施中。Solution: 解决方案

One of the ways to ensure the most effective coordination of horizontal and vertical alignment is through the use of a multidisciplinary design team during the planning and engineering phases of a project. On such projects as 1-66 in Fairfax and Arlington Counties in Virginia, the combined expertise of landscape architects, urban designers, structural engineers, and historic preservationists, in addition to civil engineers and highway designers, has resulted in superior highway improvement projects.


The concept of using a multidisciplinary design team is not new; it was pioneered in the early 1900’s during the planning and design of the Bronx River Parkway in Westchester County, NY. After a period of use primarily on large-scale or controversial projects, this approach has come back into more general application as a way to achieve community consensus.

使用一个多学科的设计团队的想法已经不新颖了。在二十世纪初,它被使用建造纽约威彻斯特郡的布朗克斯河公园。经过在大规模的和具有争议的项目中运用,该方法作为一种达到共识的途径被运用于更普通的的应用中。 (1) Issues

There are numerous examples around this country of excellence in integration of

the horizontal and vertical alignments of highways into their surroundings.Unfortunately, here are also examples of new or widened highways that have scarred a rural landscape or disrupted an established community. While these past actions cannot easily or inexpensively be rectified, future problems can be avoided by applying the principles outlined above and the creative approaches detailed below.




(2)Avoiding Impact on Adjacent Natural and Human Environments Particularly during the era of Interstate construction from the 1950’s to the 1980’s, a number of instances of new highway construction had a devastating impact on communities and areas of environmental sensitivity. It is readily acknowledged that there will be some degree of physical impact on the surroundings associated with the construction of any new location highway or major reconstruction or widening of an existing highway facility. However, from the perspective of horizontal and vertical alignment, much of this impact can and should be alleviated.





Impact on the surrounding environment can be minimized by careful attention

to detail during the route location and preliminary design phases and a willingness of all concerned parties to work together toward a common goal. For example, minor adjustments to the originally proposed horizontal and vertical alignments (combined with the use of short sections of retaining wall) along the Lincoln Beach Parkway (U.S. Route 101) in Oregon eliminated the need to acquire any of the adjacent homes and businesses.




Similarly, a minor horizontal alignment shift at the beginning of the project

allowed for the Hollister Bypass (SR 156) in San Benito County, CA, to avoid affecting a number of historic properties. 同样的,一个小水平对齐转变在项目的开始允许霍利斯特旁路(SR 156)在圣贝尼


The use of a “cut-and-cover” design, whereby the roadway is placed below

the existing ground level and covered over with a park, building, or other public space can help to avoid negative impact. Lake Place Park in Duluth, MN and other public parks were the result of cut-and-cover tunnels that not only saved

historic properties but also gave pedestrians improved access to Lake Superior. 使用“随挖随填法”的设计,下面的道路被现有的地面和公园覆盖, 建筑,或其他公共空间可以帮助避免负面影响。湖公园在德卢斯、锰和其他公共公园是随挖随填法隧道的结果,不仅保存历史属性,也给行人更方便的苏必利尔湖.

In many cases, there is a potential for designing a divided highway with

independent horizontal and vertical alignments for each direction of traffic.



4.Coordination between Horizontal and Vertical Alignment

When horizontal and vertical alignments are designed separately from one another, unnecessarily large cuts and fills may be required, resulting in very dramatic and often visually undesirable changes to the natural landscape.





美国考驾照笔试题、附答案、 作者: 杨伯良 Jason


1 . Carbon monoxide coming from your car smells like:

碳 一氧化物 来 自 你的 车 闻起来 像

a) Burning leaves

燃烧的 树叶

b) Fresh gasoline

新鲜的 汽油

c) Burning rubber

燃烧的 橡胶


有无 气味[没有气味]

2 . What lights should a driver use when driving in the fog (either bad weather has reduced visibility during day

什么 灯 应该 一 司机 使用 当 驾驶 在 雾 (或者 坏 天气 已经减少 能见度 整 白天)

time hours)[空气能见度低时打什么灯]

a) Parking lights

停车 灯


弱 光 前 灯

c) High beam head lights

高 光 前 灯

d) Emergency four way flasher.

