
九年级上册英语lesson11 to china with love

英语教案 时间:2003-05-29


  九年级上册英语中国的爱。菩提文摘网www.ptsmy.com 小编今天为大家精心准备了九年级上册英语lesson11 to china with love,希望对大家有所帮助!

  九年级上册英语lesson11 to china with love

  2015秋冀教版英语九上unit 2《Lesson 11 To China, with love》ppt课件

  * Lesson 11 To China, with love 教学目标 掌握词汇 Norman Bethune, graduate, Toronto, remain, anti, decision, aid, worst, condition, operate, government, medical 2. 学习英雄事迹 Warming up 课文《纪念白求恩》节选 …...是加拿大共产党员,为了帮助帮主中国的抗日战争,不远千里,来到中国,不幸以身殉职。 …...毫不利己,专门利人,对工作极端负责任,对同志对人民极端的热忱。 picture Norman Bethune in the Anti-Japanese War New words Norman Bethune graduate Toronto remain anti decision aid worst condition operate government medical Norman Bethune Useful words and expression northern 形容词 (在)北方的;向北方的;来自北方的 the northern end of a bridge 桥的北端 (常大写)北方地区的;有北方特点的;(美国)北部方言的 名词 (常大写)(美国) 北部方言 Northern Hemisphere 北半球 Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰(英联合王国之一部分,首都贝尔法斯特 Belfast ) northern lights 北极光 Phrases about northern war 名词 (pl. wars) 战争 Boer War 【史】布尔战争( 1899 - 1902 年英国人与布尔人的战争) First World War 第一次世界大战( 1914 - 1918 ) Second World War 第二次世界大战( 1939 - 1945 ) Opium War 中英鸦片战争( 1839 - 1842 ) die 的用法 The poor man died in a cold night. Deng Xiaoping has been dead for nearly 10 years. The little girl was sad for her dog''s death. The doctors are helping a dying woman. He once operated for sixty-nine hours straight without stopping. 他曾经没有停下来而连续作了69个小时的手术。

  【用法】句中的without stopping 是介词短语作状语,修饰前面的动词operate。介词without后加名词、代词、动名词构成介词短语作状语后可作状语,意为“没有……”。 eg. She went to school without having breakfast. 她没吃早饭就去上学了。 To remember him, the government set up Bethune Medical School and the Bethune International Hospital in Shijiazhuang. 为了记住他,政府在石家庄建了白求恩医学院和白求恩国际医院。

  【用法】句中的to remember him是动词不定式短语用在句首作状语,表示目的。不定式作状语还可直接用在动词后。 eg. ①Emma came to see me yesterday morning. 埃玛昨天上午来看我了。 ②To learn English well, she went to in England. 为了学好英语,她去了英国。 Free talk What do you know about Norman Bethune? He is famous for finding new ways to help people with T.B working as a doctor in wars. inventing tools that doctors still use today. traveling to china to help Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese war. 白求恩对中国的贡献 In 1938, Bethune went to northern China for dying people in the Anti-Japanese war. He organized hospitals, taught doctors and nurses, showed people how to give first aid. He died in China in 1939. He died of blood poisoning. Who can tell more about Norman Bethune? Exercises Chinese people were famous for their courage in the Anti-Japanese ____ (战争). We would like ______ (和平), not wars. The poor cat was _______ (杀) in the accident. Who is looking after the ________ (受伤的) students? I’m glad to see that my __________ (血) flow into the sick boy’s body. War peace killed wounded blood 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 1. The doctor ________________ the wounded soldier at once. 2. Many people ________________ hunger in the old society. 3. Zhong Nanshan _________________ his work in fighting against SARS. 4. The farmer works in the field ________________. 5. He was hit by a car ________________ home.

  UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 38 To China, with Love

  [ti:UNIT 5 Great People Lesson 38 To China, with Love]

  [0:00.730]UNIT 5 第五单元

  [0:02.027]Great People 伟人

  [0:03.851]Lesson 38: 第三十八课:

  [0:05.564]To China, with Love 爱洒中国

  [0:09.106]THINK ABOUT IT!

