

蒙学 时间:2016-01-11




  失魂落魄 相关的反义词:








  driven to distraction;lose one's wits;battered out of one's senses;scared out of one's wits;lose one's mind;



  But he's a bit of a wreck, you know?


  英语单词记忆方法 对于很多人而言提起背单词就头痛,但是,凡事讲究方法,找到适合的方法就可达到事半功倍的效果,单词记忆也不例外。下面是小编给大家整理的20种英语单词记忆的方法。


  转换(例如:present present 通过重音变化,名词、形容词变成动词,意思改变)、合成(例如:blackboard=black+board)、派生(例如:transportation trans-前缀 port 词根 ation 名词词尾)是经过多年词汇学理论界证明的(下面还有详细论述)。








  (1). 前面加字母。例如:is his,ear near / hear,read bread

  (2). 后面加字母。例如:hear heart,you your,plane planet

  (3). 中间加字母。例如:though through,tree three,for four

  (4). 减字母。例如:she he,close lose,start star

  (5). 换字母。例如:book look / cook,cake lake / wake / make / take

  (6). 调字母(即改变字母顺序)。例如:blow bowl,sing sign,from form


  在日常生活中可以根据所处的环境,所见到、所摸到的事物,联想相关的英语单词。例如:打球时联想到:ball,( play ) basketball ,( play ) football,( play ) volleyball,playground等等;吃饭时联想到:dining - room,( have ) breakfast,( have ) lunch,( have ) supper等等;睡觉时联想到:bed,bedroom,go to bed,sleep,go to sleep,fall asleep等等。如果长期坚持下支,效果就会很好。

  英语单词记忆方法6、 归类记忆法


  (1). 按题材分类。例如:把名词分为生活用品、动物、植物、水果、食物、家庭成员、人体各部位、学习用具、学科、交通工具、地方场所、星期、月份、季节等;把动词分为系动词、助动词、行为运动词和情态动词,等等。

  (2). 按同音词分类。例如:see-sea,right-write,meet-meat

  (3). 按形近词分类。例如:three-there,four-your,quite-quiet

  (4). 按同义词分类。例如:big-large,hard-difficult,begin-start

  (5). 按反义词分类。例如:right-wrong,young-old,come-go 6. 按读音分类。例如:字母组合ea在eat,meat,teacher中读[i:];而在bread,ready,heavy中读[e];在great,break中读[ei]。这样不仅单词记住了,而且读音也掌握了。

  英语单词记忆方法7、 构词记忆法


  (1.) 派生法。这种方法就是在一个词根的基础上加上一个前缀或后缀,从而构成另一个新词,并且与该词根的含义有着密切的联系,此类词便称为派生词。如常用的前缀in-,im-,un-,dis-等表示否定含义;后缀-er,-or,-ist等表示人;以及后缀-y,-ly,-ful等表示形容词性等。如:like-unlike,teach-teacher,friend-friendly等。

  (2). 合成法。这种方法就是把两个或几个各自独立的单词并到一起组成一个新的单词,由此法构成的单词便称为合成词或复合词。如:black(黑色的)+board(木板) blackboard(黑板),class(班)+room(房间) classroom(教室),foot(脚)+ball(球) football(足球)等。

  (3). 转化法。这种方法就是在不改变拼写形式的基础上,由一种词性转化为另一种词性,主要有名词转化为动词、动词转化为名词、形容词转化为动词或名词等。如:water(n.水) water(v.浇水),lift(v.举起) lift(n.电梯),last(adj.过去的) last(v.持续)等。




  (1)把几个字母看作一个来记如:"ight"light right night might sight tight。


  (3)外新内旧,如:cleave"劈开"看成cleave tact"机智"看成tact




  联想实际的声音,如:gong锣coo咕咕声,peepee (撒尿) poopoo(拉屎)等。













  比如Cat, cat, you’re so fat. Pig, pig, you’re so big. Fly, fly, in the sky. Frog, frog, on the log. Bee, bee, don’t sting me等等。


