

语文教案 时间:2020-03-08


反对种族歧视 Say No to The Racism

Say No to The Racism

The Information from The Test

From the test “Invisible Man” , we learned that in the white-dominated society, the American black are under complete control of the white men. They were forced to fight with each other to entertain the white men. What was worse, after the fighting they were put to the eletric rug. We can learn how inhuman the white men were from what they had done to the black people. It is so unfair and unequal that the black had to suffer from the insults and humiliation. The article showed us narrator’s desperate struggle to be seen as a human being in the society.

The History of Racism

The racism has exited for such a long time in the American history. Actually, the root of racism could be traced back to the time when Columbus discovered the New Continent. The people who lived there attracted the greedy businessman very much. So thousands of millions of blacks were caught and transported to the America to do the labor. From that time, the black people had been forced to leave their homeland and lived in America, suffered a living of dirty, thirsty, hunger and disease. Many black people died because they lived in the awful living condition but had nobody take care of them. After they died or nearly got die, they were just thrown into the sea. The white people took it for granted that the black people should work for them all day and night and they had to do all kinds of labors. So they had no liberty and political rights, not mention to the right to accept education. That was one reason for they were discriminated was that they didn’t have knowledge. We can see that from the start of the history of America, black people were put to a much more lower status than any other races. There was a long way for them to reach their freedom and equality.

The Current Situation of Racism

When there is oppression there is a revolution. It could be foreseen that the black would begin to fight back one day after being oppressed for such a long time. More than 600,000 men lost their lives in the Civil War in 1860. We all know the cause of the war was slavery. Then finally the history of the slavery in America was ended by the Civil War. A series of laws were justified to abolish the racial segregation and discrimination after the war. Though the black could enjoy the right to get access to the school, hospital and transportation, they still were deprived of the right to enjoy the same conditions as the white people. It’s hard for them to find a job or they could get a good pay even if they had get one. They still lived in the poverty.

Racism Will Die out in the Future

From the developing of the American history, I think the racism will throughly die out in the nearly future. The American have changed their concept. They began to accept the interracial marrige. Many players in the NBA are black

people. They voted Condoleezza Rice to be their Assistant Secretary. And now they chose Obama to be their president. Many people realized it’s not the black people’s fault. It’s ridiculous to discriminate them just because their skin is black. What is more, black people make great contribution to the American socity and the role they play is becoming essential. In conclusion, I believe racism will die out one day.





高中英语Unit4 Green world文章 诺贝尔文学奖人教版第三册.doc





Turkey's best-known novelist Orhan Pamuk won the 2006 Nobel prize for Literature on Thursday.

Turkey's best-known novelist Orhan Pamuk,who faced trial this year for insulting his country,won the 2006 Nobel prize for Literature on Thursday in a decision some critics called politically charged.

In a what was seen as a test case for freedom of speech in Turkey,Pamuk was tried for insulting“Turkishness”after telling a Swiss paper last year that 1 million Armenians had died in Turkey during World War I and 30,000 Kurds had perished in recent decades.

Though the court dismissed the charges on a technicality,other writers and

journalists are still being prosecuted under the article and can face a jail sentence of up to three years.

“With all due respect to Orhan Pamuk,whose books I read and like,I believe his comments on the Armenian genocide have been influential in his winning this prize,”said Suat Kiniklioglu,an Ankara-based political analyst.

“There is a political dimension to all this. I do not believe he was chosen purely on the basis of his artistic capacity,”Kiniklioglu said.

Pamuk,54,shot to fame with novels that explore Turkey's complex identity through its rich imperial past.

But his criticism of modern Turkey's failure to confront darker episodes of that past has turned him more recently into a symbol of free thought both for the literary world and for the European Union,which Ankara wants to join.种族和谐相处的英语文章。

“What I said is not an insult,it is the truth. But what if it is wrong? Right or wrong,do people not have the right to express their ideas peacefully?”Pamuk asked during the trial.

EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn celebrated Pamuk's award as a triumph for free speech.种族和谐相处的英语文章。

“Today's Nobel Prize is good news for world literature,but also good news for artistic freedom and for freedom of expression,”he said in a statement.







a speech script Suppose you are an American and an advocate of the civil rights movement in the U.S. You are now invited to speak for about three minutes to a group of overseas students about the movement. Do some research, and write a speech script which should cover the following points:

1.When were the first black people brought to America? How were they treated in the new land?

