

汉语知识 时间:2018-10-18


联合国公布世界上最难学的十大语言 汉语居榜首

联合国公布世界上最难学的十大语言 汉语居榜首


在国际语言学界,日语,意大利语和西班牙语,是三个公认的发音优美的语言,其中,日语更是排在第一位。在语言学上,评价一种语言的发音是否 优美,有一个公认的标准,那就是辅音数量和元音数量的比例,比较合适,最好是一比一,比如“さくら”,它的发音是 [s]a[k]ua(我故意把辅音放在方括号中),您看,一个辅音带一个元音,正好是一比一,很规范,这样的语言,发音就好听。相反,您看这个英语(论坛)单词 script,它的发音是

[skr]i[pt],五个辅音带一个元音,这样的语言,发音就难听。 英语和汉语不是最好听,如果你在投票上看到汉语得票最多,那正常,我们都是中国人,都会为自己的母语投上一票,外国人就不会这么认为了。














当一个人听不懂另一个人在说啥的时候,他会怎么发牢骚呢?各国群众纷纷表示: 英语:“It is Greek to me!”(“简直就是希腊语!”)

南非语:“Dis Grieks vir my!”(又是希腊语)

拉丁语:“Graecum est; non potestlegi.”(还是希腊语)

葡萄牙语:“E grego para mim.”(继续希腊语)

波兰语:“To jest dla mnie greka!”(仍然希腊语)

但是波兰语也有另一种说法:“To jest dla mnie chinszczyzna!”(汉语)

荷兰语:“Dat is Latijns voor mij!”(拉丁语,这是最常用的一种说法,另外倒霉的还有汉语和西班牙语)


希腊语:“μου φαινεται κινεζικο”(“听着就跟汉语似的”) 然后汉语开始惨遭围观:

希伯来语:“Nishma c’moh sinit!”(“它听起来像汉语!”)

罗马尼亚语:“Parca e Chineza!”(“看着像汉语!”)

俄语:“Это для меня китайская грамота.”(“对我来 说这就是个汉语文献。”)

塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:“To je za mene kineski.”(“对我来说这是汉语。”) 据说汉语还被另外的语言围观了,但是找不到具体说法,包括:爱沙尼亚语,弗勒芒语,匈牙利语,瑞士德语,塔加路族文


芬兰语:“Onpas Kiinalainen jutuu!”(“这都什么汉语似的玩意儿啊!”) 芬兰语:“Se on minulle taytta hepreaa.(“这对我来说就是希伯来语。”) 希伯来语也经常被围观:

法语:“C’est de l’hébreu pour moi.”(“对我来说这是希伯来语。”) 德语和捷克喜欢围观西班牙语:

捷克语:“To je pro mne Spanělska vesnice.”

德语:“Das kommt mir spanish vor.”


西班牙语:“Para mi es chino.”(又是汉语„„)


意大利语:“Questo e turco per me.”

土耳其语围观阿拉伯语:“Anladimsa arab olayim.”(“我能听懂的话我就是阿拉伯人了。”)

阿拉伯语围观波斯语:“Kalam ajami.”(“对我来说像波斯语。”)

波斯语围观土耳其语:“Turki gofti?”(“刚才你说的是土耳其语?”) 然后有一些语言实在不知道围观谁才好了,就:

保加利亚语:“Tova za mene sa ieroglifi.”(“我看这些像象形文字。”)

丹麦语:“Det er det rene volapyk for mig.”(“对我来说这纯粹是沃拉普克语。” 这句话太强了,我去google了一下才搞清楚:沃拉普克语(Volapük)是人工语言较成功的第一个,是世界语的先驱。)





General Sources of Information

United Nations


Permanent Missions to the United Nations


Nations on-line


The Times of London


Financial Times


The Economist


The Washington Post




Xin Hua News Agency


Al Jazeera


Resource of organizations about Children

Child Rights Information Network


World Resources Institute


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ——unfccc.int

Resource about Economics and Development Economic and Social Council


United Nations Development Programme






1. 国际分工与世界市场


答:影响石油价格的供给因素主要包括世界石油储量,石油供给结构以及石油生产成本。石油产量必须以石油储量为基础。过去的几十年中,世界石油资源探明的储量一直在持续增加,2005年底世界石油资源探明可采储量约为12007亿桶,20年间增加了4303亿桶,增长了55.8%。虽然产量的增长速度大于已探明储量的增长速度,但2005年底全球石油储量与产量之间的比例为40.6年,可以预见,至 少在未来10年不会出现全球范围内的石油供给短缺现象。但是,由于石油资源的不可再生性,国际能源机构(IEA)预测世界石油产量将在2015年以前达到顶峰全球石油供给逐步进入滑坡阶段。世界石油市场的供给特点也对石油供给具有重大影响。目前世界石油市场的供给方主要包括石油输出国组织(OPEC)和非OPEC国家。OPEC拥有世界上绝大部份探明石油储量,其产量和价格政策对世界石油供给和价格具有重大影响。而非OPEC国家主要是作为价格接受者存在,根据价格调整产量。但2002年以来,受强劲的世界石油需求和高油价刺激,OPEC产量激增,原油剩余产能从2002年的560万桶/日急剧下降到2006年的140万桶/日左右,产能利用率高于90%,通过增加产量平抑油价的能力减弱。



