

字典 时间:2011-07-17





  argue的用法1:argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。

  argue的用法2:argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为…而争论”时接 about , on或over; 表示“为反对…而争论”时接against; 表示“为赞成…而争论”时接for; 表示“与…争论”时接with。

  argue的用法3:argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question之类的名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。

  argue的用法4:argue作“说服”“劝说”解时,接out of表示“拒绝”,即“不做某事”; 接in表示“采纳”,即“做某事”。

  argue的用法5:argue作“表明”解时,可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”作补足语的复合宾语。



  argue about( v.+prep. )

  argue against( v.+prep. )

  argue away〔off〕( v.+adv. )

  argue back( v.+adv. )

  argue down( v.+adv. )

  argue for( v.+prep. )

  argue into( v.+prep. )

  argue out( v.+adv. )

  argue out of( v.+adv.+prep. )

  argue over( v.+prep. )

  argue round( v.+adv. )

  argue with( v.+prep. )


  1. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.


  2. I don't think many people would argue with that.


  3. They egged each other on to argue and to fight.


  4. One could argue that smoking, by its very nature, is addictive.


  5. They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland's economy.


  6. There are those who argue that true independent advice is unattainable.


  7. She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room.


  8. The room was so lovely it seemed churlish to argue.


  9. To argue otherwise is trying to defend the indefensible.


  10. Don't argue with me.


  11. If there's a dispute we argue it out.


  12. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.


  13. Libertarians argue that nothing should be censored.


  14. She knew better than to argue with Adeline.


  15. Don't agree, but don't argue either.






  ability的用法2:表示“在某方面有能力”时ability可接介词in, at, for等;表示“做某事的能力”时可接动词不定式,也可接“in+动名词”,但不接“of+动名词”。表示“有能力的”,可说ability of。

  ability的用法3:ability to do it前通常有限定词,即可以说an ability to do it,也可以说the ability to do it,还可以说sb's ability to do it。注意这种结构中的动词不定式不可用于被动语态。




  用作名词 (n.)

  to the best of one's ability



  1. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.


  2. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.


  3. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.


  4. Overcrowding has taxed the city's ability to deal with waste.


  5. The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.


  6. Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.


  7. They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.


  8. Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.


  9. Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.


  10. Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.


  11. Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens' ability to lay.


  12. Both of them had the ability to present complex matters lucidly.


  13. Airlines should stand or fall on their ability to attract passengers.


  14. Voters are interested in the representative's ability to bring home the bacon.


  15. Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper.






  price的用法2:“价格的上涨”用动词go up或 rise,“价格的下跌”用fall或drop。




  用作名词 (n.)

  a price on sb's head

  at a price

  at any price

  beyond〔above,without〕 price

  cheap at the price

  pay a〔the〕 price

  put a price on

  What price...?

  用作动词 (v.)

  price at (v.+prep.)

  price out of (v.+adv.+prep.)

  price up (v.+adv.)


  1. He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.


  2. He responded positively and accepted the fee of £1,000 I had offered.


  3. Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.


  4. A higher fee does not necessarily mean a better course.


  5. He threatens to dock her fee.


  6. Sellers pay a fixed commission fee.


  7. They charge a£66.10 fee for reconnecting cut-off customers.


  8. The entrance fee is £50.


  9. a capitation fee for each pupil


  10. Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account?


  11. He charged a relatively modest fee.


  12. Customers who overdraw their accounts will be charged a fee.


  13. The boss of the ballroom excused them the fee.


  14. An initial fee is payable to the franchiser.


  15. Three considerations argue against increasing fee.



l.about:prep. 关于;大约

adj. 在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的 adv. 大约;周围;到处

n. 大致;粗枝大叶;不拘小节的人

① what about怎么样;(对于)…怎么样 Hey, what about breakfast? 嗨,早饭怎么样? ② how about 怎么样、如何、怎麽样

How about we do that here?我们现在也这么做如何? ③ speak/talk about议论、谈到、讨论、谈论某事 He has nothing to speak about that thing 关于那件事他没有什么可说的

What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? ④ think about 思考、考虑

Think about what you like to do想想有什么是你喜欢做的 ⑤ care about 关心,对…有兴趣、担心、在乎 That's all we care about那是所有我们关心的

She always cares about losing her job她总担心丢掉她的工作 ⑥ bring about引起,使发生

Its main mission is to bring about "peace and security" 它的主要目的就是带来“和平和安宁” ⑦ set about着手,开始

She set about planning her holiday开始为假期作准备了 ⑧ come about 发生 ; 产生 ; 出现 ; 造成

How did it come about? 这一切都是怎么发生的? ⑨ hear about听说、得知、耳闻 Did you hear the news about edward? 你听说了关于爱德华的消息了吗?

