

化学教案 时间:2004-06-18





1,对健康构成潜在威胁 pose a threat to health

2,供应不足 be in short supply

3,化学污染物 chemical pollutant

4,节水的习惯 water-saving habit

5,水的分布 distribution of water

6,水资源保护 water conservation

7,水资源短缺 water shortage

8,饮用水 drinking water

9,有害物质 hazardous material

10,在危险中 at risk

11,被耗尽 be exhausted

12,城市垃圾 urban garbage

13,达到高效 achieve high efficiency

14,当场处罚 on-the-spot fine

15,对环境不利 be unfriendly to the environment 16,环境恶化 environmental degradation

17,火灾隐患 a fire hazard

18,垃圾的回收和处理 litter collection and disposal 19,垃圾分类 garbage classification

20,破坏环境 ruin the environment


promote the public awareness of environmental protection;

arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection 22,采取强有力的措施 take stronger and harsher measures 23,有限资源 finite resource

24,电脑监控系统 computer monitoring system

25,缓解交通阻塞的压力 relieve the traffic congestion 26,加快车流量 accelerate the flow of traffic

27,交通法规 traffic law and regulation

28,认识不够 lack adequate awareness

29,有损形象 sopil the image

30,遵守交通法规 observe traffic regulation

31,补救性措施 remedial measure

32,急性病 acute disease

33,慢性病 chronic disease

34,人口密集的 densely-populated

35,有益健康的 conductive to good health

36,致命的疾病 fatal disease

37,广泛的采用 be used intensively

38,想出一个可行的解决方法 figure out a feasible solution 39,一个公认的事实 a generally acknowledged fact 40,是某事成为当务之急 make something a top priority



保护环境 protect the environment 环境保护 environmental protection 自然资源 natural resources 旱灾 a drought

地震 earthquake 自然灾害 natural disaster 灾区 disaster area 节约水 save water 咸水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 污水 polluted water 脏水 dirty water 自来水 running water 饮用水 drinking water 节省资源 save resources 完善服务 perfect services 为人类提供水和食物 supply water and food for human beings

迈出重要一步 make an important step

减少浪费 reduce waste 覆盖树木和草地 cover with trees and grass

交流经验 exchange experience

改善生活环境 improve the living environment

防治污染 prevent and control pollution

把---捐给慈善机构 donate --- to charities

快速发展 develop rapidly

改革开放政策 reform and opening up policy

社会事业 social programs

世博会 World Expo

世博会主题 Expo theme

城市,让生活更美好 Better city, better life

公共交通 public transport

红绿灯 traffic lights

夜游 night tour

不夜城 sleepless city

(浦东) 世纪公园 Century Park

外国游客 foreign tourist

外国人 foreigner

来自全世界的游客 tourists from all over the world

路标 the road sign

世博园 Expo Park

世博会吉祥物 Expo Mascot

导游 guide

志愿者 volunteers

古城 ancient town

雪山 snow mountain

世界杯 World Cup

南非 South Africa


You are not alone

Before the coming of 2012, the drought of china is coming, in the southwest of china, millions of people suffer from drought, and it is said that this situation has not happened for nearly 60 years.

And fortunately, the government has taken many

measures to protect the suffering people, as you can see,

the water is the problem. So to dig up wells is necessary. So soldiers are coming, they go to the place where motherland needs help. They devote their lives just for the country. And at this time, I can see the people from community, not hesitate to give their hands to the southwestern people. I pray to god, I thank all the caring people; it is you let our world filled with love.

The people of the southwest, you are not alone.

The best wishes for you

Since the beginning of 2010, the southwest of china has been suffering from the lack of water, especially for Yunnan province. Millions of people don't get enough water for common life.

I am sorry to see all of the photos, which come from the

southwest, but at this moment, just like the 2008 earthquake of Sichuan province, the people of the disaster areas are greatly

cared for by the other people of the country and the government, and at this moment I can deeply feel the hope of China, everyone comes to one home. If you have trouble, I will be with you. Last week, my school, my class and my classmates brought love and

wishes to the people of the southwest,and more and more people have joined us.

