

教学设计 时间:2020-05-30



1、BP制是British Parliamentary(英国议会制)的简称,是仿照英国议会开会议事模式而设计的一系列辩论赛规则的总称,是全世界范围内使用最广泛的辩论规则,世界大学生辩论赛WUDC(The World Universities Debating Championships)及中国辩论公开赛China Open均使用此规则。




5、BP制有一种特殊的“质询”规则:Point of Information (“PoI”)。PoI允许对方辩手在“非保护时间”(每人发言时间中除开第一分钟和最后一分钟之外的所有时间)示意要求提问,经发言者允许后向发言者提问质询。质询者提问时间计入发言者时长,故针对PoI,发言者有权决定是否接受、何时接受、如何回答等事宜。


正方上院第一位发言者 首相(Prime Minister) 正方一辩


反对党领袖(Leader of the Opposition)



副首相(Deputy Prime Minister)


反对党副领袖(Deputy Leader of the




政府阁员(Member of Government)




反对党阁员(Member of the Opposition)



政府党鞭(Government Whip)debate,motion。



反对党党鞭(Opposition Whip)






副首相 反对党副领袖 政府阁员 反对党阁员

政府党鞭 反对党党鞭








8、竞赛组织:一般采取赛前30分钟公布辩题、公布各队所处“赛位”(角色)。辩题又称“动议”Motion,一般以“本院认为···”This House···的句式给出。








The British Parliamentary format

1. The Teams

Four teams of two debaters participate in each British Parliamentary debate round. The teams

supporting the motion are referred to as the "Proposition." The teams arguing against the motion are known as the "Opposition" teams. Two teams represent the Proposition: the Opening Proposition and the Closing Proposition. Two teams represent the Opposition: the Opening Opposition and the Closing Opposition. Each of these teams competes against all other teams in the round and will be ranked 1st through 4th at the conclusion of the debate.

2. Speaker Order

Each speaker will present a single speech in the order prescribed below.

3. Speech timing

Each speech will be 7 minutes. Points of Information are allowed after the first minute and before the last minute of all speeches.

Timing of the speech begins when the speaker begins speaking; all material—including

acknowledgements introductions, etc.—will be timed. A timekeeper will provide a series of signals during each speech as follows:

Once the double ring has sounded, speakers have a 15-second ?grace period?, during which they should conclude their remarks. The grace period is not a time for new matter to be introduced, and any new matter offered in the grace period may be discounted by the adjudicators. Speakers continuing after this ?grace period? may be penalized by the adjudication panel.


2011 NWPU MUN Motion提法

应不应该废除死刑 英语 辩论赛

Debate motion: wether death penalty should be abolished or not?

A(应保留): Our debate motion today is whether death penalty should be abolished or not. My side insist that it should not.

Death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a felony. As early as there is a law, death penalty has come into being. Even in modern society, it is still necessary. As all the nations are trying to build a law-governed society, death penalty can work as a powerful legal method to guarantee the stability of society and protect the right of the majority of people. A criminal may stop halfway as soon as he thinks up that death is the most likely outcome of his criminal acts.

B(应废除): While the government should punish the crime,but we should not curb the violence with violence.The right to life is the most essential human rights, all of the rights are on premise of life.Criminals should enjoy life rights as the same as ordinary people.And there is no any evidence show that the incident of cases have inevitable connection with the existing of capital punishment so far. And the death penalty is not more deterrent than life imprisonment. Long terms of Imprisonment have the similar effect in In terms of crime prevention.

A: My opponent say that death penalty cannot deter crime, since there is no obvious increase in crime rate after death penalty is abolished.Many variables make it hard to tell what the exact influence of death penalty has on crime rates. In addition, according to New York Times, there is only one death penalty in 300 murders. Lack of samples also makes the statistics unreliable. So there is no direct proof that can deny the deterrence of death penalty.However, those countries which banned death penalty always have a high democracy index as well as a high human development index.

B: Besides being Influenced by the uncultured homomorphic revenge, death penalty has another problem---- false adjudications. False adjudications cause many innocents dead not only in abroad but also in homeland. According to New York Times' statistics,in late 20 years, about 102 innocents was sentenced to death in the U.S.Our country also has such bloody lessons during the Cultural Revolution.What’s

more, there is no opportunity to remedy the consequences of misjudgment of the death penalty.

A: My opponent also mention erroneous adjudications. But nothing can be perfect. We should not abolish death penalty just because a tiny possibility of erroneous adjudications. Especially when we have other ways to reduce erroneous adjudications, like to investigate more carefully or improve the law.

