

英语试题 时间:2023-06-16






1. 试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试题卷上直接作答。

2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。

3. 考试结束,由监考人员将试题卷和答题卡一并收回。


Ⅰ. 听力测试。(共30分)



1. A. I’m fine.                B. Good morning.              C. You’re welcome.

2. A. It’s sunny.              B. That’s all right.         C. It’s boring.

3. A. Hurry up.                 B. Of course.                 C. Don’t worry.

4. A. Good luck.                B. Never mind.                C. Good idea.

5. A. Spring.                   B. Monday.                    C. June.

6. A. Have fun.                 B. I’m sorry.                C. Thank you.



7. A. /s?n/.                    B. /fa:(r)/.                  C. /t?:(r)/.

8. A. 10 yuan.                  B. 50 yuan.                   C. 100 yuan.

9. A. Humorous.                 B. Beautiful.                 C. Helpful.

10. A. Chemistry.               B. Physics.                   C. Math.

11. A. Because he was ill.      B. Because he got up late.    C. Because he forgot the time.

12. A.                     B.                       C.




13. How will the man get to the bank?

A. By bus.                  B. By bike.                 C. On foot.

14. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.                 B. Strangers.               C. Husband and wife.


15. What’s the name of the man?

A. Collin James.            B. Celine Mates.            C. Collin Gates.

16. When will the man see the doctor?

A. At 9:00 a.m.             B. At 2:00 p.m.             C. At 4:00 p.m.



17. How often does the speaker run?

A. Twice a week.            B. Three times a week.      C. Four times a week.

18 Which could be a better place for running?

A. A playground.            B. A busy street.           C. A mountain road.

19. How man suggestions did the speaker give?

A. Two.                     B. Three.                   C. Four.

20. What did the speaker mainly talk about?

A. How to keep your running speed.

B. Where to buy good running shoes.

C. How to avoid getting hurt in running.

Ⅱ. 语法选择。(每小题1分,共10分)


Dear Jennet,

How is everything going?

After a week    21    Guangdong, Eric and I arrived in Hainan. However,    22    didn’t enjoy ourselves after getting here. On the first day, my bag    23    at the airport. It took us two hours to get it back. On the second day, I told Eric    24    an umbrella before going to the beach, but he forgot it. By the end of the day, he got terribly sunburned. He felt very painful and couldn’t fall    25   . So we had to go to hospital. When we returned to the hotel, it was already 2 a.m.    26    a bad day it was! Now, he regrets    27    he didn’t listen to me.

Today, we are going to    28    famous restaurant to try some seafood. It’s said that the restaurant    29    free drinks for customers since it opened in 1997. I will take some    30    of the dishes to share with you.

I have to go now. Eric is asking for me. Write soon.



21. A. in                        B. on                         C. at

22. A. we                        B. he                         C. I

23. A. leaves                    B. left                       C. was left

24. A. take                      B. takes                      C. to take

25. A. asleep                    B. sleepy                     C. sleeping

26. A. Why                       B. How                        C. What

27. A. if                        B. that                       C. which

28. A. the                       B. a                          C. an

29. A. provides                  B. provided                   C. has provided

30. A. picture                   B. pictures                   C. picture’s

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)


Old Mother Wind told the Tree, “I’ve just come across the grass, and there I saw the Best Thing in the World.”

Bobby Mouse was sitting under the Tree and    31    those words. He thought, “the Best Thing in the World — now what can that be? It must be lots of nuts! I’ll go and find it.” Bobby mouse ran down towards the    32   .

He was running so fast that he didn’t see Peter Rabbit    33    Peter Rabbit jumped out and asked, “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“Down in the grass to find the Best Thing in the World,” Bobby Mouse replied and ran    34   .

“The Best Thing in the World,” said Peter Rabbit. “That must be lots of carrots. I’ll go and find it.” So Peter Rabbit    35    him.

Before long, they met Johnny Chuck.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” asked Johnny Chuck.

“To find the Best Thing in the World,” they. shouted. “The Best Thing in the World,” said Johnny Chuck. “   36    is better than my own little home and the warm sunshine and the beautiful blue sky.” So he stayed at home and played among the flowers    37    Old Mother Wind happily.

Bobby Mouse and Peter Rabbit ran far and fast all day long and still they didn’t find the Best Thing in the World. When the    38    was over, they started back to their homes. They didn’t hurry now, for they were very tired and    39   .

They    40    Old Mother Wind halfway home.

