

英语教案 时间:2020-05-26




它一岁的age(年纪),会说人的language(语言),头脑很懂manage(经营),要求增加wage(薪水),惹得老板rage(发怒 ),把它关进cage(笼子)。

天生就很lazy(懒惰的),生活就爱cozy(舒适的),上街血拼crazy(疯狂的),体胖心感uneasy(不安的),减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的),成天沉溺fantasy(幻想)。 地下播下seed(种子),种出却是weed(杂草),只能当作feed(饲料),生存无法proceed(继续),冒险去采seaweed(海带),脚被刺伤bleed(流血),拼命加快speed(速度),回来销售succeed(成功),见财心生greed(贪婪)







Socks袜子穿里边,shoes鞋子真美观,pants裤子最常见,jeans牛仔不一般,sweater毛衣真保暖,shorts短裤人人穿,jacket夹克挡风寒,shirt、shirt男衬衫,dress连衣裙女人穿,skirt短裙很好看,T-shirt T恤很随便



Music音乐真动听,science科学显神通,sports大家来运动,彩色绘画painting computer game我能行


Classroom是教室,大家学习在这里,Home 是家真温暖,Room房间我喜欢japan,vagina。

好多瓶wine(酒),数目是nine(九个),栓在了vine(葡萄藤),连接着mine(地雷) 在那里shine(放光),炸死个swine(公猪)











我是快乐的snail, 背着house 去旅游,伸出两只小犄角,一边look一边walk。

在一个site(地点) 正举办rite(典礼),天上放Kite(风筝),颜色是white(白色的) 很多人excite(兴奋),手拉手unite(团结),记者在write(写着) 脚被蛇Bite(咬了) 感到痛quite(非常)

有一个cock(公鸡) 穿一双sock(袜子)想把人mock(模仿) 脚被人lock(锁住) 找一块rock(岩石) 狠狠地knock(敲) 把主人shock(震惊)

有一个chick(小鸡) 羽毛很thick(厚厚的) 一肚子trick(诡计) 跳桌上lick(舔) 把米饭pick(啄) 被主人kick(踢) 用筷子prick(戳) 又拍了brick(砖块) 结果就sick(病了) 末日很quick(快了)

我的梦想很large(大的) 想到海上voyage(航海) 还有高的wage(工资) 但我没有courage(勇气) 受到老师encourage(鼓励) 终于考上college(大学)

我的相貌average(一般的,相貌平平的) 但我有一个advantage(优点) 努力学习knowledge(知识) 学好法律当judge(法官) 后来情况change(改变) 专业变成biology(生物)

爹爹捎来message(消息) 说我已经够age(年龄) 爹妈为我arrange(安排) 为我相亲美lady(女士) 叫我回家marriage(结婚) 连忙收拾luggage(行李) 我把行李package(把…打包) 提着我的baggage(行李) 登上马车carriage(四轮马车) 四轮马车不huge(巨大的) 只坐我和granny(老奶奶) 还把座位exchange(交换、互换) 饿了就吃sausage(香肠) 渴了就喝orange(桔汁) 还把车夫来urge(催促) 快到村口bridge(桥) 马车突然damage(损坏) 车夫道声apology(道歉) 车子进了garage(汽车修理库) 我得走回village(村子) 院中一堆garbage(垃圾) 桌上一碗porridge(粥、稀饭) 房里有个fridge(冰箱) 冰箱的storage(贮藏物)

只有一棵cabbage(白菜) 最先出来是mummy(妈妈) 后面跟着我daddy(爹爹)


买个房子room ,放织布机loom,生意发达boom,不遭厄运doom,幽暗角落gloom,有把扫帚broom,不能盛开bloom,只好放大zoom



从前有个bay,附近住个gay,晚间睡在hay,白天海边lay,总是不停say,看着男人hey,回头拒绝nay,每次想起pray,却给看成stray,失望浮躁dismay,心情犹如doomsday,生活没有 ray,但是有一day,修建一条way,通道一条quay,宁愿自己pay,因此跟人fray