⑩ worry about为…担心、焦虑、烦恼、惦念、挂虑 Do you worry about your weight? 你担心自己的体重吗? ⑾ argue about争论、争辩、议论某事、辩论

I don't want to argue about it any more我不想再争辨什么 Do we have to argue about this? 我们非要为这个吵吗? Argue about sth. with sb就某事与某人辩论

⑿ know about 了解、知道…的情况、知道有关于、知道 What do they know about your topic? 关于你的主题他们了解多少?

I happened to know about him。我碰巧了解他的情况。 ⒀ carry about 随身携带、携带、带着、随身照顾 Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. 记忆就好像是我的所有人随身携带的记事本 This dictionary is too heavy to carry about. 这本字典大重,不能随身携带

⒁ learn about了解、听到、得知、学习 How did you learn about our product? 你是怎么得知我们产品的?

⒂ all about到处,各处;关于…的一切

Tell me all about yourself 请告诉我有关你的一切 ⒃up and about起床走动

She was up and about very early 她很早就起来活动了

He's too weak to be up and about他太虚弱了,不能起来走动。

2.away:adv. 离去,离开;在远处 ① right away 立刻、马上、立即、即时 Will you take me to him right away? 你现在就带我去找他好吗?

② throw away 扔掉、错过、浪费、丢弃

I never throw anything away我从来不扔任何东西 Don't throw away those boxes不要把那些箱子扔掉 ③ blow away 吹走、吹掉、吹去 The smoke blew away 烟被风吹掉了

Beware your hat, lest it should be blown away. 当心你的帽子别被吹走

④ carry away拿走、带走、冲走、搬走、冲昏 ... 的头脑 Water can carry away the soil only if it is flowing fast 雨水只有在流得很快的时候才能带走泥土 ⑤ clear away散去、驱除、消除、收拾餐桌

Shall I clear away the teacups?我可以收拾茶杯了吗? ⑥ die away 逐渐消失,减弱

The noise of the car die away in the distance汽车声音消失在远方 The breeze has died away. 微风渐渐减弱了

⑦ pass away(时间等)消磨掉、去世、终止、停止

His ill humour will soon pass away. 他的坏心情很快就会消失。He unfortunately passed away last year他不幸于去年去世了

⑧ wash away冲走、清洗、消除、涤荡、涤除

Our house was washed away in the flood. 我们的房屋在洪水中被冲走了

To wash away the feeling of pain. 用雨水来冲刷掉痛苦的感觉⑨ take away带走、拿走、取走、剥夺、减去、使停止 He wants to know who have take away his dictionary 他想知道谁拿走了他的词典

If you take four away from ten, that leaves six.十减去四得六 ⑩ put away收起来、放好、储存、打消、放弃 Please put away your toys请把你的玩具放好。

I have a year's worth of salary put awa我有一年的工资的储备 ⑾ give away 背弃、泄漏、赠送

I wish he wouldn't give the show away但愿他不会泄露内幕 He was giving his collection away for free 他正在无偿捐赠他的收藏

When you give away your love当你付出你的爱 ⑿ wear away 磨损、磨掉、消逝、衰退流逝

My patience is almost worn away by her endless complaints 她抱怨个不停,几乎使我的耐性消耗殆尽

Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away 除了眼泪外,只有时间可以冲淡一切!

⒀ break away突然离开、逃跑、脱离、逃脱、摆脱 He decided to break away from the Party. 他决定脱党

Can't you break away from old habits? 你不能戒除旧习惯吗? ⒁ send away 撵走、开除、解雇、让走开 to send away somebody赶走(或开除)某人

⒂ turn away 避开、解雇、不准…入内、走开、转过脸 It does not care if you turn away它不在意你是否走开。 ⒃ far away遥远的