My dear friends, hand in hand, we are brothers and sisters, you are not alone.

Just believe us, everything will be better.

We all here, best wishes for you


1. What is the full name of Expo 2010?


2. Eopo 2010 Shanghai China.


3. Is that the Expo emblem?


4. The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。

5. How long will the Expo last?


6. The Expo will last six months. 世博会将持续半年。 7. What’s the theme of Expo 2010?


8. Better city,better life. 城市,让生活更美好。 9. When will the Expo begin? 世博会什么时候开始? 10.The Expo will begin on May 1. 世博会五月一日开始。

世博会什么时候结束? 12.The Expo will end on October 31. 世博会十月三十一日结束。

13.Where is the Expo Site?


14.It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.


15.Where are the theme pavilions? 主题馆在哪里?

16.They ate in the center of the Expo Site.


17.What will the weather be like during the Expo? 世博会举办期间天气会怎么样? 18. There will be three seasons during the Expo.


19.There ate spring, summer and autumn. 它们是春季、夏季和秋季。 20.Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn. 上海在秋季最美丽。 21.It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai. 这是一年中最适宜来上海游玩的时间。

你是想坐磁悬浮列车还是专线大巴去机场? 23.Where is the light rail station, please? 请问轻轨站在哪儿?

24.Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left.


25.Is it convenient to go to the Expo Site in Pudong?


到浦东的世博会场方便吗?26.You can go there throught tunnels under the river.

你可以走过江隧道。 27.Can I take a ferry to cross the tiver?


28.Excuse me. Where can I take Metro Line 8?

请问,我在哪里可乘坐地铁8号线? 29.There is a metro station just across from the parking lot. 停车场对面就有一个地铁站。

30.How far is the airport from the Expo Village?

机场到世博村有多远? 31.About an hour by bus. 乘公交车大概一个小时。 32.How often does the shuttle bus run? 专线巴士多长时间一班? 33.Every ten minutes.


1、保护和改善生活和生态环境protect and improve the living environment and the ecological environment

2、保护珍贵动植物protect rare animals and plants

3、普及环保知识popularize environmental protection knowledge

4、增强环境意识enhance the awareness of the importance of environmental protection

5、改善生态环境improve the eco-environment

6、加强生态建设improve the eco-construction环保短语。

7、防治污染prevent and control pollution

8、加强水土保持reinforce the conservation of water and soil

9、加强城市绿化strengthen the greening of the city

10、提高环境管理水平raise the environmental management level

11、享受国家一级保护enjoy first-class protection of the State

12、加强环境保护strengthen environmental protection

13、保持生态平衡keep ecological balance

14、创造良好生态环境create apleasant ecological environment

15、采用环保技术adopt environmental protection technique

16、开展保护野生动物advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals


17、开展绿色活动 advocate green activities

18、为大量野生动植物提供栖息地provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants

19、为人类提供水和食物supply water and food for human beings

20、非常注重保护森林pay great attention to the conservation of forest

21、产生巨大水文效应produce great hydrological effects

22、引发一系列问题result in a series of problems

23、帮助减缓全球变暖速度helps lowdown the pace of global warming

24、保留为自然耕地reserve as natural farmland环保短语。

25、提高居民环保和生态意识improve residents environmental and ecological awareness

26、进一步加快环保规划further speed up environmental protection plans

27、完善城市基础设施建设perfect the construction of urban infrastructure

28、促进城市可持续发展promote the sustainable development of the city

29、符合举办奥运会要求meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games

30、扩建管道网络expand the pipe network

31、淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉eliminate or convertcoal-burningboilers