四个大clan家族,突然有plan计划,海外邻Japan日本,何不去scan浏览,扫描,宝玉带man男人,全身都tan晒黑,棕褐色扛着 pan(平底锅),抬着can罐头,黛玉选fan,用来抬sedan轿子 ,跟随用van(货车),但愿无ban.禁令,禁止

经理在sit,秃顶满zit,色眼盯tie,垂涎说fit ,出言便shit,说话也sprit,明知是pit,应付用wit,败类就twit,失败就nit,女孩有grit,没有像quit,打败你如flit

庙里搬进nun(尼姑) ,人人觉得fun(有趣,乐趣),胸象旺仔bun(小馒头,小面包),目似中午sun(太阳),粗话她会stun(v.震惊),随手掏出gun(枪),别想再说pun (双关语),速从后门run (v.跑)

妲己太overt (公开的),袒胸又pervert(n.变态,变态的人),忠臣全alert(n.警惕a.警惕的),奸逆办concert(音乐会),江山要subvert(v.颠覆),百姓变inert (无生气的,惰性的),子牙出desert, (沙漠) ,身边尽expert(专家,能手),万剑齐insert (v.插入),来把国 convert (v.转变,兑换)

仙果轻轻 peel (v.削皮),爱情悄悄 feel (v.感觉),切莫屈膝 kneel, (v.跪),以免折断 heel (鞋后跟),男人多吃 eel (鳗鱼),轻易举起 wheel(轮,车轮),健壮若如 steel(钢),赶紧去买reel(胶卷,卷轴,带盘)

清晨小 cock (公鸡,注:男人的鸟,禁忌语) ,手拿大 rock (岩石,石块) ,见门就 knock(v.n.敲,敲门),家家皆 shock (v.震惊 n.震惊,休克),山中 peacock (孔雀) ,急忙穿 sock (短袜) ,为解 deadlock (僵局) ,招人齐 mock (v.嘲弄,挖苦),砸碎 clock (钟表) ,抛掉 stock (股票,存货) ,家门上 lock (n.锁 v.锁上) 直接去 dock (码头,船坞)

一只小小 snail (蜗牛) ,托着长长 tail (尾巴) ,轻轻交完 bail (保释金) ,慢慢走出 jail (监狱) ,一道不停 hail (v.欢呼,下雹 n.冰雹),偶尔还发 mail (n.邮件v.邮寄) 累了咬咬 nail (指甲,钉子) ,一点不像 fail (v.失败) ,小手扶着 rail (栏杆,

铁轨) ,开始偷偷 sail (v.航行,启航) ,身后没留 trail (痕迹,足迹,小径),自己默默 wail(v.n.恸哭,哀诉)

今有一 geisha (艺妓) ,冒充成 buddha (佛) ,伙同大 lama (喇嘛) ,非法练 yoga (瑜珈) ,到处传 dogma (教条,教义) ,实际为 visa (签证) ,出卖 vagina (阴道),染上 asthma (气喘病) ,时常会 coma (n.昏迷),造成了 trauma (创伤) ,早上吃 pizza (比萨饼) ,中午换 tuna (金枪鱼),闲来洗 sauna (桑拿浴),生活如 drama(戏剧),投资买 delta (三角洲),盖起小 villa (别墅) ,把门用 panda (熊猫) ,还说是 karma (命运,缘份) ,但愿此 data (资料) ,热如那 lava (溶岩)

为了adventure(冒险) 听lecture(讲座) 变卖了furniture(家具)

贪官corrupt(腐败的) 国家被他disrupt(扰乱) 百姓愤怒erupt(爆发) 法律让他们bankrupt(破产)

秦王生性merciless(残忍的) 百姓感到hopeless(无望的) 揭竿起义doubtless(无疑的)



头戴着hood(头巾) 不再brood(沉思) 砍着wood(树木) 突发flood(洪水) 冲走了好mood(心情)