I live far away from my school 我住的地方离学校很远

3.back n. 后面;背部;靠背;足球等后卫;书报等末尾

vt. 支持;后退;背书;下赌注 vi. 后退;背靠;倒退

adv.以前;向后地;来回地;上溯 adj.后面的;过去的;拖欠的

① give back归还、恢复、后退、交还、退后 I gave the textbook back to him我把课本归还给他了 The holiday gave him back his good spirits 假期使他恢复了愉快的情绪 ② keep back扣留、隐瞒、阻止…前进、留在后面 She couldn't keep back her tears 她止不住流下眼泪 I will keep back nothing from you我对你什么都不隐瞒 ③ look back(on) 回顾、倒退、追忆、回头一看 I always look back on those happy days I spent atcollege 我总是回想起我在大学里度过的快乐时光. ④ hold back隐瞒; 控制; 阻碍; 犹豫不决

She couldn't hold back her tears 她忍不住流下眼泪

But you may want to hold back 不过或许还是有所保留的好 ⑤ call back回喊、叫(某人)回来[去]; 回电话; 记起(某事) I will call back later. 我稍后再打电话来

He'll call back later 待会儿他会再打过去。 ⑥ take back收回、(使)回忆起、领回、取回; We cannot take back words once spoken 话一旦说出我们不可能收回

I forgot to take back my bicycle. 我忘了把自行车取回来 ⑦ go back 回去、追溯、 回顾、向后伸展、背叛 As for you, go back home 所以你起身回家去吧。

How far does the tradition go back? 这传统有多久的历史了? ⑧ go back on违背;背弃

I swear it. I won't go back on it. 我说话算数,我发誓决不食言 Are you gonna go back on your word你要违背你自己说的话吗 ⑨ in the back在后面

Why do I get more car sick in the back 为什么坐在车的后座更容易晕车和不适 ⑩ in the back of在……后面;在……之后

Is there a park in the back of hotel? 旅馆的后面有个停车场? ⑾ back up支持;援助;倒退;(资料)备份

Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals 要特别注意定期备份你的文档

His employers backed him up. 他的雇主们支持了他 Back up, Hans. 倒车,汉斯

⑿ back down退让、退回去、撤销 放弃、让步

It's too late to back down now 现在打退堂鼓为时已晚。 Why back down now? 你怎么会现在放弃呢? ⒀ back off后退、软化、减轻、卸下 I suggest you back off. 我建议你退出。

⒁ on my back在背上;找我麻烦,挑我毛病 I do pushups with them on my back做俯卧撑时,我让孩子骑在背上 Whenever I come home late my wife is always on myback 每当我回家晚了,我妻子总找我的麻烦。 ⒂ back into 使倒进…、倒车撞上(某物)

to back a car into a parking place 把汽车退入停车场 4.for prep. 为,为了;因为;给;对于;至于;适合于

conj. 因为

① run for竞选、匆匆去取、赶紧去请 He declared his intention to run for office 他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法

Run for the doctor,the old man is dying.老人不行了,赶快去找医生 ② ask for 请求、 要求…、找…、自找麻烦

He felt too ashamed to ask for help他不好意思请求帮助。 I have the right to ask for an explanation.我有权要求一个解释。 ③ wait for 等候

You wait for me? 你会等我吗?

Wait for me here! 在这儿等着我! ③ stand for代表、表示、为…而奋斗、拥护、<口>容忍 It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more 这太让人气愤了,我们再也不能容忍下去了

They know what they stand for他们知道他们代表了什么 ④ long for渴望、羡慕、憧憬、想望、思

Many young people in the country long for city life 许多乡村年轻人渴望城市生活 ⑤ except for 除了、要不是由于、除……之外、除去 The room was empty except for a broken wood chair 屋子里除了一张破木椅什么都没有。 ⑥ hope/wish for 盼望、希望得到 What did you wish for? 你许的什么愿?

Let's hope for his survival. 希望他能活下来。 ⑦ care for喜欢、计较、尊重、照料;

Do you care for this style?你喜欢这种样式吗? She cares only for herself. 她只关心她自己

Would you care for some more tea? 你是不是还想要点茶? ⑧ beg for乞讨(食物、钱等)、恳求、乞求 She begged me for help. 她求我帮忙。 to beg for forgiveness 恳求宽恕

⑨ search for搜索、搜寻、访求、追索 Why not search for reviews before you buy? 为什么不在买之前搜索一下用户评论呢?