答:一. 国际贸易条约与协定的含义1.贸易条约:(Commercial Treaties)是国际条约中的一种契约性条约,又称“商约”。泛指国家间在经济贸易方面规定相互权利义务的各种书 面协议的总称。

2.贸易协定:(Tread Agreements)指缔约国为调整贸易关系而达成的书面协议。

3.关系:国家贸易条约与协定按缔约国家的关系,可分为双边贸易条约和协定 与多边贸易条约和协定。前者是两个主权国家之间所缔结 的贸易条约和协定;后者是两个以上的主权国家共同缔结的贸易条约和协定。

二. 国际贸易条约与协定的特性



3. 世界贸易组织


答:中国长期申请“复关”和“入世”未果,一个重要原因是非市场化的经济体制不被其他成员国所接受。经过不懈努力和大胆探索,中国在市场化改革方面取得了很大成就,经济的市场化程度已大为提高。目前,中国劳动力的市场化程度已达40%以上,“十五”末预计 达到65%,由转轨中期过渡到转轨后期,进入相对成熟的市场经济;中国资金的市场化程度不到40%,“十五”末期预计为60%,由转轨中期过渡到转轨中后期或进入后期;中国生产的市场化程度已达55%,“十五”末期可达75%,由转轨后期走向相对成熟市场经济?;中国价格的市场化程度已达60%,“十五”末可达75%,由相对成熟市场经济接近成熟市场经济。考虑到中国庞大的政府机构对经济生活的干预,总体市场化程度或中国经济体制的市场化改革程度大致在45%-50%,“十五”末期可达到65%-70%,即完成转轨。在保持社会稳定的前提下,促进了国民经济的持续快速健康发展,也得到了WTO各成员国的普遍认同。目前,除墨西哥、瑞士两国外,中国已与各相关国家就入世问题达成了协议,有关入世的程序性工作也在顺利进行中。入世对中国来讲已不存在大的障碍。但是,必须清醒地看到,中国的经济体制仍处于转变过程中,传统的计划经济体制的影响还没有排除,特别是政企不分的问题未能根本解决,国有企业的战略性调整和转机建制的任务还相当艰巨



recall 回顾

Recalling its resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948 and all its subsequent resolutions on the question, including resolution 60/100 of 8 December 2005

回顾其1948 年12 月11 日第194(III)号决议及其后所有关于这个问题的决议,包括2005 年12 月8 日第60/100 号决议

recall also 又回顾

Recalling also its resolution 302 (IV) of 8 December 1949, by which, inter alia, it established the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

又回顾其1949 年12 月8 日第302(IV)号决议,其中除其他外,设立了联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处

recall further 还回顾

Recalling further relevant Security Council resolutions



aware of / that… 意识到…

Aware of the important role to be played in the peace process by the Multilateral Working Group on Refugees of the Middle East peace process


stress 强调

Stresses the role that the temporary international mechanism has been playing in assisting directly the Palestinian people, and welcomes its extension

强调临时国际机制一直发挥作用,直接援助巴勒斯坦人民,并欣见它的任务期得到延长 emphasize 强调

Emphasizing the importance of the safety and well-being of all civilians in the whole Middle East region, and condemning all acts of violence and terror against civilians on both sides 强调必须保障整个中东区域所有平民的安全和福祉,谴责一切针对双方平民的暴力和恐怖行为 underscore 强调

Underscores the need for the parties to undertake, with the support of the Quartet and the international community, confidence-building measures aimed at improving the situation, promoting stability and fostering the peace process, recognizes in this respect recent

developments such as the opening of a Gaza border crossing for agricultural goods and the

release of some prisoners, and emphasizes the contribution of such measures to the overall environment between the two sides and the well-being of the Palestinian people in particular 强调双方必须在四方和国际社会支持下采取建立信任措施,以期改善有关局势,促进稳定并推动和平进程,在这方面确认最近为农产品开放加沙过境点和释放一些囚犯等事态进展,并强调此类措施有助于改善双方之间的总体气氛以及尤其是巴勒斯坦人民的福祉

affirm 申明

Affirming the imperative of resolving the problem of the Palestine refugees for the achievement of justice and for the achievement of lasting peace in the region


reaffirm 重申

Reaffirming the permanent responsibility of the United Nations with regard to the question of Palestine until the question is resolved in all its aspects in accordance with international law 重申联合国对巴勒斯坦问题担负永久责任,直到这个问题的所有方面都依照国际法获得解决为止 reaffirm once more 再次重申

Reaffirming once more the applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the occupied Syrian Golan