32、禁止露天焚烧prohibit burning out in the open

33、发展太阳能develop solar energy

34、提高清洁能源比重increase the supply of clean energy resources

35、减少机动车辆reduce the number of vehicles

36、使用清洁能源burn clean fuel

37、实行严格机动车排放标准implement strict vehicle emission standards

38、关闭化工厂close chemical plants

39、减少浪费reduce waste

40、加大污染治理力度strengthen pollution control

41、治理沙地和水土流失问题tackle the problems of sandand soil erosion

42、加强珍稀野生动植物保护工作protect rare wild animals and plants

43、崇尚绿色生活方式pursue a greenlife

44、使用再生纸use recycle paper

45、参加环保运动take partin

Environmental pollution is a term that refers to allthe ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. 环境污染是指人们用各种方式污染周围环境的一个术语。

Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, poisonsthe water with chemicals and other substances, anddamages the soil with too many fertilizers andpesticides. 人们通过气体和烟雾来污染空气,用化学物质以及其他物质污染水源,还用大量的化肥和杀虫剂破坏土壤。

Man also pollutes his surroundings in various ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty byscattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motorvehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. 人们还通过其他方式污染着他们的环境。例如,总有人在地面上和水里扔垃圾,破害自然美。人们使用的一些机器和交通工具噪音很大。

Nearly everyone causes pollution in some way. Environmental pollution is one of the mostserious problems facing mankind today, and badly polluted air can cause illness, and evendeath.几乎每个人都在某种程度上对周围的环境造成了污染。环境污染是当今人们所面对的一个非常严重的问题。被严重污染的空气会引起疾病甚至死亡。

例111992年联合国地球峰会以来,越来越多的人和政府接受了“可持续发展”的观念。Since United Nations Earth Summit in 1992, more and more people and governments haveadopted the idea of “sustainable development”.

这一观念认为,现今的经济发展不能以子孙后代的资源和选择作为代价,规划和发展不仅仅要确保经济增长,还要保证社会进步和环境健康,这就是说一些经济行为必须受到制约。This is the idea that today’s economic growth should not be at the risk of the resources andoptions for future generations. Planning and development need to ensure not only economicgrowth, but also social advancement and environmental health, and this means that someeconomic behaviors must be restricted or controlled.

中国面临着很多严峻的环境问题:空气污染,水污染,沙漠化,过渡捕捞,对自然栖息地的破坏,酸雨,对野生动植物的过渡消费等等。所有这一切的背后都是经济增长和环境保护之间的矛盾。There are many serious environmental problems in China: air pollution, water pollution,desertification, overfishing, destruction of natural habitats, acid rain, over-consumption ofwild animals and plants, etc. Behind them all, is the

contradiction between economic growthand environmental protection.

将可持续发展原则逐步融入到政府规划,资源管理和经济政策中去,这是中国解决环境问题所能够采取的最重要的一步。Instilling principles of sustainable development into

governmental planning, resourcesmanagement and economic policy is the most important step China could take to solve itsenvironmental problems.


基本观点(Basic Viewpoints)


Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection.

◆中国已规定并修改了有关水、空气及固体垃圾污染的有关法律,为取得持续发展打下了基础。 China has stipulated and revised the relevant laws on water air and solid waste pollution, laying the foundation for achieving sustainable development.


Protect the earth's environment -- the homeland of all mankind.


Protecting the environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty. ◆对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。

The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend. ◆切实搞好生态环境建设。

Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment.


All factories must meet discharge standards by the end of 2000.


By 2010, our country expects to curb environmental deterioration in the cities and villages.


To avoid ruining the environment in the west, strict supervision of economic development and construction in the western areas is necessary.



The special conditions and needs of the developing countries should be taken into full account in any international effort to cooperate on environmental protection. Two points should be kept in mind. First, to many developing countries, poverty and backwardness are the root cause of environmental degradation. Therefore, it is essential to put environmental protection on the basis of equality and , under the prerequisite of strengthening North-South cooperation, to establish a new

international economic order conductive to the sustained economic development of all countries, developing countries in particular. Second, domestic environmental problems which have remained unresolved for a long period of time, such as desertification, floods and droughts and the quality and supply of fresh water, are more crucial to many developing countries than such global problems as climate change and ozone layer depletion.


