

英语教案 时间:2020-10-27



  The Netherlands gets its name from the fact that around a quarter of this small northwestern European nation lies below sea level. Beyond its traditional associations (think windmills, tulips and clogs), it is one of the most developed and wealthy nations in the world, with a largely urban population. One of the most densely populated countries in Europe, it’s known for its tolerant and liberal ethos, and boasts a wealth of great student cities – none of which are more than a bicycle ride (the nation’s preferred mode of transport) away from some picturesque countryside.Click on the tabs below to find out about top universities in the Netherlands, popular student cities, and how to get started with applications, costs and visas.


  荷兰得名于这样一个事实即这个小西北欧国家的四分之一处于海平面以下。除了传统的组合例如风车和郁金香之外,它还是世界上最发达和最富有的国家之一,主要人口在城市。它是欧洲人口最稠密的国家之一,以其宽容和自由的思想而闻名,拥有大量优秀的学生城市 - 这些城市都不是骑自行车(美国的首选交通工具),远离一些风景如画的乡村。接下来请您继续阅读,了解荷兰顶尖大学、受欢迎的学生城市以及如何开始申请,费用和签证等相关问题。


  The Netherlands is home to one of the world’s oldest and most highly respected systems of higher education, dating back to the 16th century. The QS World University Rankings® 2018 includes 13 universities in the Netherlands, all ranked within the world's top 400, and an impressive eight of these are within the global top 150. The nation’s highest-ranking institution is Delft University of Technology at 54th in the world, with the University of Amsterdam and Eindhoven University of Technology not too far behind, at 58th and 104th respectively.Combine this high quality with relatively favorable tuition rates and plenty of English language courses (the Dutch are generally known for their fluency in English as a second language) and you can begin to see why the Netherlands is one of continental Europe’s most popular choices for international study.

  The top six Dutch universities in the QS World University Rankings 2018 are:

  荷兰是世界上历史最悠久,最受尊敬的高等教育体系之一,最早可以追溯到16世纪。在2018 年QS世界大学排名所有的世界400所顶级院校排名中,荷兰有13所大学进入排行,以及这些令人印象深刻的八个全球排名前150的排名中内代尔夫特理工大学的世界排名是第54名,与阿姆斯特丹大学和艾恩德霍芬科技大学的分别58名和104名的差别并不是很大。结合这种高质量和相对优惠的学费率和大量的英语语言课程(荷兰人通常以英语作为第二语言流利而闻名),你就可以开始明白为什幺荷兰是欧洲大陆最受欢迎的国际选择之一的研究型的大学。


  1.代尔夫特理工大学Delft University of Technology

  The country’s oldest and largest public technical university, Delft University of Technology was founded in 1842, and is currently ranked 54th in the world, overtaking the University of Amsterdam as the highest-ranked Dutch university in 2018. Also known as TU Delft, it teaches about 19,600 students, with a focus on engineering disciplines, computer science, mathematics, applied sciences, and policy and management in technology. Prometheus, a figure from Greek mythology, is an important symbol of TU Delft, and his statue stands in the center of the newly renovated Mekelpark campus. In the 2017 edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject, TU Delft places within the global top five for architecture.

  代尔夫特理工大学 始建于1842年,是国内历史最悠久、规模最大的公共技术大学,目前在世界上排名54名,该排名超过了阿姆斯特丹大学,在2018年排名靠前的荷兰大学也被称为代尔夫特理工大学,校内共拥有约19,600名学生,重点学科是工程学科、计算机科学、数学、应用科学、技术政策和管理。普罗米修斯是希腊神话人物,是代尔夫特教授的重要标志,他的雕像矗立在新装修的梅克尔公园校园的中心。在2017年QS世界大学学科排名中,代尔夫特理工大学排名全球前五名 。

  2.阿姆斯特丹大学University of Amsterdam

  The country’s oldest and largest public technical university, Delft University of Technology was founded in 1842, and is currently ranked 54th in the world, overtaking the University of Amsterdam as the highest-ranked Dutch university in 2018. Also known as TU Delft, it teaches about 19,600 students, with a focus on engineering disciplines, computer science, mathematics, applied sciences, and policy and management in technology. Prometheus, a figure from Greek mythology, is an important symbol of TU Delft, and his statue stands in the center of the newly renovated Mekelpark campus. In the 2017 edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject, TU Delft places within the global top five for architecture.

  阿姆斯特丹大学是全国最大的高等教育机构,大约有31500名学生就读。它成立于1632年,是荷兰排名第3的历史最悠久的大学 ,也在QS世界大学排名中第 58 位。在欧洲大学的最好的大学排名中是第15名。它教授广泛的学科的本科和研究生课程,有大量的英语授课硕士学位和一些英语授课的学士学位。

  3.埃因霍温理工大学 Eindhoven University of Technology

  Ranked 104th in the world, Eindhoven University of Technology – as its name would suggest – is especially well-reputed in the engineering and technical fields, and also ranks among the world’s leading universities for architecture. Eindhoven conducts high levels of research, and is located in close proximity to several tech-focused companies, including Philips, ASML and DAF. The university maintains close contacts with many of these companies, and produces almost 3,000 scientific publications, 140 PhD-awards, and 40 patents every year.

  埃因霍温科技大学在全球排名第104 位,正如其名称所暗示的那样,在工程和技术领域享有盛誉,同时也是世界领先的建筑大学之一。埃因霍温进行高水平的研究,位于靠近几家科技公司包括飞利浦、ASML和DAF。大学与这些公司保持着密切的联系,每年出版近3000种科学出版物,拥有140项博士学位、40项专利。

  4.莱顿大学 Leiden University

  The oldest university in the Netherlands, Leiden University was founded in 1575 by William I, Prince of Orange, an ancestor of the Netherlands’ monarchy. The institution is currently ranked joint 109th in the world alongside Utrecht University. It has around 26,900 students, who study a broad range of subjects from bachelor’s up to PhD level. The university houses more than 40 research institutes and has links with many national and international leaders, including former US President John Adams, two Secretary Generals of NATO, as well as 16 Nobel Prize winners.

  莱顿大学是荷兰最古老的大学,于1575年由荷兰王室的祖先——奥兰治亲王威廉一世创立。该机构目前与乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University)并列第109位。它有大约26900名学生,他们研究了从学士到博士的广泛课程。该大学拥有40多家研究机构,并与许多国家和国际领导人有联系,包括美国前总统约翰•亚当斯、两名北约秘书长以及16名诺贝尔奖得主。

  5.乌得勒支大学Utrecht University

  Established in 1636, Utrecht University is another of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe. The QS World University Rankings 2018 place Utrecht University joint 109th in the world with Leiden University and therefore joint fourth in the country. Currently almost 30,400 students are enrolled across the university’s seven faculties, which makes it one of the largest universities in the Netherlands as well. The university claims 12 Nobel Prize laureates among its former students and staff, alongside 13 Spinoza Prize laureates.


  6.格罗宁根大学University of Groningen

  The sixth-ranked university in the Netherlands is the University of Groningen, placed 113th in the world according to the latest QS World University Rankings. Established in 1614, it was one of the Netherlands’ first few universities, and has a long history of leadership, including claims to the country’s first female student, first female lecturer, the first Dutch astronaut and the first president of the European Central Bank. About 27,000 students are currently enrolled, and, like other top universities in the Netherlands, it’s a popular choice for international students.