紧急 四 路 闪灯[紧急闪灯,就是锁车时闪一下的四个角灯] e) Four way flashersdivided,highway,ends。

四 路 闪灯[转弯灯]

3 . What is the meaning of this sign ? (Fig. School zone sign) 什么是 意义 属于 这个 标志[这个标志什么意思]

a) Pedestrian Crossing

行人 通过

b) Bus stop



学校 区域

d) School crossing

学校 通过[学校师生过马路的地方]

4 . When you are approached on a two-way road from the front or rear by an emergency vehicle with lights and

当 你 被接近 在一个 二车道 公路 从 前方 或后方 由 一 紧急 交通工具 伴随 灯 和

siren on , you should:

鸣响开着,你 该

a) Stop where you are

停在 哪里 你 是[立刻停车]

b) Do nothing until you reach an intersection

做 无事 直到 你 赶到 一个 路口[不干什么,到路口再说] c)

驾驶到 右边 以 远作为 可能 并且 停下[靠右停车,越远越好] d) Maintain your speed and allow the emergency vehicle to pass 保持 你的 速度 并且 允许 紧急 交通工具 通过

e) Drive to the left as far as possible and stop

驾驶到 左边 以 远作为 可能 并且 停下[靠左停车,越远越好] f) Speed up and stay ahead of the emergency vehicle

加速上去并且保持 领先 于 紧急 交通工具

g) Stop where you are as quickly as possible

停 在哪里 你 处于以 快 作为 可能[赶快停下,越快越好]

5 . What is the meaning of this sign? (Fig. A stop sign)

a) Railroad crossing

铁路 通过

b) Slow 慢

c) Caution注意


6 . Which of the following affect a motorcyclist more than operators of other vehicles ?

哪个属于 下列 影响 一 摩托车手 多 于 操作者 属于 其它 车辆 a) Heavy traffic


b) Blind intersections

瞎 路口[在路口拐角上看不见左右来往的车辆]

c) Bright headlights



路 和 天气 状况[路况和天气会影响]

7 . Accidents frequently occur just before darkness because :

意外 频繁 发生 刚好 在之前 黑暗 因为[为什么天黑前的这段时间交通事故频繁发生]

a) The roads becomes slip over and wet

路 变得 滑溜彻底地并且湿


司机 没有 能力 看 作为 好 以 白天[司机的视力没有白天的好] c) Traffic is the heaviest at this time

交通是 最密集的 在 这个 时候

d) Stopping distance is increased

停车的 距离 被提升

8 . What is the meaning of a crosswalk ?

什么是 意义 属于一 斑马线

a) For traffic to slow down

为了交通 慢 下来

b) For drivers to be considerate of pedestrians

为了司机 是 体贴的 向着 行人

c) For pedestrians to be considerate of drivers

为了行人 是 体贴的 向着 司机


为了行人 通过 在 明确的 地带

9 . What is the meaning of this sign ? ( Fig. A divided highway sign)




This sign means:这个标示意思是

Stop Sign Ahead 前方有STOP 标志

*No Right Turn 禁止右转

Divided Highway 分车道高速路


There are two traffic lanes in your direction. You are driving in the left lane and many vehicles are passing you on the right. If the driver behind you wishes to drive faster, you should: 在你的方向有两条车道,你在左侧车道行驶很多车从右侧车道超过了你,如果你后面的司机希望开快点,你应该

Drive onto the left shoulder to let the other vehicles pass驶到左侧路肩让其他车辆过去

Stay in your lane so you don't impede the traffic flow保持在你的车道,以便不阻碍交通

*Move over into the right lane when it is safe 在安全的情况下移到右侧车道


What does this road sign mean:这个路标意思是

*Slippery when wet.湿的时候会滑

Winding Road.连续转弯的路

Loose Gravel.松砾石路


The best thing to do if you become tired or sleepy while driving is:在驾驶时如果累了或困了,最好应该

