

写作指导 时间:2020-08-03


赏析Percy bysshe shelly


the poem the first paragraph, the main image is the west wind and residual leaves of the forest, depicts the west wind swept through the forest leaf residue and spread the seeds of life. Here, the style of a metaphor and symbol has made full use of. The author compares the "west wind" to "breath of autumn's being", namely the nature of the existence of the invincible, invincible. And compare "spring breeze", "spring azure sister, and appear downy. Then, the poet with "residual leaves" reactionary classes to represent Britain, with "plague will hapen not leaves numerous" to describe the reactionary class of dyingpercy,byshhe,shelly。

state. In the author's works, the west wind is the "spirit", it is "destruction", and "protection". Wild west wind yu pointed to the revolutionary force, it in destroying everythingpercy,byshhe,shelly。


The poem in the second paragraph, Shelley further use the cloud in the sky, the rain and electric image to depict the majestic momentum in the west wind in the sky. The "angel" rain and electricity, is tried. Here, the author USES a personification of rhetoric technique, shows the majestic momentum, west wind also compared the zephyr brought

revolutionary storm. Poet with "the sky and the sea crisscross tangleskochi" refers to a relatively stable clouds in the sky. In a double line accidentally last sentence, "black rain, and fire, and hail", highlights the westerly winds strong destructive power. This just in care of the "damage" in the first paragraph: west wind will bring the thunder, lightning, rain, and hailstones. In this passage, the author will view from the ground into the air, describes the west wind excitation of the sky, the sea, by clouds, thunder and lightning, make the electric fire hail collapse have diarrhoea, make the rain pours down with the magnificent scene. Here, the author had great momentum to announce the revolutionary storm to destroy the old things


惨然变色、摇摇欲坠,象征着反动恶势力的堡垒即将土崩瓦解,革命风暴将风起云涌,黑暗、丑恶、腐朽、堕落的旧世界即将被打破,光辉灿烂、美好的新世界即将被建立。、 he poem in the third section, the poet depicts the west wind wash away the old forces at sea. Its use "clear water" wrote as transparent as a mirror of the beauty of the sea. With "noise" depicts the waves of the low sound of blows, wrote "fragrance fragrant flower fragrance. "Blue of the Mediterranean" here refers to the time of the rulers, they are sleeping in the beautiful scenery. And "the ancient fort gazebo, tower and roughly" in "kept shaking. The two images of dynamic and static combination and is in stark contrast, reflects the reactionary class position was precarious. In this section, the author continues to portray westerly winds strong winds, which corresponds to the first paragraph of the "destruction". This section of the center image - west wind and the sea, waves, old palacehis section of the center image - west wind and the water of the sea, waves and the old palaces number crunchers together, announced the westerly winds will be chopped wave, a fabulously rich residence in the imperial palace, the bottom of the sea will be saddened discoloration, crumbling, symbolizes the fort by the impending collapse of the reactionary forces ofpercy,byshhe,shelly。

evil, the revolutionary storm will swell, dark and ugly, decayed, degraded the old world is about to be broken, bright, beautiful new world is about to be established.

在全诗的第四段,作者一上来便连用了三个虚拟条件句。借以表达自己渴望化作浮云、落叶或是波浪,感受其从而和西风化为一体,去扫荡腐朽的反动势力的决心。用”我倾覆于人生的荆棘!我在流血!“来说明自己在生活中的斗争中饱受创伤。正是从这一节开始,作者落实了第一段中所提到的“保护”。诗人的重心不单单放在“破坏”上,更是强调了“保护”的力量。诗人把自己融入了中心意象即西风中。用豪迈的笔调表达了希望自己能像在西风下翻滚的浪潮、飞扬的枯叶和疾驰的飞云一样,不畏荆棘、不怕流血牺牲地与黑暗反动势力斗争。本段,作者为了整首诗的主旨,即“期盼战斗,憧憬未来”埋下了伏笔。In the poem in the fourth section, the author had post the three virtual conditional sentence. So as to express his desire to turn into clouds, leaves, or waves, feel the thus and west wind into an organic whole, to wipe out corrupt the determination of the reactionary forces. Use "I capsized in the thorns of life! I bleed!" To illustrate their battered in the struggle for life. It is from the start of the section, the author carries out the "protection" mentioned in the first paragraph. The poet's focus not only on the



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