

英语教案 时间:2020-03-20


Unit 8 Adventure

Unit 8 Adventure

话题:旅游冒险 【话题词汇】

1. experience v. 体验 2. overcome v. 克服 3. difficulty n. 困难 4. obstacle n. 障碍 5. attitude n. 态度 6. objection n. 反对意见 7. failure n. 失败 8. optimistic adj. 乐观的 9. pessimistic adj. 悲观的_____________________________________ Ⅰ. 单词➡分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记

1. ________ (vi. )运转;发挥作用 2. _______ (vt. )观察,观测 3. ______ (vt. )冒……的危险 4. ______ (n. )目标;目的

10. enthusiastic adj. 热情的 11. be faced with面对 12. suffer from 遭受

13. give up放弃 14. deal with处理 15. meet with遭遇 16. get over克服 【经典语篇】

(江西高考)星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者, 请写一篇短文, 报道此次活动。内容包括: 1. 时间与地点: 4月10日, 大青山(Daqing Mountain); 2. 活动的过程;

3. 你对于这次活动的评论。 注意: 1. 词数120个左右。

2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

[活动目的]In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organised a mountain-climbing activity on April 10. Hundreds of us took part in it. [活动内容]It was a nice day. ①At 8: 00 am, we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and set out for the top in high spirits. ②All the way we were chatting, singing, laughing, and enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. When some fell behind, others would come and offer help. About 2 hours later, we all reached the top. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy.

[发表感想]The activity benefited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us. What a wonderful time! 【厚积薄发】 Ⅰ. 完成句子


___________________________, they failed to finish the work on time. (2)他不喜欢旅行,因为他晕车。

He doesn’t like traveling because he ___________ carsickness. Ⅱ. 句型转换 (1)改写句①。

At 8: 00 am, ____________________________________, we set out for the top in high spirits. (2)把句②改写为含分词短语作伴随状语的句子。


5. _____ (vi. )不同于,有区别→________ (adj. )不同的→_________ (n. )不同点 6. _______ (adv. )确切地,精确地→_____ (adj. ) 确切的,精确的 7. _________ (n. )相似性, 类似性→_______ (adj. )相似的;类似的 8. _______ (adj. )不同的,各种各样的→_______ (n. )多样性 9. __________ (n. )配备,设备→_____ (vt. )装备

10. __________ (n. )较喜欢的东西,偏爱→______ (vt. )偏爱

11. ______ (vt. )使惊愕(惊奇)→________ (adj. )令人惊愕的→_______ (adj. )感到惊愕的 12. _______ (vt. )使困惑→_________ (adj. )令人困惑的→________ (adj. )感到困惑的 13. ________ (n. )量,数量→_______ (n. )质量

14. ____________ (n. ) 不利,不利条件→_________ (n. )有利;有利条件 15. _____________ (adj. )不舒服的→___________ (adj. )舒服的 16. ________ (adj. )没有希望的→_______ (adj. )有希望的 17. ________ (n. )耐心→ _______ (adj. )耐心的 【高频单词】不可不知

18. _________ (n. )奇遇,冒险的经历 19. ________ (adj. )较重要的;较严重的 20. ________ (n. )志向,抱负

21. _______ (n. )高度,海拔→_______ (n. )态度 22. _______ (adj. )极度的→_________ (adv. )极度地

23. _________ (adj. )最大的,最多的→_________ (adj. )最小的,最少的 24. _______ (adj. )富有的,富裕的→______ (n. )财富 25. _________ (n. )陈述→_____ (v. )陈述

26. ______ (adj. )远处的;久远的→________ (n. )距离 Ⅱ. 短语➡双语互译

1. 起飞 ______________________ 2. 就在此刻 ______________________ 3. 目的是,以便______________________ 4. 出现,到场______________________ 5. 使理解 (某事) ______________________ 6. 轮流______________________ 7. (坏事)突然发生,爆发_______________ 8. 把……关进监狱________________ 9. 在途中______________________ 10. 损坏,不能运转__________________ 11. 用完,耗尽______________________ 12. 继续做某事______________________ 13. 从事,参与______________________ 14. 为某事做准备____________________ 15. upside down ______________________ 16. back out _________________my,adventure,英语小作文30字。