*Get rest or change drivers休息或换司机

Drink coffee喝咖啡

Open a window打开窗户


This road sign means:路标意思是

*Pedestrian Crossing人行横道

Jogging Trail缓跑小径

School Crossing学校横道


When in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is: 在高速上驾驶摩托车时

All right to drink if you're driving but not drunk.如果你驾驶摩托车,只要没醉可以喝酒

All right to drink if you're not driving.如果不是你驾驶,可以喝酒

*Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol in the passenger compartment.在乘客座位,喝酒或持有打开的酒精容器都是违法的


When overtaking a pedestrian who is walking along the roadway and an oncoming vehicle is approaching:当将要超过一个沿着车道行走的行人时,迎面一辆机动车驶近

*Slow down and let the vehicle pass first减速让机动车先过去

Honk your horn so the pedestrian moves over鸣喇叭让行人快点走过去

Keep driving, the oncoming vehicle must stop for you继续行驶,迎面来的车辆应该停车


This sign means:这个标示意思是


*Traffic Signal Ahead前方交通讯号灯

Yield Right-of-Way 为优先路权让路( right of way 意思是有路的优先权,right不是右的意思,是权利)


Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications关于驾驶和服药哪个表述是正确的

Medications are safe to take at any time if prescribed by a doctor医生开的处方药在任何时候服用都安全

*Most cold medications can make a person drowsy大部分感冒药会让人困乏

Over the counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages柜台药品(不用医生处方的)如果按照建议计量服用不会损害驾驶技能 10.

Before stopping your vehicle on the roadway:在车道上停车前

Place your foot on the accelerator脚放在油门上

*Check mirrors for traffic 通过镜子查看交通

Set the parking brake 设置驻车制动器


This sign means:这个标示是

*Pedestrian crossing ahead.前方有人行横道

Pedestrians must not cross here.此处禁止行人横过

Pedestrians walking along the road ahead.前方有行人沿着路行走


This sign means这个标志意思是

You have the right of way你有路权

*Let cross traffic go by first.让交叉车流先行

Car on the right goes first.右侧车先行


When driving at night you should:夜间驾驶时你应该

*Increase your following distance加大你的跟随距离(与前方车距)

Look directly at the headlights of the oncoming vehicle直视迎面车辆的大灯

Always use your high beams 总是开着远光灯


When is it safe to pass another vehicle?什么情况下超车是安全的

When entering a curve and there are no oncoming vehicles在进入转弯而迎面没有车辆

*Whenever signs and/or roadway markings permit passing other vehicles任何当有标志和或道路牌允许可以超车的时候

When driving through an intersection and there are no oncoming vehicles在过交通路口而迎面没有车辆时


This road sign means:这个路标表示


Railroad Crossing铁道路口(是X形状,两边学着R)



The amount of alcohol in the blood is referred to as:血液酒精含量指的是

*blood alcohol concentration (BAC)血液酒精浓度

rate of alcohol consumption (RAC)酒精吸收率

implied consent (IC)默认同意(默示法一种法律,我估计是强制测酒精的法律divided,highway,ends。


When passing another vehicle:在超车时

*Pass the vehicle as safely and as quickly as possible尽可能地安全快速超车

Pass the vehicle as slowly as possible尽可能慢的超车

Drive at the same speed as the vehicle you are passing保持跟被超车辆一样的速度


If you are driving and you need to use your cell phone it is best to: 如果你在驾驶,需要使用手机,最好应该divided,highway,ends。

*Stop in a safe parking area and then make the call停在安全停车区域打电话

Carefully use your cell phone, but do not talk for a long time小心使用手机,但不要长时间通话

Use a hands-free device so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel使用不需要用手的设备(蓝牙),以便双手可以放在方向盘上






Key Value Element Comment 对应分类



A restricted access major divided highway, normally with 2 or more running lanes plus emergency hard shoulder. Equivalent to the Freeway, Autobahn, etc.. 高速公路 限制进入,中间有分车带,通常有2个以上车道及紧急路肩。相当于德国高速公路

The most important roads in a country's system that aren't motorways. (Need not necessarily be a divided highway.)



The next most important roads in a country's system. (Often

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