⑩ look for寻找(某人、物)找(麻烦、苦头) 希望得到 You look for secret? 你在寻找秘密? ⑾ call for去接(某人)、去取(某物)、需要、要求 Jane will call for you tomorrow morning. 简明早去接你 It's a situation that calls for a blend of delicacy and force. 这种情况下需要的是刚柔并济 ⑿ apply for 申请、请求

How do I apply for this scholarship我要怎样申请这个奖学金? ⒀ for all 尽管、虽然

He never stopped trying for all his failures. 尽管他失败,但他从没放弃努力。

⒁ come for向…冲去、来取、来找、来接 Then he'll come for me 然后他会为我而来. I've come for your baggage. 我来取您的行李 ⒂pass for 被认为、冒充、被认为是、被当作

I all the time pass for a football player我一直被看作足球运动员。 You could pass for a teenage你可冒充十几岁的人

5.down adv. 向下,下去;在下面 adj. 向下的

n. 软毛,绒毛;[地质] 开阔的高地


① burn down(火)减弱、(使)烧毁、焚毁;

The house burnt down in half an hour那房子在半小时之内被烧毁 ② put down 放下、记下、估计、镇压、贬低、奚落、反驳 Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion. 士兵们攻进去镇压了一场叛乱

I know that I do put people down occasionally. 我知道我有时候确实会伤人面子 ③ break down 失败、分解、损坏、衰弱下来、失败 Cellulose is hard to break down纤维素是很难分解的 ④ take down 拆卸、记录、记下、笔录、取下 Please take down my baggage请帮我拿下行李 ⑤ turn down 减少、关小、拒绝、驳回、顶回去 Could you turn down the music?把音乐关小一点好吗? I turn down the offer我拒绝那个提议 ⑥ cut down削减、砍倒、裁短、减少

He has to cut down on the consumption of meat他不得不减少吃肉 She cut down the sapling with one chop. 她砍倒了那棵树 ⑦ slow down减速、放慢速度、使……慢下来

Slow down!I can't keep up (with you)!慢点,我跟不上(你)了! You must slow down your car. 你必须把车子开慢。 ⑧ pass down 传下来、遗传

We will pass down kunqu opera 我们会把昆曲传下去。 ⑨ calm down(使)平静、镇静、安静、使)平静下来 I told myself to calm down.我告诫自己要冷静下来。 ⑩ close down 关闭、查封、(使)停业(使)停产 、逼近

All the stores and shops in this city don't close down on Sundays 这个城市的大小商店星期天都不关门

6.at prep. 在(表示存在或出现的地点、场所、位置)


① shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷、对…大声喊、呼叱、叱喝 You shouldn't shout at me 你不应该冲着我吼 ② work at在…工作、从事于…、致力于…

Have you ever been working at the bank? 你在银行工作过吗? I desire you to set to work at once. 我希望你立即开始工作 ③ at times 有时、间或、不时、偶然 She is very petty at times她有时很小心眼

He was certainly complacent at times.他有时确实太自满了 ④ at heart 在内心、内心里、实质上、本质上 I'm a country girl at heart 我实际上是个乡下姑娘

Indeed he has a solemn face, but he is very humorous at heart. 他的确有一副严肃的脸孔,但内心却是很富幽默感

Apple is at heart a design company. 苹果从本质上是个设计公司 ⑤ look at 看、评判、审视、接受

His girlfriend is pretty to look at他的女朋友长得好看 We should learn to look at problems all-sidedly. 我们应该学会全面看问题

The manager will not look at a report like that. 经理不会接受那样一份报告 ⑥ catch at 试图抓住 ; 抓住 ; 想抓住 ; 渴望取得 They catch at every opportunity to make money. 他们抓住一切机会来赚钱

I've caught you at your tricks again! 我又抓到你在耍花招! ⑦ stare at 凝视、盯住、睽

He stares at the beggar with sympathy.他同情地凝视着那个乞丐 Don't stare at me like that. 不要那样地盯着我 ⑧ glare at 用愤怒的目光注视、怒视 They stood there, glaring at each other. 他们站在那,互相怒视着对方 ⑨ laugh at 因…而发笑、嘲笑、蔑视、对…满不在乎

Don't laugh at him; he's very sensitive 千万别笑他,他很敏感 The students laughed at the funny story.