  在教学中,尤其是在复习或检查环节,教师可以带学生开展各种游戏,如在学完身体部位时,就可以和学生一起玩“Touch your …..”的游戏。做的好的学生给予鼓励,学生的学习积极性也很高。几分钟下来,学生既玩得高兴,并且将身体部位的单词已深深地记在心里。


  英语是拼音文字,根据英语这一特点,使语音与单词中的字母有机的结合,以增强单词的记忆。就是利用英语国际音标来识记单词。比如:cow,how,now 等词中的字母组合ow 都发/au/ 这个音.因此,教师必须帮助学生详细地总结、熟记和使用字母及字母组合的发音规则,学生一旦掌握了这个识记单词的方法,记单词时就不需要一个字母一个字母地去死记硬背。



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  这里之所以要强调词组的固定搭配与习惯用法,主要是由于初中词汇有限,所以在中考英语试题中,词组的固定搭配与习惯用法就显得十分重要,出现在试题中的比重也很突出。这一题型的题目较多地反映在同义词语或相同表达上。如:take care of/look after, have a good time/enjoy oneself, go to bed/go to sleep, be good at/do well in, by air/by plane, no longer /not...any longer, keep doing sth. / go on doing sth., be full of/be filled with, worry about/be worried about, feel like(doing)/would like(to do),at once/right away, Not at all/You are welcome/That’s all right/Don’t mention it等等。同学们在复习中考英语时要注意练习这些短语的用法。



  above/over 在……上方 almost/ nearly 几乎;差不多

  also / too 也;同样 among / between 在……之间

  around / near(by) 在周围 arrive (at / in) / reach, get to 到达

  autumn / fall 秋天 baby / child 孩子

  bad / ill, wrong 坏的;错的 become / get, grow, turn 变得;成为



  China 中国 sina 中国 sinopec中国石化 sinopetrol中国石油

  yahoo长着虎牙的人乡巴佬 baggage luggage 行李

  name(名字),game(游戏,娱乐,比赛), lame(跛的),same(相同的,同样的),tame(驯服的,顺从的)。









  5. 词根词缀记忆法。


  a) 常用的前缀主要有:

  ab 表示反常 如:absent 缺席 abnormal 不正规的

  ap 表示添加 如:append 悬挂 apposition 同位置

  bi 表示两、重 如:bicycle 自行车 bigamy 重婚

  com 表示共同 如:combine 联合 compete 相争

  dis 表示分开 如:disarm 裁军 dislike 讨厌

  im 表示不 如: impossible不可能的 immoral 不道德的

  in 表示不、向内 如:informal 非正式的 inhuman 不人道的

  non 表示无 如:nonparty 无党派的 nonmetal 非金属

  pro 表示向前 如:progress 进步 prognostic 预兆

  re 表示回、重新 如: review 复习 reaction 反应

  un 表示不、非 如:unhappy 不快乐的 unbalance 失去平衡

  b) 常用的后缀主要有:

  al 表示人、物 如:rival 竞争者 mural 壁画

  cy 表示状态、职位 如:bankruptcy 破产 captaincy 船长

  er 表示人、物 如:teacher 老师 cooker 厨具

  able 表示可能的 如: movable 可移动的 passable 可通行的

  ful 表示充满 如: beautiful 美丽的 useful 有用的

  or 表示人、物 如:actor 男演员 mirror 镜子

  ist 表示人 如:copyist 抄写员 socialist 社会主义者

  ment 表示行为 如:enjoyment 娱乐 movement 运动

  ing 表示令人 如:exciting 令人兴奋的 interesting 令人有兴趣的

  ed 表示感到 如:excited 感到兴奋的 interested 感到有兴趣的

  less 表示没有的 如: resistless 不抵抗的 homeless 无家可归的

  ly 副词后缀 如:gently 轻轻地 intently 专心地

  tion 名词后缀 如:graduation 毕业 relation 亲属

  c) 典型的前后缀应用举例:

  1 excite vt.刺激 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的 excited adj.感到兴奋的 excitement n.兴奋