2. What gave rise to the civil rights movement? Who was its leader?

3. What has the civil rights movement helped to bring about?种族和谐相处的英语文章。

4. Why is it believed that much remains to be done before black Americans enjoy full equality?



1. 罗莎·帕克斯,1913年2月4日出生在亚拉巴马州的一个黑人家庭。1955年12月1日,她因在公共汽车上拒绝给一位白人男子让座,拉开了美国现代民权运动的序幕。

2. 马丁.路德.金(1929——1968),美国的民权运动的领袖人物。

影响 它不仅改变了美国黑人的命运,赋予了他们很大程度上的平等、自由和尊严,也深刻影响了所有美国人的生活与观念。具体来说,民权运动推动联邦政府实行铲除种族隔离制的改革,最终消灭了公开的白人至上主义,为黑人赢得民权。它把美国从一个容忍种族主义、歧视黑人的社会转变为一个不管肤色与种族,承认每一个公民的平等权利的社会,从而深深改变了民众的思想。不仅如此,民权运动也激发了新时期美国社会的民主和自由斗争。现代妇女运动、反战运动、新左派运动和其他族裔争取权利的斗争等都受到民权运动的推动和影响。

Hello everyone, I am very honored to do such a speech for everyone.As we all know, until today, blacks in the United States are still subjected to unequal treatment.

According to history records, about 20 black was brought to James Donby a captain Holland on August 1619. And they were the first Negro in the new England region. From then on, being slaves, they were treated unfairly on the land of the free.

The first civil rights movement was caused by a black woman who refused to give up her seat to a Caucasian. And this is the prelude of the modern civil rights movement in the United States of America. One of the Leaders of the civil rights movement is Martin Luther King who gave the speech ---“I have a dream”.

The civil rights movement not only changed the fate of American blacks, gave them largely equality, freedom and dignity, but also has a profound impact on the lives of all Americans and concept.

It is believed that much remains to be done before black Americans enjoy full equality. The abolition of slavery and segregationeliminated the difference between black and white in

the law.But in the culture and social psychology, American blacks still are a kind of special populations.The United States has a long history of discrimination against blacks, and it is hard to change people’s concepts. When it comes to blacks, many black people feel inferior about their color of skin. Even Obama could ever feel inferior when he was a child. So, a lot of problems need to be solved before black Americans enjoy full equality. Thank you!

高中英语Unit10 American literature文章 美国文化 美国的政治 1人教版第三册.doc


九十年代,在美国出现一个颇为流行的新名词儿,叫做“政治正确”。我们都知道,在现代汉语里,“政治”可是个“大词儿”,而“政治正确”更是多多少少和官方的政治意识形态有点儿关系。所以,当大家风闻美国这个出了名的强调言论自由国家,如今也出现“政治正确”的时候,就多少会产生一点殊途同归的感觉。那么,究竟什么是美国的“政治正确”呢? 要准确把握这个美国式的“政治正确”并不十分容易。首先,我们几乎无法通过字面去理解。因为在美国找不到这样一个东西,可以和我们习惯称之为“官方意识形态”的概念相对应。美国确实有一个上下一致的东西,那就是对宪法的认同,不过宪法里都是具体的规则,鲜有什么意识形态理论。在美国,假如一定要寻找和我们的意识形态多少有点相似的东西,那么它的主流宗教,即基督教新教,大概可以算作一宗。但是由于宪法规定必须政教分离,因此,不论政府来推行哪一种宗教,即使是大多数人信仰的宗教,都是违宪的。其次,我们谈到“政治”,多多少少涉及官方的提倡和号召,于是,提到“政治正确”,就让人想到它的反面,即非“政治正确”的言论就成为官方禁忌。可是,美国所谓的“政治正确”却和政府没有什么实质性的关系。所以,“政治正确”这个术语,先不论它在美国的实际含义是什么,翻成中文到了国内,难免望文生义,也就容易出现误解。

美国的“政治正确”,和我们通过字面所看到的结论完全不同,它是另一码子事儿。 “政治正确”这个术语是九十年代才开始在美国流行并引起人们的注意,又由于它产生于民间,流行于校园,要追根溯源也不容易。但是根据它的一般主张和围绕着它的争执,却不难看出它扎根于从六十年代开始,并且广泛地改变了美国社会面貌的民权运动。















狗的儿子”!人们普遍同意,脏话本身都应该从语言习惯中清除出去。问题在于,正常语言中的很多词也有性别差异,这反应了历来男女社会地位的差别,从而,在语言中对男女性别还是“区别对待”的,有些并不是明显的冒犯,而另一些就是女权运动者所不能容忍的歧视了。所以,企图对语言作出一定规范和约束的所谓“政治正确”,最初是和女权运动有关的。 这一提法,从七十年代到九十年代初,整整十五年没有引起人们的注意和争执。一个重要原因是,自1964年民权法以后,民权观念在美国渐渐深入人心,整个社会形成一种风气,反省社会应该如何善待弱势。因此,从尊重妇女的范围开始,人们普遍地在逐步接受语言“政治正确”的概念。例如我们如今在一般演讲和总统讲话中,在任何正式场合,都会听到“他或她”,“他的或她的”等颇为拖泥带水的语句,就是在这种背景下被人们普遍接受的。这种罗嗦的“他或她”句式,现在已经成为受过教育的人的基本语言规范。在学校的写作和演讲课上,都有这样的训练。与此同时,语言“政治正确”的范围也在悄悄地迅速扩大到了一切可能产生歧视的领域。