“Did you find the Best Thing in the World?” asked Old Mother Wind.

“No!” They sounded unhappy.

“Johnny Chuck has it,” she said. “It is being happy with the things you have. It’s called contentment. And so do you. You have tried.”

31. A. wrote           B. spoke            C. forgot           D. heard

32. A. grass           B. tree             C. wood             D. wind

33. A. although        B. because          C. until            D. if

34. A. nearer          B. faster           C. more quietly     D. more slowly

35. A. joined          B. cheered          C. asked            D. visited

36. A. Everything      B. Something        C. Nothing          D. Anything

37. A. from            B. with             C. against          D. between

38. A. day             B. night            C. week             D. month

39. A. full            B. hungry           C. happy            D. excited

40. A. drove           B. hurt             C. lost             D. met

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(41-43小题,每小题1分,44-59小题,每小题2分,共35分)



With a little touch of art, simple fruit can be turned into a nice gift for Father’s Day or a surprise for your family.


Wash your hands first. Cut the green apple   and kiwis (猕猴桃) with a knife.

Get the banana ready. Place it in the middle   of the plate.

Cover the banana’s end with kiwis pieces as   the ground.

Put the apples around the banana’s top as leaves,   with their green skin facing up.

Put the grapes on top to fit into space   between the apple pieces and banana.

41. What do you do first before cutting the apple and kiwis?

A. Buy a gift.                          B. Wash your hands.

C. Cut the banana.                      D. Cover the banana’s end.

42. What are the leaves made from?

A. Apples.          B. Bananas.         C. Grapes.          D. Oranges.

43. Where do you put the grapes?

A. Under the banana’s top.             B. At the end of the banana.

C. In the middle of the plate.          D. Between the apple pieces and banana.




Up to 1.9m long


Up to 120 kilos


Bamboo forests mainly in Sichuan, Shanxi and   Gansu




About 25 years

Fun Fact

They spend at least 12 hours each day eating   bamboo. Most of the rest time is spent sleeping.

New Guinea Singing Dogs

New Guinea singing dogs are famous for their howl (长嚎), which sounds like the song of a whale. In a group,   one dog starts singing and the others all join in. They are 30 cm to 46 cm   tall and can be up to 14 kilos. They live in far-away mountains or forests in   New Guinea. They live on birds and small mammals. They can live up to 20 years.

44. How long can pandas be?

A. 1.5m.            B. 2m.              C. 2.8m.            D. 3m.

45. What do pandas eat?

A. Fish.            B. Chicken.         C. Bamboo.          D. Birds.

Which of the following can be put into No. 46 and No. 47 with the help of Pandas?

46. A. Lifespan.    B. Size             C. Color.           D. Weight.

47. A. They can be up to 14 kilos.

B. They are 30 cm to 46 cm tall.

C. They live on birds and small mammals.

D. Their howl sounds like the song of a whale.


New Guinea singing dogs


Up to 20 years


Far-away mountains or forests in New Guinea

Fun Fact


In a group, one dog starts singing and the   others all join in.


Most people remember their childhood by looking at old photos or videos. But for some, they choose to remember it by making models of their old homes where they grew up.

Du Yi, a Chinese miniature artist, used to make models of historic buildings. One day, a friend asked him to make a model of his old home in the countryside. He thought it was meaningful, so he helped. After he posted a short video online, it went viral. He won thousands of followers. Today, he has over 200,000 followers online.

Du often makes the miniature (微缩模型) house 30 times smaller than its real size. It usually takes him one to two months to make a model with the pictures provided by customers. Hundreds of small pieces and about 50 different materials, including wood, paper, and materials straight from nature are used. He often visits the villages to take a closer look at the details. He can spend the whole week studying one building, trying to understand the story, shapes and colors. “I have to be very careful about the details. If they are good, the work will come to life,” Du says. His miniature houses are sold at a starting price of around 20,000 yuan.

“When I first saw the model of my old home, it took me back to my childhood. Grandfather taught me how to farm and make toys from things around us,” says Hao Wei, one of Du’s customers.

When a skillful hand meets the need of people, a good business starts.

48. How do most people remember their childhood according to the passage?

A. By taking new photos.                B. By watching TV. 

C. By looking at old photos.            D. By visiting friends.

49. What does the underlined word “viral” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Difficult.       B. Popular.         C. Terrible.        D. Important.

50. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Du Yi is believed to be the best miniature artist in China.