B: Besides this aspect,every law should suit the people's wish. Abolishing death penalty is the demand of international society and the people.According a survey from china survey,65.8% netizens approved of banning,only 34.1% insisted on remaining. From all the data above,we can draw a conclusion that banning the capital punishment is not only international demand,but also the people's needs.

A: Since we mention the people's needs here,we could not forget the victim and their families' needs .To give up putting an extreme criminal to death so easily is against the equality of life and invades the victims’dignity of life. It's better to protect casualty rights than protect the criminal human rights.

B: If one day the death penalty has no longer necessary, it will be a new chapter of the history of human civilization. of course,it will be a long process.But now,we also need to constantly improve our laws, not to put any innocent person to death execution ground.

辩论Debate Reference for the teachers

Structure of a Debate

A debate, as you are aware, is a discussion in which speakers form two groups, and argue in favour of or against a topic. The topic is called a motion, and the speakers from each group not only give reasons to support their argument, they also counter the arguments made by the members from the opposite group.

A. (From the pros) Those who support the motion (proponents/ proposers or pros, for


? The first speaker rises and states the motion as follows: I move [or I support] the motion that all “out-of-school” youths who dropped out for any reason should be encouraged to return to school.

? They define key terms in the motion. In this case, they need to say what they mean by “out-of-school youths.”

? They give their reasons in support of the motion: for example:

? My first reason for supporting this motion is that today’s youths are tomorrow’s leaders. ? Secondly, they are the…

? Thirdly,…, etc.

? They sum up their argument in support of the motion: In summary, [or to sum up]…

? Restate the motion: I, therefore, repeat [or I, therefore, urge] you all to support the motion that…

B. Opposing the motion

? The opposite team states their opposition to the motion by stating as follows: I oppose the motion that… or I support those who oppose the motion that…

? Like the pros, they define the motion, possibly differently. All those opposing the motion need to agree on their definition of the key term(s) in order to speak as a united team.

? They give their reasons for opposing the motion: for example:

? My first reason for opposing this motion is that not all youths need the kind of education one sees in schools today. Some are better as roadside mechanics, vulcanisers, house helps, etc.

? Secondly, some have lost interest and confidence in schooling.

? Thirdly,…, etc.

? They sum up their reasons for opposing the motion: In summary, [or to sum up]…

? They restate their opposition to the motion: I, therefore, repeat [or I, therefore, urge you all NOT to support the motion] that…

The process

There are two teams, each consisting of two or three speakers. One team (the affirmative) supports the motion, and the other (the negative) opposes the motion. A chairperson controls the proceedings. The speeches and speaking time are divided equally between the two teams.

Each speaker makes a prepared speech to argue his or her case. The teams prepare collaboratively, building up their case. The sides speak in turn, starting with the proposer of the motion followed by his

or her opponent and then the others in like order. Each speaker has a specified amount of time to speak (e.g., three minutes or five minutes).

Then the debate can be opened to the floor, with the speakers standing up to offer points supporting or opposing the motion. Each speaker from the floor is allowed a specified (usually shorter) amount of time (e.g., one minute or two minutes).

Important rules

? The team supporting the motion must not change their point of view. The same goes for the opposition, who must oppose the motion completely (whatever their private opinions may be). ? If a speaker makes a statement, he or she must be able to provide evidence or reasons to support it. ? The facts presented in a debate must be accurate.

Speakers may not bring up new points in a rebuttal speech; that is, one that demonstrates that the opponent was “wrong” or ill informed.

A sample class debate

Motion: A teacher contributes more to the nation than a medical doctor

Pro: Mr Chairperson, distinguished panel of judges, ladies and gentlemen:

I rise to support the motion that teachers contribute much more to the development of the nation than medical doctors do.

First and foremost, without teachers there will be no doctors, to start with. Teachers produce doctors, engineers, governors, bankers, the army officers and police as well as all of the civil servants, to mention a few. They mould character. Many national leaders were teachers at one time or another. Teachers never lose any lives while teaching, but many poor doctors lose their patients.

Con: Mr. Chairperson, distinguished panel of judges, ladies and gentlemen:

They say “health is wealth.” Without doctors who provide good health services, we would not all be here today. My worthy opponent forgot to tell this august audience that when teachers fail ill, they must rush to the doctor. Otherwise, they may never be able to teach anymore; they may be dead or disabled! It is because doctors are more valuable to the nation that they spend a longer time training to make sure that the nation remains very healthy. That is why doctors are better paid than teachers who are clearly less educated. Medical doctors are also always on duty. While teachers are engaged in chalk and talk, doctors are busy saving lives in emergencies all the time. Doctors are smartly dressed in clean white gowns and definitely look more respectable and attractive than teachers who only have a piece of chalk in their hand.