In his childhood,he learned how to laugh at difficulties. 在童年时,他学会了如何漠视困难 ⑩ point at(把…)对准、指向、针对、指画 Did you just point at her? 你干嘛要指她呢? ⑪ smile at 对…微笑, 以微笑对待

Try to smile at the absurdities of life. 试着笑对生活的不如意 They were smiled at and entertained everywhere. 他们到处受到的是微笑和款待。

Who can smile at grief? 谁能对不幸一笑了之? ⑫ strike at 向……打击

I struck at him on his head.我一拳击中了他的头部。 ⑬ wonder at 对…感到惊讶[奇怪]; 惊叹; 怪; I wonder at your patience. 你的耐心使我惊讶 ⑭ call at 到…进行短暂访问、停留;

I shall call at his home tomorrow.我明天要到他家里拜访。 ⑮ at best 至多、充其量、顶多

She is at best a second-rate singer.她充其量是个二流歌手

⑪ bring down降价、把(某物、人)抬下、打倒、 击败


We must bring down the cost of doing business

我们必须降低经营成本 ⑫ settle down 安家、定居、(使)安静下来、平息 He has no plans to settle down 他并没有安定下来的打算

I must settle down and do my homewor我必须安下心来做家庭作业 ⑬ come down 下来、降落、流传下来、倒塌、落魄、失势 Will you not come down? 你到底下不下来

Since he lost the job, he has really come down in the world 自从他失业以后,他的确过着穷困潦倒的生活 ⑭ drop down 落下、卧倒、顺着向下移动、倒下 Please select a type from the drop down combo box 请从下拉组合框中选择一个类型

The fruit dropped down from the tree 水果从树上掉下来 ⑮ change down 放慢车速

I must change down now 我现在必须放慢车速了 ⑯ charge down冲上前、往下冲、<主美>把…记账 He led the charge down the field他带头沿着球场冲杀过去 ⑰ fall down倒塌、跌倒、失败、趴架、栽倒

Did you just fall down the stairs?你刚才从楼梯摔下来了? The old house soon fell down 这座老房很快就倒塌了 They fell down before him. 他们拜倒在他面前

7.from prep. 来自,从;由于;今后 9.off prep. 离开;脱落 ① differ from与…不同、不同意(某意见或某人)、差; adv. 切断;走开 I differ from her about (或on) this question. adj. 远离的;空闲的 我在这个问题上跟她意见不同 ① start off 开始旅行、以…开始、迅速跑开、出发 ② suffer from忍受,遭受;患…病;受…之苦 They will soon start off. 他们很快就要动身了。 We suffer from too much officialdom.我们深受官僚作风之害 ② leave off 停止(做)某事、戒掉; 戒除 ③ hear from 收到…的来信、从…听到、受到(某人)责骂 Leave off! You'll break it if you're not careful! It was a pleasure to hear from you.很高兴收到你的信 ④ keep from 隐瞒、阻止、免于、忍住 I horse around quite a lot, just to keep from getting bored. 我胡闹了一阵儿,只是为了摆脱厌烦。 ⑤ die from 回溯到、开始于、从 ... 的时候存在 This letter was dated from Beijing 20 May in 2002. 此信2002年5月20日寄自北京。 ⑥ stop 阻止某事发生 It's not so easy to stop from screaming. 我想停止尖叫,可是这是如此困难。 ⑦ separate…from 分离;把…和…分开 Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others. 有暴力行为的囚犯隔离囚禁 ⑧ learn from 向……学习 We should learn from experienced teachers. 我们应该向有经验的教师学习。 ⑨ result from起因于、由……造成、产生于…、由…引起 Remember, failures that result from testing are good. 记住,测试中产生的失败是好事情

8.of prep. 关于;属于;…的;由…组成的 ① think of 想起、考虑、想像、关心、对…有意见 Do you think of me sometimes? 你会偶尔想起我么? I can think of two scenarios. 我能想到的有两种情况。 What do you think of her work? 你对她的工作怎么看? What do you think of my suggestion? 你觉得我的建议怎么样? ② dream of 梦见、梦想、渴望、考虑 I dreamt of her last night.昨晚我梦见她了。 We dreamed of having a car and a house.我们想望有车有房。 ③ consist of 由…组成;由…构成;包括

A week consist of seven days.一星期由七天组成。 ④ speak of谈到、讲到、显示出…、说到、谈起 He didn't speak of the accident.他没有提到那次事故。 His face spoke of a smile. 他的脸上露出了微笑。

⑤ approve of 赞成、赞同 Do you approve of the new design? 您赞成这种新设计吗? ⑥ die of 死于(疾病、过度悲伤等)、强烈地感受到…

She die of cancer .她死于癌症。 ⑦ talk of 谈到、说到、说及

He is the talk of the town. 他是大家所谈论的话题。 ⑧ hear of 听说 Have you ever hear of this matter? 你究竟听说过这件事吗? ⑨ complain of 抱怨、抗议 I have nothing to complain of. 我没有任何不满。 ⑩ become of使遭遇…、…降临于、发生…情况 What has become of your husband? 你丈夫发生了什么事?