  2 smile v./n.微笑 smiling adj. 微笑的 smilingly adv.微笑的 unsmiling adj.不笑的



  前缀       例词 派生词

  un- “不”     happy unhappy

  like unlike

  usual unusual

  friendly unfriendly

  im-“不”     possible  impossible

  后缀 例词 派生词

  -er“人” teach teacher

  play player

  clean cleaner

  drive driver


  run runner


  win winner

  travel traveller

  -or“人”      invent inventor

  visit visitor

  -ly(副词后缀)   bad badly

  quick quickly

  careful carefully

  happy happily

  特例:true truly

  terrible terribly

  possible possibly

  -ful(形容词后缀) care careful

lose的同义词  help helpful

  use useful

  forget forgetful

  -y (形容词后缀) rain rainy

  luck lucky

  cloud cloudy

  noise noisy


  snow snowy

  sun sunny


  wind windy

  -ion(名词后缀) invent invention

  operate operation

  -ness(名词后缀) busy business

  good goodness



  sleep asleep

  die    dead

  enjoy   enjoyable


  boat boating

  build building

  begin    beginning

  cross    crossing

  meet     meeting

  turn     turning


  friend friendly

  south southern

  wool woolen

  danger  dangerous

  difference differentlose的同义词

  fry fried

  worry worried


  break broken

  lose lost   please   pleased

  colour    coloured


  know knowledge

  fly flight

  please   pleasure


  farm   farmer 农夫


  follow following

  interest interested“感兴趣的” 只作表语,

  仅用于be interested in

  interesting “有趣的”

  可作表语 和定语

  develop developed “发达的”

  developing “发展中的”



1. forgetful, unmindful, oblivious

These adjectives refer to inability or failure to remember. 这些形容词指不能或无法记起。

Forgetful usually implies a faulty memory or a tendency not to remember: Forgetful 通常含有记忆力衰退或失去记忆的意思:

As I grow older I become increasingly forgetful. Less often the word is used as the equivalent of unmindful, which applies principally to failure to keep in mind what should be remembered, as through deliberate oversight, heedlessness, or inattentiveness:

随着年龄的增长,我变得越来越健忘了。 偶尔这些词可用来代替unmindful, 该词主要用于指有意的疏忽、心不在焉或漫不经心等,而将应该记住的事忘了:

She ought not to be forgetful of her duties. 她不该玩忽职守。

Each passenger rushed toward the exit, unmindful of the others. 每个乘客都不顾其它人涌向出口。

Oblivious refers to failure rather than inability to remember, as because one is preoccupied or because one has chosen to disregard something: Oblivious 更侧重于疏忽而不是失去记忆,如因为某人做事一心一意或有选择地疏忽一些事情:

Fortunately for the author, he was soon oblivious of the vitriolic criticism. Sometimes the term implies lack of awareness: 幸运的是,就作者而言,他很快就忘了这些辛辣的评论。 有时这个词含有缺少意识的含义:

For a person who has known them so long you are strangely oblivious to their faults. 对于一个认识他们很久的人来说,你异乎寻常地没有意识到他们的缺点。

at one fling一鼓作气地; 一下子, 一举have a fling at sb.讥讽某人have a fling at sth.试图做某事have one's fling放荡, 纵情行乐in full fling莽撞地; 在高潮中indulge in a fling at嘲笑[挖苦] (某人)take a fling at攻击, 嘲笑;试图做(某事)take the fling不受约束;情绪不定, 忽冷忽热; 脾气变坏fling about跳来跳去; 抛散fling aside抛弃, 丢掉; 愤然离去fling away抛弃, 丢掉; 愤然离去fling into突然冲进;投入, 急速派遣fling off甩掉; 挫败; 气冲冲地突然跑开fling oneself about手舞足蹈; 发怒而暴跳fling oneself out手舞足蹈; 发怒而暴跳fling oneself into毅然投身于; 奋力从事fling oneself upon毅然投身于; 奋力从事fling out用力抛出; 出言不逊fling over[俚]舍弃, 不再保护[赞助]fling up舍弃, 抛弃

2. deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish, enervate

These verbs all mean to weaken severely by removing something essential. 这些动词都意味着通过移走基本的东西使严重削弱,

Deplete refers to using up gradually and only hints at harmful consequences: Deplete 指逐渐用光,并且仅暗示有害的后果:

I always replenish my food supply before it is depleted. 我总是在我的食物吃完之前加以补充。

Drain suggests reduction by gradual drawing off and is stronger in implying harm: Drain 意指通过逐渐消耗而减少,强调危害性: War often drains a nation's economy.战争经常耗尽一个国家的经济。

Exhaust stresses reduction to a point of no further usefulness: Exhaust 强调减少到不再有用的地步:

“The resources of civilization are not yet exhausted” (William Ewart Gladstone).

“文明的源泉永远不会枯竭” (威廉姆·爱德华·哥莱德斯托恩)。

Impoverish refers to severe reduction of resources or qualities essential to adequate functioning:

Impoverish 指资源和性质严重减少到最基本的程度:

“His death has eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure” (Samuel Johnson).

“他的死给全国的欢乐投上阴影,也使公众再也无法享受无害的欢乐” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。

Enervate refers to weakening or destruction of vitality or strength: Enervate 指活力或力量上的变弱或损伤:

Idleness enervates the will to succeed. 懒惰削弱了成功的决心

3. extend, lengthen, elongate, stretch, prolong, protract这组动词的一般含义是“使延长”。

extend和lengthen的反义词为shorten。这两个动词都可以表示时间和空间的“延长”,但是extend可以用于比喻意义上的“延长”,或范围的“扩展”。如:the extended meaning of a word (词汇的引伸意义),to extend (or lengthen) a road (延长道路),to extend (or lengthen) one's stay. (延长某人的逗留)

Can you extend your visit for a few days more?你能把你的访问再延长几天吗?

The railway will be extended next year.明年将要延长这条铁路。

„, and the project has now been extended.„„而且此项计划现在已经扩大了。

He is extending his eyes with radar;人类借助雷达来扩大自己的视野。

He wanted to have his coat lengthened a bit.他要把上衣放长一些。


A piece of rubber can be elongated by streching.一块橡皮可以拉长。



But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle.


protract 也指时间的“延长”,但多指“拖延”

Three hours have passed since the discussion was begun, and I'm afraid they will protract it still longer.


extend for延续...(距离)extend from从...伸出来extend from ... into ...从... 延伸[插]到...里extend from ... to ...从... 延绵[一直]到extend out伸出extend over延续...(时间), 遍布extend through ...贯穿..., 达到整个...的长度extend through to(一直)延伸到extend your hands伸出你的手extend one's business扩大其营业extend financial help to sb.给予某人资助

extend one's congratulations向...致贺

We are impressed by his capacity for handling an immense amount of work without appearing to extend himself.


To open or straighten (something) out; unbend:伸出,拉开:张开或把(某物)拉开;伸直:

extended the legs of the folding table.打开折叠桌的桌腿

To stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullest length:延伸:伸长或扩展(某物)到较大程度或最大长度:

extended the radio antenna.把收音机的天线拉到最长

To exert (oneself) vigorously or to full capacity:充分发挥,尽力:精力充沛地发挥(自己的)能力或充分发挥自己的能力:

Few mountain climbers have extended themselves as those two have.很少登山运动员能象那两个人那样充分发挥自己的能力

To cause to move at full gallop. Used of a horse.竭尽全力:使奋力奔驰。用于指马

To increase in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance:搀杂,增加数量:通过加上一种较便宜的物质来增加数量或体积:

used rice or pasta to extend leftover casseroles.用米饭或面食来增加剩下的食物

To adulterate.掺杂

To enlarge the area, scope, or range of.扩大:扩大面积、范围或区域

To expand the influence of.扩大„的影响

To make more comprehensive or inclusive.See Synonyms at increase 扩充,充实:使更广泛或包含内容更多的参见 increase