美国独立是political(政治上的) 圆周率是mathematical(数学的) 自由落体是physical(物理的) 遗传学是iatrical(医学的) 贝多芬交响曲是musical(音乐的) 蒸汽机的发明是technical(技术性的)

人在journey(旅程) 虽没honney(宝贝) 但有money(钱) 也有chimney(烟囱)

美国是个union(联邦) 实力是champion(冠军) 人人都有million(百万)japan,vagina。

台湾island(岛) 虽没回到mainland(大陆) 但人民understand(明白) 它永远是motherland(祖国)的brand(商标)

节日的街头是beautiful(美丽的) 到处彩旗colourful(艳丽多彩的) 大家轻歌曼舞graceful( 优美的) 这是wonderful(极好的)

话说得很direct(直接的) 错误善于detect(发现) 缺点从不neglect(忽视) 用人细心select(挑选) 公共设施erect(建造) 人民利益protect(保护)

有一个nation(国家) 最崇拜creation(创造) 不只在乎information(知识) 也在乎imagination(想象力)

他成了candidate(候选人) 大家准备celebration(庆祝) 希望支持acceleration(加速)

走到了沙漠rim(边缘) 他觉得grim(恐怖的)

Nanking Massacre and Comfort Women文案

Nanking Massacre about sexual violence orientated women. [3]

The Nanking Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against Nanking (current official spelling: Nanjing) during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The massacre occurred during a six-week period starting December 13, 1937, the day that the

Japanese captured Nanking, which was then the Chinese capital. During this period, tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and

disarmed combatants were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese

Army. Widespread rape and looting also occurred.


The International Military Tribunal for the Far East estimated that 20,000 women were raped, including infants and the elderly. A large portion of these rapes were

systematized in a process where soldiers would search door-to-door for young girls, with many women taken captive and gang raped. The women were often killed immediately after being raped, often through explicit mutilation or by stabbing a bayonet, long stick of bamboo, or other objects into the vagina. Young children were not exempt from these atrocities, and were cut open to allow Japanese soldiers to rape them.

Here are also accounts of Japanese troops forcing families to commit acts

of incest. Sons were forced to rape their mothers, fathers were forced to rape

daughters. One pregnant woman who was gang-raped by Japanese soldiers gave birth only a few hours later; although the baby appeared to be physically unharmed (Robert B. Edgerton, Warriors of the Rising Sun).

Monks who had declared a life of celibacy were also forced to rape women.japan,vagina。

[10] The Japanese Army established the comfort stations to prevent venereal diseases and rape by Japanese soldiers, to provide comfort to soldiers and head off espionage. The comfort stations were not actual solutions to the first two problems, however. According to Japanese historian , they aggravated the problems. Yoshimi has asserted, "The Japanese Imperial Army feared most that the

simmering discontentment of the soldiers could explode into a riot and revolt. That is why it provided women."

Earlier comfort women were Japanese prostitutes who volunteered for such service. However, as Japan continued military expansion, the military found itself short of

Japanese volunteers, and turned to the local population to coerce women into serving in these stations.


The terms "comfort women" or "military comfort women" are euphemisms for women in Japanese military brothels in occupied countries, who were often recruited by deception or abducted and forced into sexual slavery. Many women responded to calls for work as factory workers or nurses, and did not know that they were being pressed into sexual slavery. Most international media sources quote about 200,000 young women were recruited or kidnapped by soldiers to serve in Japanese military brothels. Many of them are raped at least 17, 18 times a day.

Approximately three quarters of comfort women died, and most survivors were left infertile due to sexual trauma or sexually transmitted diseases. Beatings and physical torture were said to be common.


At the age of 13, Lei was raped by a Japanese soldier and press-ganged into a Japanese-run brothel on the outskirts of Nanjing for two years. She later managed to escape but she was scarred and unable to have children.

After concealing the truth for 60 years, even from her family and friends, she finally came forward last year. But now the Japanese text book denies the existence of this period of history, which

aroused the anger of the victims. They come to protest on the street, build museums and told their own experience to the public.