17.stand by ____________________ 18. be fit (for/to do) ______________________ 19. go through _________________ 20. at one time ______________________ 21. in particular _____________ 22. have a huge influence on ________________ 语境取词——选用上面的单词或短语填空 ①The plane would _______(起飞)in an hour. He took a taxi__________(为了)catch it. Unfortunately, the taxi ______ _____ (抛锚)_________(在途中)to the airport. Therefore, when he _________(出现)at the airport, the plane had already left. He felt _____________ thought that Marco’s stories about China were ____________________(太离奇而不可信). 【仿写】这墙太高了, 我爬不过去。 ___________________________________ 7. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

The next to go was Captain Oates, who was ___________________________(步行有很大的困难).


(不舒服的). ②Tom was ____________(准备)a job interview. He thought once he ____________(通过)it, he would ________(胜任)the job. When he was a high school student, he worked part-time at the job __________(一度;曾经), which _____________________(对……有巨大影响) his future career. He_________(继续)with the job until he went to university. His ________(志向Ⅲ. 句型➡超级仿写 1. do you think作插入语

Why ___________(你认为)people would want to go on this trip? 【仿写】你认为他们会去哪里? Where ___________they will go? 2. so. . . that. . . 引导结果状语从句

When I turned up for my first jump I was ______________(如此紧张, 以至于)I tried to back out. . .

【仿写】他如此不小心, 以至于把钱包落在了超市里。 He is _____________he has left his wallet in the supermarket. 3. it作形式主语my,adventure,英语小作文30字。

___________(很难)to get across how exciting it is! 【仿写】对有些同学来说, 学好英语很难。

__________________________________________________ 4. although引导让步状语从句

________________________(虽然马可年轻), he was very clever and could already speak four languages.

【仿写】虽然他70多岁了, 他仍然很活跃。 __________________________________ 5. while引导时间状语从句

The prisoner was an author and he took dictation _____ ___________________________(当马可给他讲他所有的故事的时候).


He finished his first novel _______________________. 6. too. . . to. . . 太……而不能……

Although people enjoyed reading his book, many of them

He ________________________________ with strangers. 8. before引导时间状语从句

Goods were traded from market to market passing through many hands _____________________________________(在它们到达最终的目的地之前). 【仿写】在来这儿之前他们已经吃了晚饭。 _______________________________________ 梯级演练·强技提能 Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. (2013·上海高考)—I’m looking for a nearby place for my holiday. Any good ideas? —How about the Moon Lake? It is ________easy reach of the city. A. by

B. beyond

C. within

D. from

2. (2013·上海高考)Young people may risk ________deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day. A. to go

B. to have gone

C. going

D. having gone

3. (2013·浙江高考)People develop ______preference for a particular style of learning at ______early age and these preferences affect learning. A. a; an

B. a; 不填

C. 不填; the

D. the; an

4. (2013·福建高考)Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________in disasters. A. turn down

B. turn out

C. break downmy,adventure,英语小作文30字。

D. break out

5. (2013·湖南高考)You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________you reach any decision. A. although

B. before

C. because

D. unless

6. (2012·四川高考)At school, some students are active ______some are shy, yet they can be various; adventure; extreme)

good friends with one another. A. while

B. although

C. so

D. as

7. (2011·全国卷Ⅱ)—So you gave her your phone?

—________, she said she’d return it to me when she could afford her own. A. My pleasure

B. Not exactly C. No doubt

D. All right

8. (2014·德州模拟)Trees need water to grow; ______, friendship needs our heart and passion to develop. A. fortunately

B. generally C. naturally

D. similarly

9. (2014·滨州模拟)A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which ______will promote its economic development. A. in nature

B. in return C. in turn

D. in fact

Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. He felt (comfort)because of being criticized to his face.