再次重申1949 年8 月12 日《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》适用于被占领的叙利亚戈兰 acknowledge 认识到;确认

Acknowledging the essential role that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East has played for more than fifty-six years since its

establishment in ameliorating the plight of the Palestine refugees in the fields of education, health and relief and social services


Acknowledging the efforts being undertaken by civil society to promote a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine


cognizant (that…)认识到…

Cognizant that the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region of the Middle East would pose a serious threat to international peace and security


recognize 认识到

Recognizing the efforts being undertaken by the Palestinian Authority, with international

support, to rebuild, reform and strengthen its damaged institutions, and emphasizing the need to preserve the Palestinian institutions and infrastructure


declare 宣布

Declares that Israel has failed so far to comply with Security Council resolution 497 (1981) 宣布以色列迄今没有遵守安全理事会第497(1981)号决议

urge 敦促

Urges Member States, international financial institutions of the United Nations system, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and regional and interregional organizations to extend, as rapidly and as generously as possible, economic and social assistance to the Palestinian people, in close cooperation with the Palestine Liberation Organization and through official Palestinian institutions


mindful of 铭记

Mindful of the decision of the Special Committee, in which it expressed its readiness to engage, as appropriate, in the implementation of any decisions that might be taken at the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly in September 2005 that concerned the Charter and any amendments thereto


bear in mind 铭记

Bearing in mind the new challenges for the international community in the field of development, poverty eradication and the elimination of the diseases that afflict humanity


invite 邀请

Invites Member States to provide the Secretary-General with information regarding measures and efforts to devote part of the resources made available by the implementation of联合国官网中文版。

disarmament and arms limitation agreements to economic and social development, with a view to reducing the ever-widening gap between developed and developing countries联合国官网中文版。


express concern about 关注

Expresses concern about the temporary relocation of the international staff of the Agency from its headquarters in Gaza City and the disruption of operations at the headquarters 关注工程处总部国际工作人员暂时从加沙市迁到其他地方,打乱了总部的业务工作 express (its) grave concern at 严重关注;严重关切

Expressing grave concern at the especially difficult situation of the Palestine refugees under occupation, including with regard to their safety, well-being and living conditions

严重关切被占领领土内巴勒斯坦难民的艰难处境,包括他们的安全、福祉和生活状况 expressing (its) grave concern in particular 特别严重关切联合国官网中文版。

Expressing its grave concern in particular about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of illegal settlement activities, including the so-called E-1 plan, its construction of the wall in and around East Jerusalem, its restrictions on access to and residence in East Jerusalem, and the further isolation of the city from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian

Territory, which is having a detrimental effect on the lives of Palestinians and could prejudge a final status agreement on Jerusalem

特别严重关切占领国以色列继续进行建立非法定居点的活动,包括所谓的“E-1 计划”,在东耶路撒冷城内和周围修建隔离墙,对出入和居住在东耶路撒冷实行限制,进一步将该城与巴勒斯坦被占领土的其他地区相隔绝,对巴勒斯坦人的生活产生不利影响,并可能会预先断定今后有关耶路撒冷的最后地位协定

note 注意到;指出

Notes the Israeli withdrawal from within the Gaza Strip and parts of the northern West Bank and the dismantlement of the settlements therein as a step towards the implementation of the road map


Noting the importance of the national Government being representative of the ethnic diversity of the country and ensuring also the full and equal participation of women


take note of 注意到

Taking note of the findings by the International Court of Justice, in its advisory opinion,

including on the urgent necessity for the United Nations as a whole to redouble its efforts to bring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which continues to pose a threat to international peace

and security, to a speedy conclusion, thereby establishing a just and lasting peace in the region


note with concern 关切地注意到

Noting with concern that it has been sixty years since the adoption of resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947 and forty years since the occupation of Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, in 1967

关切地注意到1947 年11 月29 日通过第181(II)号决议至今已有60 年,而包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土自1967 年被占领至今也已有40 年

note with satisfaction 满意地注意到

Noting with satisfaction the convening in Madrid on 30 October 1991 of the Peace Conference on the Middle East, on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973 and 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978 and the formula of land for peace

满意地注意到根据安全理事会1967 年11 月22 日第242(1967)号、1973 年10 月22 日第338(1973)号和1978 年3 月19 日第425(1978)号决议和以土地换和平的办法,于1991 年10 月30 日在马德里召开中东和平会议

take note with appreciation 赞赏地注意到

Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and the efforts of the Working Group to assist in ensuring the financial security of the Agency, and requests the Secretary-General to provide the necessary services and assistance to the Working Group for the conduct of its work


appreciate 赞赏

Appreciates the efforts of the members of the Tripartite Commission, namely Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States of America and the Assistance Force, to continue to address cross-border activities and to broaden its cooperation, welcomes the participation of the Assistance Force, and calls upon the international community to support those efforts


express (its) appreciation to… 赞赏