B. People who need miniature houses want to live in the past.

C. Miniature artists make a lot of money by posting videos online.

D. Du Yi’s excellent skills and hard work are helpful for his success.

51. In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage?

A. Sports.          B. Health.          C. Life.            D. Nature.


It’s often believed that only grown-ups can make a difference. Is it true? Teen Vogue interviewed some teenagers across the world. Get ready to be inspired (启发).

16-year-old Michael started using social media (to cheer up teenagers of his age to follow their dreams on his baseball blogs. Michael also wrote about sports people and how they would face their challenges.

Lesein, 14 years old, first learned about climate change when he was twelve years old. His home country of Kenya loses about 29,650 acres of forest each year.

With a deep love of soccer, Lesein started Trees for Goals, planting a tree for every goal he scored in a match. Later the school’s soccer and basketball teams all followed him. In 2019, almost 1,000 trees in forests outside of Nairobi were planted. Now the government provides trees for them to plant.

Alexis Lewis, a 15-year-old inventor, designed a simple wheelchair with bamboo to help poor people who need to transport children many miles to hospitals. Another invention of his is a special mask which can be thrown through a window of a smoke-filled building to people inside.

Alexis said, “People are dying because they can’t be saved in time. Another reason why I want to invent something is that I love physics and I use it to improve technologies.” Alexis also told our reporter that he wanted children to know that    ▲   .

These young people are certainly shining examples to show you’re never too young to make a difference.

52. How did Michael influence other teenagers?

A. By following his dream.              B. By using social media.

C. By talking to teenagers.             D. By playing baseball.

53. What did Lesein do to help fight climate change?

A. He started Trees for Goals and kept planting trees.

B. He followed soccer and basketball teams to plant trees.

C. He planted almost 1,000 bamboos outside of his school.

D. He used social media to call on other children to plant trees.

54. Which of the following can be put in the    ▲   ?

A. a small dream can make a big change to the whole world

B. inventors can be everybody who’s ever tried to solve a problem

C. we all should start planting trees to make the earth a better place

D. you don’t have to be an inventor unless you are good enough

55. What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Ways to Make a Difference        B. Teenagers Are the Future of the World

C. An Interview with Teenagers          D. Teenagers Can Make Changes to the World


① Green is the color of nature and the symbol of life. For thousands of years, humans have followed the laws of nature to live in harmony (和谐) with nature.

② That has been seen in ancient Chinese houses. Ancient Chinese often built their homes at the foot of the mountain with a river running nearby. The mountains could stop the cold wind from the north and the river provided water for life. Most houses were also built facing south ar west so that the rooms were able to get enough sunshine in winter and keep cool in summer.

③ In modern times, humans didn’t follow the laws of nature during fast development. Luckily, it’s never too late to make changes.

④ Green development is the goal of all countries. On April 23, 2016, China signed the Paris Agreement on climate change, giving a strong push to the international efforts against global (全球的) warming.

⑤ Also in China, the government added green development to the country’s work plans. From 1999 to the end of 2018, by carrying out Mother River Protection Operation, China raised 600 million yuan to build over 5,700 green projects. Through international cooperation (合作), over 98.32 million trees were planted across China.

⑥ Denmark is a leading country in wind and solar technologies. This year Denmark has started the “Power-to-X” plan, providing about 1.25 billion kroner (about 1.27 billion yuan) for projects producing hydrogen (氢气).

⑦ Builders across the world are also playing a role in green development. In Chicago, pressed newspaper, recycled glass and plastic are used on buildings. In Bali, the green school is made from bamboo. The school gets its electricity (电) from solar panels (太阳能电池板), water power and a generator that burns farm waste.

⑧ Following the laws of nature is the only way out. A small move in one country may influence the global community as a whole. Let’s join our hands to make the world a better place for now and future.

56. What do we know about the ancient Chinese houses?

A. They were built on the mountains.    B. They were built far from rivers.

C. They were built facing south or west.    D. They were built to get enough wind.

57. How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 7?

A. By explaining the results.           B. By raising questions.

C. By comparing differences.            D. By giving examples.

58. Which of the following would the writer agree with?

A. Everyone is part of the green development.

B. Green buildings are the future of the world.

C. Green development is just protecting nature.

D. The future of humans depends on technology.

59. Which is the best structure of this passage?

A.               B.

C.              D.

Ⅴ. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)


A. What time is it now?

B. Yes? Mum, I am busy.

C. Take out the rubbish, please.

D. What are you doing?

E. No problem!

F. You are late for school.

G. What do you have to do?

A: Hey, Amy!