2. We should put away our (differ)and work together for our common goal. 3. Daddy was trembling with (anxious)as to how the talks would go. 4. The old man was (extreme)difficult to get along with. 5. They share a number of

6. This is a poor design for a 7. The

8. He is engaged in making 9. He is gentle, (patience), courageous and wise. 10. On the whole, our goals are not too Ⅲ. 话题写作

根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。

1. 如今, 越来越多的年轻人偏爱各种各样的冒险活动, 包括极限运动。(preference;

2. 有些人认为这些活动具有较高的风险, 应被禁止, 而另一些人坚持认为这些活动能带来新鲜的体验, 应当鼓励。(while)

3. 在我看来, 参加冒险活动是一种有效的缓解生活和工作压力的方式。

4. 不过, 冒险活动也有其不利之处, 并不适合每一个人, 而且, 这些活动应该在合适的条件下进行, 还要有相关的装备。(disadvantage; equipment)

5. 因此, 在进行这些活动之前人们应该认真考虑。(before)





adventure activity 有关冒险活动是否应该鼓励的英语短文

The Popularity of Adventure Activities

Recently many adventure activities like bungee jumping and climbing are more and more popular,especially for young people.Many teengers would like to take pictures in those activities for their wedding .

Some people think that adventure activities are so dangerous that they should be limited and stopped.Every year they cause many accidents.However,some people support the opposite view.They think such adventure activities can bring many fresh feelings to people,so they should be encouraged.

As far as I'm concerned,such adventure activities can be encouraged if they are equipped enough safeguard procedures.Meanwhile people should be careful at themselves.In those ways,people can exercise their body and get more fresh feeling.What's more ,people can foster their courage and manipulative ability.


Alice in Wonderland

This winter holiday,I read a book which called “Alice in Wonderland” .this book is very interesting and evocative.I like this book very much so now I will talk about this book with you.

This book is told us a beautiful restoration of Steadman’s 1968 edition.

One day, Alice saw a dress in the wild, hurrying rabbit. Out of curiosity, she followed the rabbit into a tree hole, and then fall into the fantasy world of an unknown. Here, Alice's body suddenly suddenly small, also met funny twin brother, very crazy madness the Hatter and the March hare, and go nowhere without the Cheshire cat, which leads to a lot of jokes and adventures. Of course, the interest of Alice is the only way off the rabbit . Under its guidance, Alice came to the queen of the castle. However, more adventure is waiting for her.

What a fantastic story.I really admire the writer’s imagination.Alice is a brave girl.As a girl,she cried for her being in a tiny body,but she is also brave enough to quarrel with the queen.And she is

so kind that she is willing to listen to the sad things which is said by mouth and turtle.She tries her best to comfort them.But lovely as she is,she forgets that the mice is afraid of cats.Alice didn’t change after experiencing so many strange things she is still pure.I think this is what we should learn. In total,this story reminds me of my childhood ,but,it won’t come back forever.So let’s face our true life.I will make my way to realize my dream.Keep a pure and innocent heart as Alice.Of course,in order to make my life colorful,I should be brave enough,try the things I’m curious about, just as Alice.

Listen to my introduce,I think you will like this book very much.


Lewis and Clark Expedition

As we all know,from May 1804 until September 1806, Lewis and Clark,as the explorers of the American West,traveled from Missouri to the Oregon Coast and back again. Their expedition was in the order of President Jefferson.And what’s the purpose of the expedition was to explore the Missouri River, and such principals stream of its, as, by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean...may offer the most direct and practicable water communication across this continent for the purpose of commerce. In 1803,the United States bought Louisiana at the price of 15 million francs, a piece of equivalent to four times the French territory area.And the success of adventure was under the help of a person named Sacagawea.She later became the“well-known expedition guide and translation,help the expedition team finish to the Pacific Ocean journey”。The two-year exploration by Lewis and Clark was the first transcontinental expedition to the Pacific Coast by the United States. After crossing the Rocky Mountains, the expedition reached the Pacific Ocean in the area of present-day Oregon which lay beyond the nation's new boundaries in November 1805. They gained lots of geography knowledge of the western United States and painted main rivers and mountains form map.

The most significant contributions of the Lewis and Clark

Expedition was a better perception of the geography of the Northwest and the production of the first accurate maps of the area.

A second achievement of the expedition was a better understanding of the Northwest's natural resources. Another achievement of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was that it established friendly relations with some of the indigenous Native American Indians.

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