

实用内容 时间:2020-08-04






引言:在法律备忘录的开头,通常有“I refer to your email dated??”或者类似的表述,这就是引言。引言的作用在于:一是记录备忘录撰写的时间,以便事后对旧备忘录的价值作出判断(如果时间久远,对目前实践的指导意义就很小了);二是限定工作范围,减少法律风险。在发生纠纷的情况下,客户会指责律师没有考虑到一些相关的问题,这个时候律师就可以根据曾经出具的法律备忘录的工作范围和其中记载的客户提供的资料,解释为何没有提到某些问题,做到有据可查。


结论:在这一部分要告诉客户,他能做什么,不能做什么;不能做的事情,通过哪些途径可以做到。 如果遇到结论不明确的问题,如法律的规定和我们的实际经验是不一样的,尽管做了咨询,但各地咨询得到的结果不一样。这种情况下可以向客户提出建议,告诉客户怎样做是比较可行的,或告诉客户我们的经验,或建议客户与相关政府部门进行面对面的咨询。总之,我们工作的重点在于首先发现问题,其次给客户提出建议。
















还有一种是客户没有把问题想清楚,可能罗列了大量的事实或者问了大量的问题,而这些问题有重复而且没有逻辑性。例如,我们曾经收到一个客户长达6页纸的邮件,客户是一个婴儿车的制造商,他在邮件中描述了其和零件供应商同时与其产品的经销商之间合作及产生纠纷的过程,其中涉及他们之间签订的合作协议(Master Term

Sheet Agreement)及和解协议(Settlement and Release Agreement),还涉及合作过程中产生的专利问题,等等。这封邮件的行文顺序不好,没有逻辑,当时我们两个合伙人加四个律师讨论了两次,才能大概理出来他想要问的是什么。这种情况下,就需要对客户的问题进行梳理,一定要写明背景情况,就是依据客户提供的信息整理出来的问题是怎么样的,所有的意见都是基于我们认识到的情况提供的,这也是一种自我保护的方法。



















Jeff Wood, Esq.

Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)

Chinese Court’s Jurisdiction Over AT &T

Background a Chinese court would have Jurisdiction over

AT&T in the following transaction: * AT&T plans to invest in a Chinese-foreign joint venture company (the “Joint Venture Company”) through Pudong LLC, an offshore special purpose vehicle to be established and wholly owned by it. * Once established, Pudong LLC will enter into a joint venture agreement (the “Joint Venture Agreement”) with two Chinese parties to form the Joint Venture Company. At the

request of the Chinese parties, AT&T intends to provide a guarantee in the form of a

comfort letter (the “Letter”) to ensure the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement. The Letter (a copy of which having been provided to us) expressly provides that it is governed by New York law and subject to the jurisdiction of New York or Federal courts in the United States. The letter is proposed to be signed by AT&T and countersigned by the Chinese parties to the Joint Venture Agreement.


The question is whether AT&T will be subject to the jurisdiction of a Chinese court by executing the Letter in the manner as described above.

Short Answer* If a dispute arises from the interpretation or performance of the Joint Venture Agreement and, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, a claim is made against Pudong LLC before a Chinese court

having jurisdiction over the claim, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party and the Chinese court may decide that, since the Letter is part and parcel of the Joint Venture Agreement, the court should have jurisdiction over AT&T.


Under Chinese law, contracts or agreements such as the Joint Venture Agreement which will be filed with the relevant Chinese governmental authorities for the establishment of companies such as the Joint Venture Company must be governed by Chinese law. As a parallel, China’s Civil Procedural Law provides that, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, the Chinese court will have jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise from the interpretation and performance of a contract such as the Joint Venture Agreement. Article 246 of the Civil Procedure Law states: “Actions concerning disputes arising from the performance of contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of the natural resources in the PRC shall fall under the jurisdiction of PRC courts.”

Since AT&T, by virtue of the Letter, provides a guarantee for the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party to the dispute. If so, the question is whether the Chinese court will decide that it has jurisdiction over AT&T even though AT&T does not have any presence in China other than providing the guarantee.

Under Article 243 of the Civil Procedure Law, a foreign person may be subject to the jurisdiction of the Chinese court if, among other things, (i) it has a representative office in China, or (ii) it is a party to a contract which is the subject matter of the litigation, or (iii) it has assets located in China that can be attached. For example, parties to the Joint Venture Agreement will have to choose Chinese law as the governing law and, in the absence of an arbitration agreement, the Chinese court will have jurisdiction over a dispute arising from the Joint Agreement by virtue by virtue of Article 246 of the Civil Procedure Law and over the parties if any of the conditions set forth under Article 243 of the Civil Procedure Law is met. On the other hand, Chinese law also permits parties to a contract to choose the governing law and the forum of dispute resolution (including foreign courts) if such a choice is not with the mandatory rules under Chinese law that provide otherwise.


Based upon the above analysis, we are of the view that the Letter, as so drafted, in and by itself does not constitute a contract that is mandatorily governed by Chinese law or over which the Chinese court will have jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising therefrom. Chinese courts should honor the parties’ choice of law and jurisdiction in respect of the Letter.