B:    60  

A: Oh, you are busy.    61  

B: I’m making a list. I have to do a lot of things today.

A:    62  

B: I have to clean my room, study for my English test and prepare a birthday gift for a friend.

A: OK. Can you help me when you’re free?

B:    63    What do you need me to do?

A:    64  

B: All right. I can do it now.

A: Thank you! Remember to put the recyclable bottles in the right place.


Ⅵ. 任务型阅读。(65-67小题,每小题2分,68小题3分,共9分)


I was reading when my little brother rushed into my room. “I made paper airplanes, David! Aren’t they cool?” Tex shouted, sending his plane directly into my head.

I was a bit angry. “Excuse me, can I have a little peace and quiet so I can read?” In fact, I was upset about the exam which I failed yesterday.

“Oh! I want to read!” said Tex. “Can you read your book out loud?”

“I don’t want to read aloud,” I said more angrily.

“Are you in a bad mood (情绪)?” Tex asked

“Tex, just leave me alone!” I got up, making my way towards the living room.

“What’s up, David?” asked my father.

“I’m in a terrible mood!” I said.

“I like organizing things when I’m in a bad mood,” said my dad.

“I like cleaning up when I need a change in mood,” said my mom.

I knew everybody was trying to help make me feel better, but I felt even worse.

Just then, my friend Ollie stopped by. “Check out my new soccer ball.”

I stepped outside and said, “I’m too busy being in the world’s worst mood to do anything at all.”

“When I am in a bad mood, I move,” said Ollie. He kicked the ball far. “We ran and ran to catch it until it was finally stopped by a tree. That’s when we saw a cute squirrel (松鼠) catch snacks from a bird feeder.”

“Whoa!” said Ollie. “I never knew squirrels could hang upside down like that.”

“Sure,” I giggled (咯咯地笑).

“Hey!” said Ollie. “That noise you just made sounded a lot like a laugh.”

I smiled. “Possibly.”

“Of course, you do. Catch!” said Ollie. He threw the ball at me.

65. Did David fail the exam?


66. How did David feel when his parents tried to help?


67. What does the advice from Father, Mother and Ollie have in common (共有的)?


68. Do you think the way that helped David is useful to you? Explain.


Ⅶ. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)


69. Tina finishes her homework before 6 o’clock every day.(改为否定句)

Tina __________ __________ her homework before 6 o’clock every day.

70. Your parents are waiting for you at home.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ your parents waiting for you?

71. Steve learns English well.(改为同义句)

Steve is __________ __________ English.

72. 你可以在字典上查阅这个单词。(完成译句)

You can __________ __________ the word in the dictionary.

73. 我太累了以至于不能维续走下去。(完成译句)

I was __________ tired __________ I couldn’t walk on.

Ⅷ. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


Many successful people follow a similar routine (常规). This helps them make the best use of their days. This also helps sleep well at night. One of the most important things successful people do is to get ready for the next day the night before. Let’s see    74    they do that.

Learn to relax

Successful people say it is important to relax. Some enjoy listening to music, w   75    others like taking a bath before going to bed. Studies show that a 15-minute bath an hour or two before bedtime helps them sleep better. Sleeping well tonight means a good day tomorrow.

Put the phone down

Studies show that the blue light from a phone is bad for our sleep. Successful people c   76    their phone use. They don’t sleep with their phones nearby. They put phones away an hour    77    bedtime and they use an alarm clock to wake up.

Think about today

Before sleep, it helps to think about the day. Many    78    people think about the good things from the day. This helps them to learn and to change. It also    79    them to make a plan for a good (perhaps even better) day tomorrow.

Make a    80  

Many successful people make plas for their activities the next day. It helps them sleep well. This is important because sleeping b   81    sometimes makes everything seem worse the next day. Making plans also helps them wake up relaxed, happy and ready for the new day.

Ⅸ. 书面表达。(满分20分)



1. 80-120词;

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。













21-25 AACCA 26-30 CBBCB

31-35 DACBA 36-40 CBABD

41-43 BAD

44-47 ACAD

48-51 CBDC

52-55 BAAD

56-59 CAAC

60-64 ADGEC

65. Yes. /Yes, he did.

66. He felt even worse.

67. They solve their bad mood by moving or doing other things.

68. 略

69. doesn’t;finish

70. Where;are

71. good;at

72. look;up

73. so;that

74. how 75. while 76. control 77. before 78. successful 79. helps 80. plan 81. Badly