停止!你不小心的话会把它破的! ③ show off 使突出、炫耀、卖弄 He called me a show off. 他觉得我是在炫耀自己 ④ get off 动身、下车、从…下来、脱下(衣服等) Where should I get off? 那我应该在哪里下车? I told you.Get off the farm. 我告诉过你,离开农场。 I kept telling him to get off. 我不停地告诉他把手拿开。 ⑤ take off 脱掉、起飞、(使)离开、突然成功 He came in and took off his coat. 他走了进来,脱掉大衣。 The train will take off at 7 this evening. 火车今晚7点钟离开。⑥ see off 送行、送别、把(某人)赶走、欢送 She went to the airport to see off me. 她去机场为我送行 ⑦ ring off 挂断、话终振铃、挂断电话 I'll have to ring off now 我现在得挂断电话了 ⑧ put off 敷衍、使分心、延期、脱去(衣、帽等) The game was put off because of rain. 比赛因雨延期。 ⑨ come off 脱落,褪色、举行,成功、表现、脱离 A button has come off my coat. 我的大衣掉了一颗扣子。

Her attempt to break the world record nearly came off. 她想要打破世界纪录,已接近成功。 ⑩ cut off 切断、中断、使死亡、剥夺继承权 The village is cut off by the flood. 村子被洪水隔绝 ⑪ fall off 减少、跌落、下降、离开、衰退 They fall off their bikes. 他们从自行车上摔下来 ⑫ keep off 不接近、让开、禁食、避开某一话题 Keep off the sauce! 别喝烈酒 We'd better keep off sensitive topics. 我们最好避开敏感话题 ⑬ go off 离开、消失、进行、爆炸、响起、变质、熄灭

When did she go off the theory? 她是什么时候放弃这一理论的? Any bells go off? 有警钟响起来了吗? ⑭ break off (使)分离、(使)脱离、停止、断交 We still break off finally. 最后我们还是分手了

He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话只说了一半就停住了 ⑮ pay off 付清、取得成功、贿赂、报复

Pay off your credit cards every month.记得每月还清你的信用卡 ⑯ carry off完成、抢走、成功地对付、赢得

Brazil whether carry off world cup champion? 巴西能否夺得世界杯冠军? ⑰ turn off 关掉、关闭、拐弯、使转变方向 Do you mind if I turn off the light? 你介意我把灯关掉吗? ⑱ shut off 停止、关掉、隔绝、使不进入 Tell him to shut off the motor 告诉他把发动机关掉。 We can't shut off the world. 我们不可能让世界停止运转

10.on dv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 11.out adv. 出现;在外;出局;出声地;不流行地

prep. 向,朝…;关于;在…之上;在…时候 adj. 外面的;出局的;下台的n. 出局 adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中 prep. 向;离去vi. 出来;暴露vt. 使熄灭;驱逐

① depend on 依赖、相信、信赖、随…而定 ① send out 发送、发出、长出、散布、派遣、放出 All depends on the weather. 一切取决于天气。 Please send out the letters quickly. 请将信快速发出去 I depend on my pen for a living. 我靠写作为生。 ② point out 指出、指明、提示、把注意力引向… But that all depend on the specific circumstances. We must point out it isn't realty that no error. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。 我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。 ② rely on信赖、依赖、依靠、信任; ③ pick out 挑选、取出、了解、衬托 Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents We must point out it isn't realty that no error. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母 我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的 ③ insist on坚持、坚决要求、督促、强调 ④ bring out出版、生产、取出、说出…、呈出(某物) I still insist on my viewpoint. 我仍坚持我的观点。 Why did you bring out four plates? 你为什么拿四个盘子出来? ④ keep/go on继续雇用、前进、穿、戴着、进行、 过去 ⑤ carry out 执行、实行、贯彻、实现、完成 We keep on asking him. 我们只能不断地询问他 You must carry out my orders 你必须执行我的命令。 We cannot go on like this. 我们不能再这样继续下去 ⑥ help out 帮助、帮助…摆脱困难 ⑤ spend…on 在……花钱 Help out, don't hinder. 帮帮忙,不要碍事 How many days did you spend on the road? ⑦ hold out 坚持、伸出、提供、维持、抵制、主张 你在路上花了几天时间? How can I hold out? 我怎样才能维持呢? ⑥ put on 穿上、戴上、上演、增加、假装、使…上场 ⑧ set out 动身、出发、着手、安排、开始、摆出、陈列