On the other hand, however, if the Chinese court determines

that a dispute arising from the Letter constitutes a dispute of the Joint Venture


In view of the above analysis, we would suggest the following: First,法律备忘录范文。

parties to the Joint Venture Agreement agree that any dispute arising therefrom should be submitted to arbitration before a well established international arbitration institution, such as the London Court of International Arbitration or the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration. By law, Chinese

courts should honor the parties’ choice of arbitration and reject filing of a lawsuit by any of such parties in respect of a dispute arising from the Joint Venture Agreement.法律备忘录范文。

Second, the

language of the Letter should be adjusted so as to法律备忘录范文。

eliminate any suggestion or impression that AT&T is the actual party (in lieu of Pudong LLC) that makes the investment in the Joint Venture Company.

Third, subject to the agreement among the Parties, the Letter should be as explicit as possible that the guarantee by AT&T is a general guarantee, and not a joint and several guarantee. Under Chinese law, in the absence of a joint and several guarantee, a party may not sue the guarantor until and unless it has exhausted its remedies against the primary obligor. This may add some additional protection for AT&T.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call any of the undersigned.

Zhang Yi (86-6841-0088)

Quan Ruixue (86-10-6554-1155)

备忘录 memo 金杜法律备忘录模板

Jeff Wood, Esq.

Debevoise & Plimpton (Hong Kong)

Chinese Court’s Jurisdiction Over AT &T

Background a Chinese court would have Jurisdiction over

AT&T in the following transaction: * AT&T plans to invest in a Chinese-foreign joint venture company (the “Joint Venture Company”) through Pudong LLC, an offshore special purpose vehicle to be established and wholly owned by it. * Once established, Pudong LLC will enter into a joint venture agreement (the “Joint Venture Agreement”) with two Chinese parties to form the Joint Venture Company. At the

request of the Chinese parties, AT&T intends to provide a guarantee in the form of a


comfort letter (the “Letter”) to ensure the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement. The Letter (a copy of which having been provided to us) expressly provides that it is governed by New York law and subject to the jurisdiction of New York or Federal courts in the United States. The letter is proposed to be signed by AT&T and countersigned by the Chinese parties to the Joint Venture Agreement.


The question is whether AT&T will be subject to the jurisdiction of a Chinese court by executing the Letter in the manner as described above.

Short Answer* If a dispute arises from the interpretation or performance of the Joint Venture Agreement and, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, a claim is made against Pudong LLC before a Chinese court

having jurisdiction over the claim, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party and the Chinese court may decide that, since the Letter is part and parcel of the Joint Venture Agreement, the court should have jurisdiction over AT&T.


Under Chinese law, contracts or agreements such as the Joint Venture Agreement which will be filed with the relevant Chinese governmental authorities for the establishment of companies such as the Joint Venture Company must be governed by Chinese law. As a parallel, China’s Civil Procedural Law provides that, in the absence of a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement among the parties, the Chinese court will have jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise from the interpretation and performance of a contract such as the Joint Venture Agreement. Article 246 of the Civil Procedure Law states: “Actions concerning disputes arising from the performance of contracts for Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, or Chinese-foreign cooperative exploration and development of the natural resources in the PRC shall fall under the jurisdiction of PRC courts.”

Since AT&T, by virtue of the Letter, provides a guarantee for the performance by Pudong LLC of its obligations under the Joint Venture Agreement, it is likely that AT&T will be named as an indispensable party to the dispute. If so, the question is whether the Chinese court will decide that it has jurisdiction over AT&T even though AT&T does not have any presence in China other than providing the guarantee.

Under Article 243 of the Civil Procedure Law, a foreign person may be subject to the jurisdiction of the Chinese court if, among other things, (i) it has a representative office in China, or (ii) it is a party to a contract which is the subject matter of the litigation, or (iii) it has assets located in China that can be attached. For example, parties to the Joint Venture Agreement will have to choose Chinese law as the governing law and, in the absence of an arbitration agreement, the Chinese court will have jurisdiction over a dispute arising from the Joint Agreement by virtue by virtue of Article 246 of the Civil Procedure Law and over the parties if any of the conditions set forth under Article 243 of the Civil Procedure Law is met. On the other hand, Chinese law also permits parties to a contract to choose the governing law and the forum of dispute resolution (including foreign courts) if such a choice is not with the mandatory rules under Chinese law that provide otherwise.


Based upon the above analysis, we are of the view that the Letter, as so drafted, in and by itself does not constitute a contract that is mandatorily governed by Chinese law or over which the Chinese court will have jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising therefrom. Chinese courts should honor the parties’ choice of law and jurisdiction in respect of the Letter.

On the other hand, however, if the Chinese court determines

that a dispute arising from the Letter constitutes a dispute of the Joint Venture


In view of the above analysis, we would suggest the following: First,

parties to the Joint Venture Agreement agree that any dispute arising therefrom should be submitted to arbitration before a well established international arbitration institution, such as the London Court of International Arbitration or the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration. By law, Chinese

courts should honor the parties’ choice of arbitration and reject filing of a lawsuit by any of such parties in respect of a dispute arising from the Joint Venture Agreement.

Second, the

language of the Letter should be adjusted so as to

eliminate any suggestion or impression that AT&T is the actual party (in lieu of Pudong LLC) that makes the investment in the Joint Venture Company.

Third, subject to the agreement among the Parties, the Letter should be as explicit as possible that the guarantee by AT&T is a general guarantee, and not a joint and several guarantee. Under Chinese law, in the absence of a joint and several guarantee, a party may not sue the guarantor until and unless it has exhausted its remedies against the primary obligor. This may add some additional protection for AT&T.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call any of the undersigned.

Zhang Yi (86-6841-0088)

Quan Ruixue (86-10-6554-1155)



甲方:_________ 乙方:__________










甲方:__________ 乙方:______________

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