①Wilhelmina (Minnie) Vautrin (September 27, 1886 – May 14, 1941) was

an American missionary renowned for saving the lives of many women at the Ginling Girls College in Nanjing, China, during the Nanking Massacre.

In 1912, Vautrin made her way to China as a missionary and teacher. When the Japanese army invaded Nanjing in December 1937, she and the other foreigners in the city, including John Rabe, worked to protect the civilians in the Nanking Safety Zone. Jinling Girls College became a haven of refuge, at times harboring up to 10,000 women in a college designed to support between 200 and 300. With only her wits and the use of an American flag, Vautrin was largely able to repel incursions into her college.

In 1938, she wrote in her diary that she had to go to the Japanese embassy repeatedly from December 18 to January 13 to get proclamations to prohibit

Japanese soldiers from committing crimes at Jinling because the soldiers tore the documents up before taking women away.[2]

In 1940, weary and stressed, Vautrin took a furlough again from her work. A few months later, haunted by the images she saw and feeling responsible for not being able to save more lives, Vautrin committed suicide by turning on the stove gas in her small apartment in Indianapolis.


During the infamous “Rape of Nanking,” a brutal military occupation of Nanking, China, that began in December 1937, it is estimated that Japanese soldiers killed between 200,000 and 300,000 Chinese and raped between 20,000 and 80,000 women. In

response to the atrocities, a group of westerners organized the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone and attempted to shelter refugees. Among these

humanitarian heroes was Minnie Vautrin, an American missionary and acting president of Ginling College. She and Tsen Shui-fang, her Chinese assistant and a trained nurse, turned the college into a refugee camp, which protected more than 10,000 women and children during the height of the ordeal. Even though both women were exhausted mentally and physically from caring for so many, they kept detailed diaries during the massacre.

The Undaunted Women of Nanking juxtaposes the two women’s wartime diaries day-by-day from December 8, 1937, through March 1, 1938. Both diaries provide vital eyewitness accounts of the Rape of Nanking and are unique in their focus on the Ginling refugee camp and the sufferings of women and children. Tsen Shui-fang’s diary is the only known daily account by a Chinese national written during the crisis and not

retrospectively. As such, it records a unique perspective: that of a woman grappling with feelings of anger, sorrow, and compassion as she witnesses the atrocities being committed in her war-torn country. Tsen Shui-fang’s diary has never before been published in English, and this is its first translation.

②Iris Shun-Ru Chang (March 28, 1968 – November 9, 2004) was an American historian and journalist. She is best known for her best-selling 1997 account of the Nanking Massacre, The Rape of Nanking.

she interviewed elderly survivors of the massacre and discovered thousands of rare documents in four different languages. Chang examined one of the most tragic chapters of World War II: the mass execution of soldiers and theslaughter, rape and torture oftens

of tens of thousands of Chinese civilians by Japanese soldiers in the former capital of China. She suffered the pain of these victims alone. Chang suffered a in August 2004, which her family, friends and doctors attributed in part to constant and heavy doses of psychologically damaging prescription medication. On November 9, 2004 at about 9 a.m., Chang was found dead in her car. Chang had shot herself through the mouth with a revolver.

There’s a song in a movie which specially filmed for Iris Chang, and the lyrics are totally the heart sound of her. Just a little child, they took all it away, your blood, your life, your trust, your faith, reborn in pain. Darkness in your heart, drowning in hate, I’ll delicate my life to get your stories told. I’ll give voice to the voiceless, silence for too long, crying out for justice. Trust me with your pain, I’ll take it as my own. I’ll fight to get the truth told, my weapon is my word.




真正The Rape Of Nanking这本书中的细节我去网上看过之后都不忍将它们摘录过来,光多看几行那些文字,日本人对中国人暴掠、那些突破道德、突破伦理、突破人性的死法和折磨方法我连多看几秒都不能忍受,而身为一个细腻敏感的女子,张纯如又是如何在那些漆黑的深夜一个人坐在电脑前就它们一一整理记录下来的?“用生命书写历史”,即这句话来形容才能贴切。



Forgetting the history is the re-act of the history.