Set out the cakes attractively, using lacy doilies. She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上外套,出去了。

I can eat what I want but I never put on weight. 用花边垫子摆蛋糕,好看诱人。 我想吃什么就能吃什么,而体重从不增加。 We set out for home. 我们就动身回家了

He joyfully consented and we set out.他欣然同意,我们就出发了 I put the radio on. 我打开了收音机

⑦ call on 访问、拜访、号召、请求 ⑨ wear out 穿破、使…疲劳

Then may I call on you at that time tomorrow Cheap shoes wear out quickly. 便宜的鞋子很快就穿破了。 那么明天那时我可以拜访你吗? ⑩ make out 理解、辨认出、说明;填写、设法应付 ⑧ move on往前走,前进;出发,离开 Please make out a check. 请开一张支票

Can you make out what this means? 你能理解这是什么意思吗? I want to move on 我希望能向前迈进。

⑨ live on 继续活着、继续存在、住在…上、以…为食 ⑪ come out出来、出现、出版、出狱 The fish live on the plankton. 这种鱼以浮游生物为主食。 The book comes out this week. 该书本周上市 ⑩ feed on以...为食、以...为能源 The stars come out at night. 星星在晚上才出来呢。 He feeds on his cousin.他靠他的表兄生活 ⑫ leave out 遗漏、省略、未顾及、忽略 ⑪ bring on 导致、引起、使…发展 What did I leave out? 我是否有遗漏了什么?

We can leave out the second sentence. 我们可以省去第二句话。 That incident will surely bring on a crisis

那个事件将会导致一场危机 ⑬ keep out(of) 留在外面、扣留、保留、留下、不许入内 ⑫ take on 承担、呈现、具有、流行、接纳、雇用、穿上 No admittance; keep out! 严禁入内! Don't take on any more responsibilities.不要再承担更多的责任了 You should keep out of these things.你不能牵涉进这些事 ⑬ try on 试穿、耍花招、哄骗、试验 ⑭ work out 解决、算出、实现、制定出、锻炼

We can find a way to work out this problem. Please try on this suit. 请试试这套衣服

⑭ have on 穿着、戴着、约定、有事在手头上、使上钩 我们可以找到解决这个问题的方法 It's a pretty hat you have on. 你戴的帽子很好看 I work out regularly to keep fit.我经常做运动以保持健康。 And what does he have on you? 你有什么把柄在他手上? ⑮ give out 分发、发出、公布、发表、用尽、精疲力竭 ⑮ pass on 传递、去世、前进、传授、审核;对…发表意见 He wouldn't give out any information. 他不会宣布任何消息 He passed on at the age of 72 他72岁时去世 Give out candies or cards. 分发你的糖果和贺卡。 What sort of values do you want to pass on? ⑯ look out 注意、面朝、照料向外看、面向、朝外、当心 你想把怎样的价值观传递给下一代? Will you look out for my brother? 你能帮我照顾我弟弟吗? ⑯ hold on 坚持、等一等、<口>别挂电话、抓紧不放 ⑰ put out 生产、伸出、出版、扑灭、使不方便、打扰 He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping. He crossed to the nightstand and put out the light. 他紧紧抓住岩石以免自己往下滑。 他走到床头柜边,把灯关掉 Hold on,please. I'll see if he's in his office. This magazine was put out every week. 请别挂断,我去看看他是否在办公室。 这本杂志是每周出版的。



1. able后面可以接to do, in, for但是不能接of

to enable sb to do(sth);使...能做 to disable sb from doing sth使...不能做

2. be absorbed in…全神贯注于...She is completely absorbed in her book . 她在专心致志


be abundant/rich in sth...丰富,富于...; an abundance of大量的,丰富的,其后可以接可数或不可数名词,但是总体是当一个可数单数形式使用;The tree yields an aBundance of fruit. 这树结果甚多.in abundance丰富,充裕:But today the delectable seafood is no longer available in abundance. 但是今天这种可口的海味已不再大量存在.

make the acquaintance of sb= make sb‘s acquaintance主要表示结识,做一个短暂的动词