To offer:奉献:

extend one's greetings.奉上个人的祝福

To make available; provide:可用;提供:

extend credit to qualified purchasers.为符合资格的客户提供信用贷款

To cause (something) to be or last longer:延长:使(某物)处于或持续更长:

extended our visit by a day.把我们的拜访再延长一天

To prolong the time allowed for payment of:拖欠,宽延:延长对„的付款所允许的时间:

extend a loan for three more months.宽延三个多月的贷款

Chiefly British 【多用于英国】

To appraise or assess; value.鉴定或估价;评价

To seize or make a levy on for the purpose of settling a debt.征税:为解决债务而制定的征收额

v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or become long, large, or comprehensive:扩大:使变得长、大或广泛:

influence that extended to other continents; table legs that extend by unscrewing.扩大到其它各洲的影响;松开螺丝,桌脚即可伸长

come about To take place; happen.出现;发生

To turn around.转向

Nautical To change tack.【航海】 改变航向

come across To meet or find by chance:偶然遇到或找到:

came across my old college roommate in town today.今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学

Slang 【俚语】

To do what is wanted.做所想做的

To pay over money that is demanded:付要求的钱:

came across with the check.开支票支付

To give an impression:给予印象:

“He comes across as a very sincere, religious individual”(William L. Clay)


come along

To make advances to a goal; progress:进展:对一个目标有进步;前进:

Things are coming along fine.事情进展顺利

To go with someone else who takes the lead:跟随:与另一个带头的人走:

I'll come along on the hike.我将徒步旅行来

To show up; appear:表现;出现:

Don't take the first offer that comes along.不要采取他人的第一个提议

come around 或come round

To recover, revive:恢复,还原:

fainted but soon came around.昏迷但马上苏醒

To change one's opinion or position:改变某人意见或立场:

You'll come around after you hear the whole story.你听到整个故事之后你会明白

come at

To obtain; get:获得;得到:

come at an education through study.经由研究得到教育

To rush at; attack.对„冲击;攻击

come back

To return to or regain past success after a period of misfortune.东山再起:在一段不幸之后回到或再获得过去的成功 To retort; reply:反驳;回答:

came back with a sharp riposte.以尖锐的反驳回答

To recur to the memory:再现记忆:

When I saw the picture, happy memories came back.当我看到这照片,美好的回忆又再度浮现

come by

To gain possession of; acquire:占有;取得:

Mortgages are hard to come by.抵押难以获得

To pay a visit.访问

come down

To lose wealth or position:失去财富或地位:

He has really come down in the world.他在这个世界上真的失去了地位

To pass or be handed down by tradition:传承:按习惯通过或处理:

customs that come down from colonial times.从殖民时代传承下来的惯例

To be handed down from a higher authority:宣判:从更高权威传下来:

An indictment finally came down.终于宣判起诉

Slang To happen; occur:【俚语】 发生;出现:

What's coming down tonight?今晚发生了什么事情?

come in

To arrive:到达:

Fall clothes will be coming in soon.秋装即将上市

To become available for use:成为可用:

New weather information just came in.新气象信息刚被采用

To start producing. Used of an oil well.开始生产。用于油井

To arrive among those who finish a contest or race:比赛名次:在完成比赛的那些人中达到:

came in fifth.第五名

To perform or function in a particular way:按特殊方法执行或运作:

A food processor comes in handy.食品加工处理机用来十分便利

To reply in a specified manner to a call or signal:以特定方式回应:对电话或信号按特定方式回答:

The pilot's voice came in loud and clear.飞行员回应的声音大而清晰

To take on a specified role:承办规定的任务:

When editorial review commences, that's where you come in.编辑复审开始时,那有你要做的工作

come into

To acquire, especially as an inheritance:获得,尤指遗产:

She came into a fortune on her 21st birthday.她在二十一岁生日的时获得了一笔遗产

come off

To happen; occur:发生,出现:

The trip came off on schedule.旅行按计划得到实现

To acquit oneself:表现:

She is sure to come off badly if challenged to explain.如果被要求解释,她肯定表现得很差

To turn out to be successful:结果是成功的:

a party that came off.成功的晚会

come on

To convey a particular personal image:表现个人特定形象:

comes on as an old-fashioned reactionary.表现出象保守主义者

Slang To show sexual interest in someone:【俚语】 对某人有性兴趣:

trying to come on to me during the party.在宴会期间力图亲近我

To progress or advance in increments:递增:按增额发展或进步:

Darkness came on after seven.七点以后天色渐暗

To begin in small increments or by degrees:逐渐开始:按小的增额或程度开始:

Sleet came on after one o'clock.在一点钟后冰雹到来了

To hurry up; move rapidly. Often used in the imperative:催促;快速运动。常用于祈使语气:

Would you please come on! We'll be late!请快一点吧!我们要晚了!

To stop an inappropriate behavior; abandon a position or an attitude; be obliging. Used chiefly in the imperative: 制止:制止一种不合适的行为;放弃一种职位或态度;强迫。主要用于祈使语气:

You've used the same feeble excuse for weeks. Come on!几个星期以来你一直采用相同的无力借口。别再装了 come out

To become known:成为众所周知:

The whole story came out at the trial.整个真相在审问中变得众所周知

To be issued or brought out:发行或发表:

The author's new book just came out.作家的新书刚出版

To make a formal social debut:正式的社交:

She came out at age 18 in New York City.她于十八岁在纽约城初入社交圈

To end up; result:结束;结果:

Everything came out wrong.每件事都是错误地结束

To declare oneself publicly:自己公开宣布:

The governor came out in favor of tax breaks.这位政府官员公开宣布赞成停止征税

To reveal that one is gay or homosexual.揭露某人同性恋的身份

come over

To change sides, as in a controversy.改变立场,例如在争论中

To pay a casual visit.偶然拜访

come through

To do what is required or anticipated:作要求的或预期的事:

I asked for their help, and they came through.他们给了我所需要的帮助

To become manifest:成为显然的:

The parents' tenderness comes through in their facial expressions.父母的慈爱之情显现在脸上

To be communicated in a specified manner:用一种特别的方式沟通:

The pilot's voice came through loud and clear.飞行员的声音大而清楚

come to

To recover consciousness:恢复知觉:

The fainting victim came to.昏倒的受害者恢复了意识

Nautical 【航海】

To bring the bow into the wind.使船头转向迎风

To anchor.抛锚泊(船)

come up

To manifest itself; arise:显现;出现:

The question never came up.从不曾发生过这个问题

To rise above the horizon:升到地平线上:

The sun came up.太阳升起了

To rise, as in status or rank:提升,如在状态或级别上:

a general who came up from the ranks.按等级晋升的将军

To draw near; approach:靠近,接近:

came up and said hello.靠近并打招呼

come upon

To discover or meet by accident.偶然发现或遇到

come a cropper

To fail utterly.彻底失败

come clean

To confess all.全都坦白

come down on

To punish, oppose, or reprimand severely and often with force:申斥,谴责:严厉地且强有力地处罚、反对或谴责: a district attorney who came down hard on drug dealers.猛烈地谴责毒贩的地区辩护律师

come down to

To confront or deal with forthrightly:直率地面对或处理:

When you come right down to it, you have to admit I'm correct.当你真正面对它时,你就必须承认我是正确的 To amount to in essence:在意义上相当于:

It comes down to this: the man is a cheat.事实是这样:那人是个骗子

come down with

To become sick with (an illness):染病,得病:因(一种病)感到身体不舒服:

came down with the flu.因流感而感到不适

come in for

To receive; be subjected to:接受;服从:

came in for harsh criticism.接受严厉的批评

come into (one's) own

To get possession of what belongs to one.获得属于某人的东西

To obtain rightful recognition or prosperity:获得恰当的认可或成功:

a concert pianist who has at last come into his own.终于获得成功的协奏曲钢琴演奏家

come off it【俚语】

To stop acting or speaking foolishly or pretentiously. Often used in the imperative.


come out with

To put into words; say:进行谈话;讲话:

always comes out with the truth.以事实讲话

To reveal publicly:公开揭露:

came out with a new tax package.一组新税出台

come to blows

To begin a physical fight.开始肉搏