2002年 使地球充满生机(Give Earth A Chance)

2001年 世间万物,生命之网(Connect with the World Wide Web of Life)

2000年 2000环境千年----行动起来吧(2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act)

1999年 拯救地球就是拯救未来(Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!)环保短语。

1998年 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋(For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas)



environmental protection 环境保护

environmentally-friendly 环保的

preserve v.保护,保存


Pollute= contaminate, 污染(动词)

pollutant 污染物

Pollution=contamination 污染(名词)

垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter

处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill垃圾场),

dump倾倒,recycle 回收

plastic bags塑料袋, drinking cans饮料罐

biodegradable packaging 可降解包装,

throwaway 可丢弃的

disposable 可丢弃的

discourage v. 不鼓励


non-renewable 不可再生的

fossil fuels矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum

limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源

alternative energy替代能源

replace=substitute v.取代

(wind power, hydropower水电,

solar (lunar) power太阳能,

nuclear power核能

radioactivity n. 辐射性

use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽

conserve v. 节省,节约,

consume less v. 少消耗



damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地,

rare breed稀有物种,

endangered species濒危物种,

extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear动词),

animal rights activist动物权益保护者 ,

natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区,

protect wild life保护野生动物,

disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏,

have disastrous effect on…对。。。有灾难性的影响






carbon dioxide二氧化碳,

acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀)

greenhouse effect温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化)

global warming全球变暖

ecological system=ecosystem生态系统

green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴, (filter v. 过滤)

arouse people’s awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识


帮助减缓全球变暖速度 help slow down the pace of global warming

保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance

保持水土 preserve soil and water

保护和改善生活和生态环境 protect and improve the living environment and the 保护珍稀野生动植物 protect rare wild animals and plants

保留为自然耕地 reserve as natural farmland

采用环保技术 adopt environmental protection technique

参加环保运动 take part in environmental protection activities

崇尚绿色生活方式 pursue a “green” life

创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment

促进城市可持续发展 promote the sustainable development of the city

发展太阳能 develop solar energy

防治污染 prevent and control pollution

非常注重保护森林 pay great attention to the conservation of forest

改善生态环境 improve the eco-environment (ecological environment)

关闭化工厂 close chemical plants

加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control

加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city

加强环境保护 strengthen environmental protection

加强生态建设 improve the eco-construction

加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil

减少机动车辆 reduce the number of vehicles

减少浪费 reduce waste

进一步加快环保规划 further speed up environmental protection plans

禁止露天焚烧 prohibit burning out in the open

开展保护野生动物宣传教育 advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals 开展绿色活动 advocate green activities

普及环保知识 popularize environmental protection knowledge

实行严格的机动车排放标准 implement strict vehicle emission standards

使用再生纸 use recycle paper

提高环境管理水平 raise the environmental management level

提高居民的环保和生态意识 improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness 提高清洁能源的比重 increase the supply of clean energy resources

完善城市基础设施建设 perfect the construction of urban infrastructure

为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants

削减污物排放 decrease the disposal of pollutants

引发一系列的问题 result in a series of problems

增强环境意识 enhance the awareness of the importance of (raise the consciousness about) environmental protection

治理沙地和水土流失问题 tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion

注重节约资源 attach importance to saving resources


1、 懒惰少一点,行动多一点;砍伐少一点,植树多一点;浪费少一点,节约多一点;污染少一点,清新多一点。世界地球日,保护地球,保持家园清新自然,收获生活好心情!

2、 节约能源,可贵;浪费能源,可耻;珍惜资源,可赞;浪费资源,可憎;保护环境,可嘉;污染环境,可恶。世界地球日,低碳环保重节能减排,你我共实践,世界更精彩!

3、 坐在地球这个宽敞无比的庭院里,享受温暖的阳光,温柔的微风,温情脉脉的细雨,静观万物生发,感悟人世美好,多么幸福,多么惬意!世界地球日到了,好好珍惜这个庭院吧!

4、 世界地球日到了,作为一个称职的地球人的我,特来提醒你这个马虎大意的小笨蛋:就算没事早上也要起早了,上班用公交车也很好了,公共场合不吸烟你会变得更帅点,生