  [0:10.931]Who do you most admire?


  [0:15.098]What do you have to do to be more like this person?

  [0:20.115]When and why did Norman Bethune come to China?

  [0:25.615]Norman Bethune was born in Canada in 1890. 诺曼·白求恩1890年生于加拿大。

  [0:29.758]He was a famous doctor and a nice man. 他是位著名的医生和善良的人。

  [0:33.736]Norman Bethune believed everyone was the same, rich or poor. 诺曼·白求恩相信:人,无论贵贱,都是平等的。

  [0:39.758]If someone needed his help, he always gave it. 如果有人需要他的帮助,他总会给予帮助。

  [0:43.968]Why is Norman Bethune famous? 为什么白求恩出名?

  [0:46.612]He is famous for: 他闻名于:

  [0:47.969]Finding new ways to help people with T.B.—a disease that damages the lungs. 找出了一种治疗肺结核的新方法,肺结核是一种危害肺的疾病。

  [0:54.143]Working as a doctor in wars. 作为一名战地医生救治伤员。

  [0:57.119]Inventing tools that doctors still use today. 发明了至今医生仍在使用的医疗器械。

  [1:01.265]Travelling to China. 远涉到中国。

  [1:02.998]Norman Bethune is well-known for helping Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War. 白求恩以在抗日战争中帮助中国人民而闻名。

  [1:09.720]In 1938, Bethune went to northern China, as he knew many people were dying in the Anti-Japanese War. 1938年,白求恩来到中国北方,因为他知道在抗日战争中很多中国人牺牲了。

  [1:17.760]Bethune organized hospitals, taught doctors and nurses, and showed people how to give first aid. 白求恩组建医院,教医生和护士,给人们演示如何进行急救。

  [1:24.360]He died in China in 1939. 他于1939年在中国逝世。

  [1:28.106]In China, Norman Bethune is a hero. 在中国,白求恩是名英雄。

  [1:31.877]People remember how hard he worked to help others, day after day in a difficult situation. 人们记得他为了帮助别人,日复一日在艰苦环境中努力地工作着。

  [1:38.346]He once operated for sixty-nine hours without stopping. 他曾经连续手术69个小时。

  [1:43.087]Norman Bethune is buried in Tang County, Hebei Province. 白求恩被安葬在河北省唐县。

  [1:48.168]Shijiazhuang has the Bethune Medical School and the Bethune International Peace Hospital. 石家庄有白求恩医学院和白求恩国际和平医院。

  [1:55.632]Canada remembers Norman Bethune, too. 加拿大人也怀念白求恩。

  [1:58.579]His house in Canada is a museum. 他在加拿大的家是一所博物馆。

  [2:02.596]Quick Quiz! 小测验!

  [2:04.428]Did Norman Bethune meet Mao Zedong? 白求恩见过毛泽东吗?

  [2:07.716]Yes, he met Mao, once, in 1938. 是的,他在1938年跟毛泽东见过一面。

  [2:11.615]Bethune was on his way to northern China, 当时白求恩在他去中国北方的途中,

  [2:14.077]since he wanted to help the people of China in the Anti-Japanese War. 因为他想要帮助抗日战争中的中国人民。

  [2:19.433]What killed Bethune? 白求恩死因是什么?

  [2:21.619]Bethune died of blood poisoning. 白求恩死于败血症。

  [2:24.120]He had been operating on a wounded soldier when he accidentally cut his hand. 他正在为一名受伤的战士做手术时,不小心割破了手。

  [2:29.307]LET'S DO IT!

  [2:31.004]Write an e-mail to a student in Canada.

  [2:34.733]Tell him or her something about one of the most famous people in Chinese history,

  [2:42.095]such as Lin Zexu or Sun Yat-sen.

  [2:45.481]Remember, they might know nothing about China!

  [2:49.304]You should include many important details!




